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Messages - Saint of Killers

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I don't disagree with anyone here.

I'll repeat my only point, crpg is medieval counter-strike.  If I knew that ahead of time I wouldn't have installed crpg.  I'm upset because I feel the mod represents itself as something it is not.

At first glance this mod has all the features of a pvp progression RPG.  Leveling, improving stats, skills, gearing up, market trading, etc.  That's what drew me into playing this mod in the first place, progression, and that was what I was experiencing for the first week or so.  There are literally two games here.  One to suck new players in (1st gen 1-20), and another that hopes they will stick around even though the rules have changed.  I'm not looking for a win-button skinner-box MMORPG WoW experience, but the 'carrot' of looming back to zero, or even worse, leveling from 31-35 is a very very tiny carrot.

I quit CS years ago because of team stacking and the abuses that came with it.  The fact that crpg gives monetized and xp rewards to team stackers just adds insult to injury.

/in before 'then don't play'

Hopefully some developer will consider this as constructive feedback meant to make the mod better, otherwise why would I bother typing this out?

That having been said, after 2 weeks of seige and some battle servers, these are the conclusions I've reached regarding crpg:

crpg is essentially medieval counter-strike.  All the old problems of team stacking, poor auto-balance, and the like are still unaddressed.

The gold/xp multiplyer teaches the player that their individual skill matters little, and that joining the team that will win (the one with all the clan labels) determines if you win or lose.  90% of the time it's plain as day before the round starts which team will win, and everyone is desperately trying to switch over because they know they will lose their hard earned mult, or just keep losing gold from outrageous repair costs.

From 1-20 crpg feels like an rpg/mmog as you raise skills, attributes and get better gear.   At about level 25 this illusion crumbles as you see your bank account withering away just wearing mediocre weapons and armor (unless you know how to team stack).

I see players deliberately auto-rejoining a faction constantly to get on the winning team, with the winning team leeching the newb/peasant side to maintain their x5 mult.

I'm not saying I have any solutions to this, and maybe some people are fine with the way things are, but the gameplay here is very poor.  There is no real reward system, and the current 'team wins determine mult' does nothing but encourange team stacking and similar abuses 'gaming the system'.  A player is not rewarded for how well they do personally, if they are stuck with a team full of poor players and they can't switch teams, they are screwed, end of story.

Also, at level 30 (which I'm currently at), 31 is eons away, and the only reward I see is upgrading a piece of armor for a measy 2 AC, or upping a weapon to 1 more point of damage.  Then when I do retire I get the 'fun' of walking around like a zombie (3agil) for another few days in a completely crippled build.  It's horrible.

I know all the old-timers who started 6 months ago are having a great time in their fully loomed sets sitting on their money pile trading away and gaming the system to hell and back, but the only kind of new player who would enjoy this mod is somene who wants simple pvp for pvp's sake, or a masochist.  The illusion of progression in any form (other than raw skill gained through practice) is just that, an illusion.  If you weren't playing this mod from the start, you are boned.

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