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Messages - Lactose_the_intolerant

Pages: 1 ... 63 64 [65]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:24:18 pm »
as inf i equip with a pike and a great long axe.
I never get the downblocking problem...
You get it because you aim upwoards, the pike goes straight through the horse and hits the rider's cavblock wich has a super forcefield... Wounding the horse but doing the block noise
as soon as you hit a cav with your pike (except if you stick it up its ass) it will stop, even if the cav jumps it will do this ugly landing rear....a great long axe in its legs and cav no more

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:08:35 pm »
The worst thing I have been seeing since the patch hit is if you do somehow try to pike them they just downblock and somehow it blocks the thrust to their horse as well.  Even seen jump their horse and you pike the underbelly of the horse, but because they are downblocking youa ctually hear the blocking sound and the horse goes by undamaged.  Seriosuly downblock should not protect your horse at all let alone form every angle including above and below.

stop beig kill hungry, aim for the horse...not the rider....any cav with a bit of xp will downblock tp save himself...but if you kill the horse youll have a bit of time for you and you  friends to express all your cavhate contained deep inside yourself and proceed to rape him...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:34:05 am »
Lulz, another one of these threads... :rolleyes:

"omagad, its the end of the world as we know it" thats what you people sound like :mrgreen:

seriously i'm going to start posting screenshots of me couching my lance through a pack of 20 enemies who just came out of spawn and not even one turning round to check!...

On foot im polearm i go round with a pike and a great long axe that acts as a secondary weapon...secondary yea cuz the pike is awesome! The ultimate teamplay weapon. It stuns my enemies with its long range while my buddy takes advantage of the stun to kill him...
Or i steal frags :D and i tend to be near the top of the scoreboards :)

so pike isnt just an anti cav weapon! Stop seeing the pike as a waste of your slot selections!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: cav: especially LoLlancers
« on: May 01, 2011, 11:16:17 pm »
Well, Sarranid horse only has manoeuvrability. Stinks at the rest.

True. the thing goes down really fast, even more since the archery buff! But any decent cav player wont be dehorsed right at the beggining

anyway. I get your points magikarp. But i dont think its worth really the fight! I believe the wrong item got nerfed but the class is still very viable. I could say why, but right now i cant be bothered.

anyway, i'v done more posting on this forum then i ever thought i would. see you in game


Game Balance Discussion / Re: cav: especially LoLlancers
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:47:17 pm »
I dont really participate on these threads but here's my 2 cents for once..
I dont believe the heavy lance needed that speed nerf. The sarranid horse did most of the insane K:D ratios we could all see were done on a sarranid horse.
on my courser i could get average to good K:D ratios, on my sarranid horse my kills were insanely high
Why? because i could perform this insane u-turn and come back to this enemy i just bumped and stab him again. something i cant do on my courser.
So yea, i guess doing that nerf prevents me from doing that unrealistic u-turn and stab. but on the other horses...

I guess bump-slashing is fun, but i believe it will never be the best to deal with all the ninja-jumping- slashing-out-of-hollywood-bullshit. If ever you take out that jumping feature, i might consider bump slahins, until then...

oh yea some people seriously need to get some spatial awareness before whining that cav is op. the tricks i can perform even on foot are so retarded but effective...


Game Admin aBooze / Re: Wooki : D
« on: February 24, 2011, 08:34:41 pm »
"Nomination Phase, Part 2
Now you need people sharing your opinion on the abusing admin"

I share his opinion


I used to play cav(sarranid) all the time. with the upkeep i went from 20k to 0k. i'm finally getting my money back but i havnt took my horse out of the stable since iv started getting money back.

I'v come to a point, even though i have a cav build, not to even think about using my horse. i think i'v actually completly forgot about it and see myself as a polearm guy!

why ride your horse? see it go down in 2 arrows and pay 1.2k for that every round! not thanks! Your sure that if you ride your horse you'll lose money whatsoever!

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