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Messages - Lamix

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Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:30:16 pm »

Spam / -
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:30:01 pm »

Check you're pm

if i get chance this weekend i'll work on a list not sure it will be 100% accurate thats why i want people to double check with ingame and site versions.

Please if people could double check these figures with any you have, post ingame and webby details if there different please. will help a lot.
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Well i can write them all up for you and stick it in a code tag and you can just post from there, i don't have a lot of time all the time to keep on top of it, i can however make it for all weps and then you just need to update it when new info comes in and can have another part with rough guide, better then having no idea at all.

You said you wanted another way to make the thread more useful could do it for every item using spoilers. feel free to use this however you want.

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If you think its useful I can write up more thats just example, thats if theres no simpler way of doing it and all items are different.

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:44:59 pm »
Archers are a lot easier to dodge now since the animation tells you when there going to shoot you run straight at them wait till there bow is up then strafe left or right, most archers will miss obviously some are better then others and will still get hits on you, but buy a damn sheild, even the wooden sheild i use on my 2hander takes between 2-6 arrows dependant on the one firing, theres just no excuse unless blindsided, nothing you can do about that, same if you blindside them and 1 shot them. :p

I basically see 0 archers topping the scoreboards its the same people it has always been cav and 2handers, i don't see why everyone bitchs about the archer that got a lucky kill on you and has maybe a decent k:d ratio of 2:1 when the cav that are running about have a k/d ratio of 10:1.
Usually the best the archer does is hit you once and distract you enough for that cav player to run you down, then you all blame the archer for being op.

General Discussion / Re: Teamkills - penalty?
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:40:13 pm »
Just add an auto kick system after say 3-4 tk's auto kick, no bans no gold loss just a kick after a set amount on the round. not too harsh noones losing anything but possible a multiplyer. irritating to get back on if the passwords set :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Gold and XP Gain
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:27:32 pm »
I'm talking about the general phenomenon of actively and deliberately searching for peasants to kill. Finding obviously much weaker players, and killing as many of them as possible

Isn't this just called cav?

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:52:15 pm »
Jesus F***! Read this part.

The decision was between stopping the project cRPG altogether, or change it radically. Therefore, keeping it as it was, was actually NO option, at least not from my side.

Stop bitching becuase its not anyones choice but chadz, you don't like the mod no more then go find somthing else to do there are other things in life then a free mod and whining!!

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:25:34 am »
Only been playing just over a week now, and not going anywhere and damn right you need to have fun otherwise we lose the mod too.
Anyone saying he needs to release the old version for people that want it, i have a reply for you Bollox! if you like the old patch that much you spend the months coding it.
and people moaning about spending months playing, its a game did you have FUN? Then it wasn't a waste it was entertainment, if you don't like it no more move on.

At the end of the day people its free and its what chadz does in his own time unpaid you should be thankful if you enjoyed it at any point even if you don't like where the mod is heading.

Thanks chadz for you're time, effort and cash in supporting this project hope you get the fun back out of it and tell us all who you are so we can pick on you're rusty skills(well they can, i'll be face down in the mud no doubt)

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:00:12 am »
*Rep cost too high for a fullset of midlevel gear.

*Archery nerf was too much, make wpf bouns again or change back to pierce.

*Horse Bump TOOO much dmg i got run over by a dest and killed in 1 bump fair enough i had no armour but c'mon had 12 str 4 ironflesh, don't even get me started on chargers.

*Friendly horse bumps, this has no negative impact on the rider too many are riding round and still charging through melee battles to get kills while running everyone team and enemy alike down. (could keep damage but make it also stop the horse or and automated msg that says in chat Sry i'm a douche please poll me.

*The no boundry xp/gold rate is making a lot of games last really long too many ninjas running around for ages seen quite a lot more draws from people just too far out to get back in time.(plus note alteast you get somthing for a draw :D)

*The upkeep system has some errors i paid upkeep on an item i looted but no longer had 3 rounds after picking it up :/

Thanks for youre time.

General Discussion / Re: Question about horse friendly bumping
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:45:25 am »
I've seen no end of cav just running around knocking over own teammates for whatever reason they seem to believe this to be funny. plus too many friendly horses have cost me my life in a 1 on 1 charging in and knocking me down to try and take the kill... the prob is the game is teambased but people aren't they want to be top they want the most kills..

General Discussion / Re: Feedback...
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:47:25 pm »
i only started playing a week ago and this new patch is in MY opinion pretty poor, its turned it into what you wanted to get away from the upkeep system is just not worth it, i have Byrnie(4k body armour), mailboots (3k foot armour), kettle helm (2k head armour) a board sheild(2k sheild) and a iron war axe(4k weapon) this is not top tier items in anyway yet in just 3 maps i had 20k less then what i started with i had an item break nearly every round and every other round it would break 2 or 3 things to make up for the times it didn't, so the only way i can keep playing with any equip is to either let it break and make it worthless or just leech naked so i can build up some cash to have a couple of games with items, its overkill atleast with the old system yeah you didn't gain much if you lost but you didn't lose everything.

In my eyes the patch only needed to:
* Put in the lvl cap and no wpf bouns from retirement ,that would make people have to choose between the best armour and and being fast with weapons maybe make armour reduce wpf a little more if it wasn't working that way.
*Make it so heavier armour slowed down horses, that would open up to faster cav taking down tank cav or choosing between own armour or horse armour.
* Limited arrows to 1 quiver, would make them take there time with shots not spam and choose between few good arrows or more crappy ones, though there were only a few archers that could get to the top of the scoreboard a sheild pretty much negated an archers effect.
*The old xp/gold system should of stayed it forced people to get close to the action, the xp rate from a match isn't much faster then what you'd get on a 120 cap server if you survived to near the end anyway could of done that by just removing the dying stopping you getting xp part or up the amount of time you still got xp for.
*Make sheilds effect on some shields to stop the tiny sheilds being able to stop shots(both melee and ranged) at the feet or head.

Hope people take away constructive critisim from this post and not just a whine, the great thing i liked about cRpg was the persistant character you got to create as it stands right now i have 2 persistant characters a naked leecher and the character i want to be.

Just on a note to the mod creators, I know this is a mod and FREE which i'm very thankful for, ofcourse its upto you and you're team on what the mod is and isn't my post is purely my own opinion and feedback which you can take anything or nothing from. Again thanks for the mod its great what you do for free.

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