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Messages - Vilem94

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Too busy playing HoN  :wink:

General Discussion / Re: Beta Testers Needed
« on: July 22, 2012, 02:43:41 am »
Specs: 3gb RAM, Nvidia GTS 250 512 MB, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.40 Ghz, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.

EU player currently using a pure 2 hander build.

I have spent about 400 hours on c-rpg so far an would not mind spending some time helping you guys develop the mod. I am not a big forum user but i can provide constructive criticism and have beta tested a large number of games.


Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] Risen_Vilhelm Banned, What? Why?
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:52:08 pm »
I can swear to god í had no idea you could not spectate the battle, i went afk during one battle so that must have been when he warned us  :? Anyway thanks for clearing that up i thought it was a bug at first.

Closed Requests / [Unban] Risen_Vilhelm Banned, What? Why?
« on: July 18, 2011, 07:56:03 pm »
I have been playing all day today, completly fine without any problems. But when our strategus battle starts i find out i am banned from the strategus server. At first i thought  this was a temporary ban for spectating another strategus battle. But apparently it wasent. I would like to be unbanned, or have someone explain to me why i am banned because i have no idea.

As far as I know (yeah I don't know much) you can't get a multiplier unless there are at least 8 players on the server. It was told to me, I haven't specially tested it, but it seems to be right from past experiences.
So with 4 people, you'll most likely have some sort of joking around, duells, weapon testing etc. Don't take that too seriously. Change the server if you don't like it, but you won't be able to set up a proper game with 2vs2.
Personal insulting is something completly different, but I think you can't apply the server rules when there is no real server.

Exactly my point!!

By your logic i guess doing duels is also cooperating with the enemy team?

That is not true. It was not empty. There were more than us 3. Quit the bullshitting.

and nothing out of the ordinary? So going around teamkilling your teammates with stones is the ordinary? Sorry that I do not get your humor.

If I were an admin, would you have treated me the same way? If there was an admin present would you treat me the same way? I think not. Truth is what you did was being a dick, and you know it.
You only follow rules when ad admin is around?

Calling me a dick on false basis wont exactly strenghten your case. Never did i insult, nor teamkill you. Secondly the server was pretty much empty, there was me Wesemelin and a peasant archer, and we had all been playing for a long time. .
If an admin was present i think he wouldave laughed along with us because this was in the middle of the night, and i can guarantee every single person on the server except you were having a good time playing.

The rules are the rules, breaking them is bannable irrelevant of the context.

Well, the reason that is true is because it is without video proof impossible to prove the context of the rule break. I respect that, but at the same time this guy is taking this way too seriously. What happened there was nothing out of the ordinary, and just me and two other players having fun on an almost empty server. ( By that i mean empty except for Sarpsu)

This report is so banale that i won even honor it by responding anymore. I think you need to work on your sense of humour.

The rules are not designed for a situation where no multiplier can be gained and the teams are ridicolusly imbalanced. IMHO i was not a dick, i never insulted you. Infact i never teamkilled you either, i think the one you are most annoyed at is Wesemelin and i have said what i need to.

If i was to draw an analogy like you did, it would be like 3 people practicing penalty shots on the school field. And then a fourth person comes and complains that scoring in your own goal is against the rules.

You need to realise that we had been playing alone for maybe two hours. Teamkilling eachother constantly and not playing seriously. Since we were mostly able to defeat the enemies using only stones as melee weapons you can see why we were not taking the battle so seriously. And since nobody was earning any multiplicator, it shouldent really matter if we are teamkilling right? Infact all 3 people except for you were joking around, while you were playing seriously. As i can recall wesemelin called you a bad cavalry once or twice? That was obviously not nice, and i did not do it because of that reason.

What i think happened was you missread the situation a bit, as did we.

Also, about the ban poll. As far as i know they only last for one hour right? If they dont then that was pretty stupid of us.

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