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Messages - Sharky

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Diplomacy / Re: Dear Wataga
« on: June 14, 2012, 01:34:35 pm »
Nah, at the end of the movie they easily butchered her. They just wanted some fun u know.
And butchered legion was just a delay in Rome's plans, you can't possible win every single battle, even if you are an Awesome Roman Legionary  :mrgreen:

General Off Topic / Re: Crusader Kings II 75% off
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:55:35 pm »
If you liked Ck2 i strongly suggest taking victoria 2 also, i prefer it,  it focuses on population management, revolutions, technology and colonization in the victorian era and beyond (timeframe is 1836/1936).

Much more fun in multiplayer since nations are more stable and overal the game is less luck-dependant

Faction Halls / Re: The Shark Clan - the danger from below
« on: June 11, 2012, 01:18:11 pm »
Nice clan and awesome name, i approve!!

Strategus General Discussion / Re: El banditos deal with the Union
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:23:29 pm »
hey, some of us actually enjoy strategus :) doesn't mean im stupid that i prefer to play strat than to play crpg :)
But u are the guy attacking so it will be you to sell strat gold in exchange of crpg gold :X.
Or my guess was wrong and you just want the strategus gold, but then ur comment about the worth of what you are stealing makes no sense because it will stay in strat. XD

Oh and i prefer strat over crpg btw, just wondering about your conversion rate and sheer size of the transaction, seems unlikely anyone would buy so much strat gold on a ridicolously high 10:1 ratio now that strat is around since almost an year, so it could be resetted tomorrow. A 1:1 ratio seems much more reasonable to me, and even in that case i would think more then twice before buying any strat gold.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: El banditos deal with the Union
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:31:49 pm »
it is when you're jacking 4000 crates aka 1.2 mil aka 12 mil crpg gold aka 7 MW items  :twisted: :twisted:
Is there really someone so stupid that sell 12 milion crpg gold in exchange of worthless strat gold that could be wiped tomorrow?  :shock:

Spam / Re: Drugs or Penis Sex
« on: June 06, 2012, 08:28:44 pm »
why choose? You can take a penis while u are stoned

Other times it went even better, lots and lots of Mw Stones, ladders, and wierd NA MW items. But our main goal was to aid hospitalliers and occitans :wink:

Awesome is NA siege at 5 on the morning :P
EEEEW! We really have different views on what's awesome XD

playing big boy with UIF isn't hard thing
but there is spark of chance to  make second big alliance :mrgreen:
Indeed it's easy, you are right we are too awesome for u :D

Um, when we approached you in strat 2.0 we had JUST got into cRPG/Strategus and had no idea about the whole UIF... when we found out, we left because we knew your masters (Grey, DRZ) would never permit us to fight a fair war with you guys. As to our history, we probably fought in more wars in strat 2.0 then you guys have in all 3 strats combined,.. although i wasn't around for the 1st strat so maybe there's something i don't know about. As to attacking us and chaos....... you took an undefended chaos village while DRZ did the rest of the work, then marched an army up north to us and..... did absolutely nothing with it and marched away 3 days later. As to fallen, i didnt notice any large scale Fallen vs Legio battles in strat 2.0 or 3.0, but maybe i just wasn't paying attention. I have nothing against you guys, im just honestly wondering why you and the other small UIF factions continue to support them when it just results in you guys doing basically nothing for 2 strats.
So when we have an alliance we are puppets and cowards, while when you form an alliance you are a big good indipendent clan that is fighting bravely against all odds etc etc.
If we don't attack friendly clans that agrees on our claims and are 10 times bigger then us (drz and greys) we  are cowards, if you don't attack an unfriendly clan that is stronger then u, you are smart guys...

You (not only tkov but almost every clan in this silly diplomatic forum) seems to be trying to put up a propaganda show, which at this point is silly, everyone already chosen his side there will be no lie that will make it easier for u guys (or there will be a real war anyway , since no UIF wants to settle in NA, and you'll get so buttfucked if you invade EU that i doubt u'll ever do it.

