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Messages - TheMap

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: [UNBAN]Banned on Seige
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:25:31 am »
I read the stickies before I posted that is why the title was changed. I am not sure as to what you are referring.

Closed Requests / [UNBAN]Banned on Seige
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:24:41 am »
So I open a gate and let out 4 guys, immediately shut the gate and im attacked by an occitan guy and DL Nemo then banned. Please explain to me how this constitutes a ban considering I was letting out 4 guys and shut the gate 2 seconds after.

I request an unban and would like to know why I was banned without warning.

General Discussion / Re: Why upkeep fails
« on: July 13, 2011, 02:04:23 am »
The pro tip doesn't work for new players or people still building up that have no heirlooms. Personally I played today like I normally would anyother day and went from 20k to 6k. I even removed my armor time to time and downgraded to some shitty padded. The upkeep is way too much and at this rate I don't think Ill be sticking around.

When you play a game like this you want some type of progression, weither it be slow going from doing badly or moderate from a good day in terms of gold. When people get on and lose 15-20k in one day that doesn't make anyone want to play, infact the opposite. I'd like to point out that I didn't lose much either, had 5x quite a bit but every time that upkeep hit me it didn't matter, that last 2k I gained was gone.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Upkeep should be a constant tick.
« on: July 12, 2011, 10:33:13 pm »
Well if upkeep isn't that bad, which I believe it is now (4k loss in little over an hour) then fix the freaking autobalance. I was on the winning team hit a x2 multiplyer and boom autobalanced, same thing happened next two rounds. Keep getting tossed to the losing team, at the end of the map Im out 4k and my kill ratio is 27-8.  My 1hander costs 800gold for upkeep and I wear medium quality armor with a shitty starter shield. Something isn't right....

I used to be able to join , mess around for a few hours and gain 1-3k gold depending on how well we did. Now its not even possible with autobalance tossing me to the losing team every time we win due to my high k/d ratio.

Lower upkeep costs, balance them on 1handers , half the cost of 2handers. And fix the autobalance please. The game just became unplayable for me.

General Discussion / Re: Where have all the maps disappeared?
« on: July 04, 2011, 12:37:42 am »
what Map?

Spam / Re: OK elephant in the room,
« on: July 03, 2011, 02:40:58 am »
Man your pretty ugly.

Pages: [1]