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Messages - furnavi

Pages: [1]
Hey, thanks for responding!

I have now confirmed that the launcher is not the issue by re-downloading it from my brother's account (just incase it gives us different launchers with a user id depending on the user). It still does the same thing. Also, I'm fairly sure that CRPG still checks the license key as warband's key system works independently from steam (getting it from the registry).

Hi all, I'm trying to get my brother onto CRPG on a computer that originally held my account. Both installations are from steam, and we both have bought the game.
I've tried doing registry work with the keys, as well as uninstalling steam completely and reinstalling with my brother's account logged in as the only account for that computer, but to no avail. Each time I play CRPG on the computer with my brother's serial key, it ends up going to my CRPG account when we try to create a new character for him or play one of his already made characters. Another computer that has my brother's account on it connects to his CRPG account just fine, so I'm at a loss here.

When I check the registry as well as steam, it says on our respective computers that we have separate keys, yet both connect to my CRPG account.

Also, there may be a chance that both CRPG accounts were created under my own serial key, but I'm not even sure if the game will let me do that. I'm fairly sure that his CRPG account was created under his own serial key though.

Perhaps there is something else besides serial keys at work? Is the game sensitive to IP addresses or other things that can identify computers?

General Discussion / 10 Nudes and a Torch
« on: October 21, 2012, 11:46:51 am »
As many have already said, the servers have not been able to connect to the database, rendering us level 0 and naked. Running around and beating each other senseless got boring pretty fast, so we came up with a game.

People requested me to upload and post so I did :P

Faction Halls / Re: The Kingdom of Erzoth(Recruiting)
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:11:43 am »
So you could be a total noob like we are and get accepted :D

Faction Halls / Re: The Holy Knights [Recruiting NA]
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:03:07 pm »
The uniforms are cool, but they are way too heavy for an archer. Could there be alternative lighter armor?

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