Also ur comment about our wars totally biased, against chaos we took 2 villages and they were decently defended, then did other battles against chaos on the fields and stole a lot of crates. Then joined our good friends of Union, raided ppl in your area (to a fallen we stole 200 crates :D) and then gave them our army as part of an old deal we made :wink:. And well wars we fought with a lot of guys since strat 1.0

Right because Kingdom of Veluca have a long and glorious history in strat, still remember when u went to us (strat 2.0) asking very politely for veluca we just said NO and you ran away with your tail between your legs. U must have really low self confidence to get scared because of an inactive clan   :lol:

Anyway just to name a few,we fought against chaos, against u guys, we attacked fallens watagas kapikulu and whoever set foot in our lands and we assume he's a threat. Calling us inactive is just LOL, look at the battles every day  :D

Where is he wrong? He basically summed up your entire history in all of strats. Took some fiefs, whilst well under the protection of the Templar bloc, managed to be the least useful, most passive ally to the Templars, when the war broke out, then actually went and jumped sides when enemies as much as showed their nose in your part of the map. Haven't done anything significant since then, staying as a silent, obedient member of UIF. How can you even claim to be playing Strat?
GG. :lol:
Why do you and oberyn even bother writing here if you oviously don't know anything about us or strat? We helped the most templars at the time, sended almost all our army to the north while most of the templars allies just made big badass RP talking on forum.
Yeah we are silent on this stupid forum but we weren't at all in game or diplomacy, biggest battle of strat was in our capital, union legio bashi vs shogunate pillagers etc was our idea and i could continue for long. We always were respected by all uif and nobody take decisions for us. We have big armies and players that still craft and do stuff even now that strat is dying.

So what's wrong with you? Just fuck off, you and your fake pointless posts  :wink:

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Went to egypt 4 times, 1 to cruise ship on nile & cairo, 3 in Sharm El Sheik, i just love the red sea and it's a quite cheap trip too, i recommend it to all sea lovers  :wink:.
Also it doesn't show but i went to malta when i was really young, officially to study english, but we ended up doing other stuff instead  :D

Not counting countries i visited with the cruise ship, i went to 2 of them in mediterranean so i was to most of mediterranean countries, even if just on the harbour for a day :D

OMG Oberyn get your fact straight and/or some mental care program, truth is u don't know anything about Legio or what happens inside "uif", u don't even play strat lol.
We always were friendly to UIF since the time of strat 1.0 when they helped us making the biggest battle that strategus ever saw (Yalen) they basically gave to us all UIF troops and we stuffed inside yalen to make a nasty surprise for pub crawls, while ur former clan was buying fiefs at the discount market.
And nobody here is threated as vassals, we are all indipendent factions that agrees on claims at start of the game and then if there is something that benefits both we talk about it. So fuck u and ur ridicolous propaganda.

Of course peppovitch we'll not send anything in NA territory, sending our troops there was a mistake, we wanted to weaken your enemies that united on that big alliance, apparently we only managed to create an even larger alliance with hospitalliers as bosses. So nope no more legios in Na lands.

I thought that you are normal ... waste of time for any conversation. Many times I explained situation and next time don't want to repeat - it's nonsens. We just kill you all and I don't care about reputation in part of community full of morons. For me, important is that we have a good reputation among our allies and friends, and enemies are afraid of us like a plague. Have fun with shitting on forum  :wink:

PS. Sharky, thanks for your support with a good word, but it makes no sense. Let them enjoy their own stupidity  :lol:
Still sad they managed to persuade with this bullcrap a lot of factions that UIF is pure evil and cheating den, i think UIF closure and english deficencies made all their slander machine even more effective. But yeah what matters in the end is to have the thrust of friends :wink:

I'm not lying. We did not start the war.,26299.0.html
We were also having fun until you stepped in.
Yeah because uniting all NA faction other then Hospitalliers and Occitan under same banner, amass troops on hospitalliers border threatening hospitalliers of extintion is a peaceful, friendly act to them(and to uif as well)
And a 6vs1 is fairer ofc then the current UIF vs world. You can also see here hospitalliers saddness when we came to ruin your fun ahahaha :D,27559.0.html

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