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Messages - Xant

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Really want to play Tarkov actually, can't wait for .12. Probably what I'm most hyped for, .12 sounds like the biggest update since I started playing in January 2017... or 2018, can't remember.

Is that the "big news"?

Was hoping for something a little more... impactful, I guess, but that's good. Don't know how much it'll change, but hopefully a little at least.

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: August 11, 2019, 11:22:54 pm »
Humans exist in nature so fairness does as well, RETARD

Looks a lot worse than I would've expected after all this dev time. The animations are really bad and clunky. Impacts also look really... unimpactful. And these held attack animations surely CAN'T be how they want them to look.

Mordhau's probably spoiled me, but this looks really indie and amateurish in comparison. Despite being developed by a 10x bigger team and for longer.

Bannerlord being very easy to modify doesn't really mean much.

If the base game has bad combat, that's really bad for the game. Then you're entirely trusting random modders to get the combat right, AND attract a large playerbase. These two things are far from a given. And if one mod dies that you got used to? Now all you learned about the combat and mechanics is useless, and you're onto new adventures in yet another mod with completely different combat, and that mod might die as well. That's why I'm very wary of getting into mods that modify base combat by a lot. And also because you're trusting aforementioned random modders to have a clue -- and have a clue consistently; they could ruin the mod at any time as well.

So being able to "recreate Warband combat" means nothing if you're just jerking off with it on your own server, or with ten other people. Not to mention the fact that Warband combat by this point would be highly unsatisfying, people have been playing it for a decade. There needs to be something fresh for the multiplayer to remain fun.

It's definitely possible to create a combat system that's easy to learn and (very) hard to master, and that should be the goal.

I have to agree, after all the nerfs, nerfs and more nerfs it looks like the game is catered to old men with the reaction time of a sloth. Speeding it up slightly would make it more entertaining.

At the moment, melee is so slow that it is trivially easy to block a single player indefinitely, no matter what weapon they are using (this was an issue before the right-swing nerf too). This pretty much turns melee fights into a test to see who gets bored first.

I would have hoped that the developers would have been focused on making player skill more important, rather than less.

Just remember how they slaughtered my boy.

cRPG, in early 2011, used to be exciting and fast-paced. Then, with every subsequent patch, there was a drive to make it slower and slower. These posts are from 2011 and 2012 from two top tier NA and EU players, and things got worse after. They started with a fast, skill-based combat system in vanilla, and gradually slowed it down and introduced other mechanics that reduced the skill ceiling. This angers me greatly, friends, and indeed it's the reason why I quit cRPG. Something was very wrong when I could literally bore the best players in EU to death by blocking everything, and it wasn't even particularly difficult.

Offense is very hard to balance with defense in a directional, held block game, and who among you has faith that the Donkey team can pull it off, given their credentials? Well, who?

Also very skeptical about Bannerlord being able to pull off combat that looks good and plays well with a high skill ceiling for the same reason.

General Discussion / Re: Please stop trying to "fix" the combat
« on: July 30, 2019, 09:51:34 am »
At the moment, melee is so slow that it is trivially easy to block a single player indefinitely, no matter what weapon they are using (this was an issue before the right-swing nerf too). This pretty much turns melee fights into a test to see who gets bored first.

I would have hoped that the developers would have been focused on making player skill more important, rather than less.
Yes indeed, and these developers who consistently over the years made the game slower and slower, easier and easier, are to be trusted with making a new, skill-based combat system in Last Oasis? When in cRPG, they had a good foundation from Warband, and eroded the skill in it as best they could? No, I thinks not.

Gear fear disappears as you get better at the game. Not necessarily even by becoming a god that kills everyone, but by learning how everything works. It's easy to get rich enough that dying won't be a big deal, and definitely not something that's a disaster if you lag out or whatever.

But I wouldn't be in a hurry to lose it, myself. Like I said, the gear fear adds a lot to the atmosphere. After learning the game, and knowing that I can easily make up for any losses, I lost the edge-of-your-seat excitement that I had in the beginning -- went from carefully and slowly exploring to sprinting around hoping someone takes a shot at me.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Faster Game Speed
« on: July 30, 2019, 09:34:10 am »
I have to agree, after all the nerfs, nerfs and more nerfs it looks like the game is catered to old men with the reaction time of a sloth. Speeding it up slightly would make it more entertaining.

Just play Tarkov and git gud. You also don't have to engage squads if you don't think you can take them. That just adds to the atmosphere and playing slowly.

And the reason you're afraid of those squads and getting wiped is because of gear fear. Which is a massive factor in the overall atmosphere. It's why gunfights feel so great, why you want to slow peek stuff and play carefully, why surviving feels so good.

It's literally the perfect game for what you want, and I think it's weird to not want to play it because of reasons that MAKE it the game you want to play.

General Off Topic / Re: ROAST THE FUCK OUT OF ME
« on: July 27, 2019, 08:34:44 pm »
Deadlifting less than you bench ....

General Off Topic / Re: Netflix to Produce The Witcher TV Series
« on: July 27, 2019, 08:34:07 pm »
You didn't answer the question.

General Off Topic / Re: Netflix to Produce The Witcher TV Series
« on: July 27, 2019, 01:40:47 am »
It worked for the Dragonlance books which were written by Margaret Weiss a woman and Tracy Hickman a man.
What do you mean by it "worked for"? There are a lot of movies and shows with writing teams. The Witcher will have a writing team. Two authors is also fairly common for books.

General Off Topic / Re: Netflix to Produce The Witcher TV Series
« on: July 26, 2019, 08:27:00 am »
why not hire two writers to get it right
Because that's not how creative processes work. Writing a character is not like building a house, where everyone contributes equally and the house is better off the more builders there are.

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