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Messages - King_of_the_Juice

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: A fue Named ricky (apology letter)
« on: March 13, 2012, 12:37:48 am »
I think Ricky has learned his lesson and is sincere. Honestly, I meet ricky two days before he got banned. Seemed like an alright guy. He said LOL a bit much, but still nothing really wrong with him. I started talking to him on steam and realized that he just likes messing around a lot.

Ricky is a bit naive, and he made some stupid mistakes. I think he understands the reason why he got banned and why his actions were illegal. He seems to have learned his lesson from being banned. I understand why some people are reluctant to accept his apology, but I feel like he has changed and deserves a second chance.

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