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Messages - Mr_Moe

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Willhelm - Warbow 8k normally ~11k (-3k)
Willhelm - Longbow 7k normally ~10k (-3k)

Guides / Re: Archer Build - Hybrid focus
« on: June 03, 2011, 01:36:53 pm »
I play my Archer like this:
Strength     18   
Agility     19  (going to be 21, but im only lvl 28 right now)

PS 3
Ath 6  (going to be 7)
PD 6
WM 6 (going to be 7)

with atm 146 (will be 159) in archery and 54 (will be 57) in pole.

I use Strong Bow 2x Bodkin and a Quarter Staff for backup.
Strong Bow with PD 6 does quite good dmg, and the Quarter Staff is fast and has a nice range to keep your enemy at distance + the chance to knock down your enemy which can save your ass many times. I figured out for me that athletics 6 is a bit to slow, i think with athl 7 you are fast enough for most enemys.

This is not very Hybrid, the Staff is just the backup, but most of the times the enemy underestimate an archer with a stick in his hands so they go into the fight very offensive.
I got more kills with my stick than you might think.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Armor & Weapon Proficiency Reduction
« on: June 03, 2011, 12:47:40 am »
Do you assume the 7.5 limit of armor weight is true of bows along with thrown and crossbow? I was hearing an estimate of a 5 weight limit (which seems kinda low to me, since a helmet can rapidly gain weight due to the multiplying factor), but 7.5 would give me more latitude.

As far as i heard the limit for archery was ~6. I'm pretty shure it WAS. I dunno if it's still the same limit. 
I would advise max. a Studded Leather Coat for archery. Most of the times a helmet is never needed, if anyone gets a headshot, oder hits you in the face with his weapon you will be dead anyways, a headarmor of ~15-20 wont save you.

Announcements / Re: 0.221 - hotfix
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:59:06 am »
One big thing changed is aswell that 2h weapons now take 2/4 item slots!!!

Announcements / Re: 0.221 - hotfix
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:01:24 am »
I'm having the same issue

For every one having this issue download this one:
its the full version but it works!

And you can't see the weight of the armor at the website anymore... needed for archers, or doesnt the weight of your equipment modify your wpf anymore?

Thats what theory crafting is all about!
Great post, thanks for the work, very interesting.
Do you know in which way Power Strike attempts the attackspeed?


General Discussion / Re: selfish players / killfarmers
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:55:30 pm »
I also hate the ppl on Siege mode who run out the castle when the enemy is inside, just because they know they might get killed easy defending the flag and there is probably some afk guy standing around outside the castle.  :evil:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Healing, bandaging, potions?
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:08:52 pm »
you die or you survive, i think healing would break the balance extremely,
normally you have archers on the walls who injure many ppl and kill some of them, so the infantry has it easier.
I think the game would loose offensive potential because everyone is hiding and healing up before engaging.

Knights dont need medicine! You live or you die.

Spam / Re: People you hate
« on: February 03, 2011, 08:20:43 pm »
I hate Shielders with speedy 1h spam weapons, which are longer than they look.
And I hate Cats.
And I hate Kim Jong Il, I want to tatoo a tiny pink bunny on his forhead,
and a tiny red carrot on Barack Obamas, while both are sleeping.

[  2] Mr_Moe        1       -      2   Templar_TomMyyY   

21 - januari      23:40 GMT

yep, good fight  :D

Contact name on forum: Mr_Moe
Name of Character: Mr_Moe
Sub-category: g

« on: January 11, 2011, 11:48:37 am »
I guess this belongs more into off topic...  :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: How to fix throwing
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:11:14 am »
Seems the Archer nerf isn't as bad anymore, I see more and more Archers right now who seem pretty accurate. Okay they do less dmg but if they hit u more often u are dead anyway.

In my opinion throwing is not op at the moment as u all say. But something should be done.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Upkeep consequence : remove items
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:12:52 pm »
As far as I know theres still no upkeep for horses. I didnt experience it after the hotfix. Correct me if I'm wrong. But if there was upkeep for plated chargers there wouldnt be any

Guides / Re: Light Cavalry Tactics Primer
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:03:45 am »
Thats a pretty good overall look on the different roles that the cav has!

I started playing light cav aswell, with a light xbow and a hafted blade for backup/close combat. Most of the time I go hunting for enemy heavy cav, because their horses are so slow and theyre easily outmanouverable. Even keeping a big plate charger buisy for a while can save many lifes. The xbow is pretty nice for bringing down heavy horses because the bolts still do pierce damage. Otherwise you sould always use couchable weapons against horses, they just do so much more damage to them. If you want to kill the rider I prefer stabbing if he got no shield, you can aim for his head or otherwise for his legs if you come from the right way. Most ppl have poor leg armor and you also damage their horses this way.

I was wondering if theres any build for light cav. Im at lvl22 with 12 str and 15 agi. Is powerstrike so needful? I prefer wpf in polearm and xbow atm. And I'm thinking about putting some points in HA for my xbow aswell. But somehow my Heavy Lance feels a bit weak if I'm not at full speed. I got 121 pts. in it and PS 4.

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