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Messages - Wiegraf_BRD

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Faction Halls / Re: [BRD] The Bridgeburners (Looking for Ranged!)
« on: March 01, 2011, 01:02:32 am »
Maybe I'll just come back to BRD

Faction Halls / Re: [BRD] The Bridgeburners (Looking for Ranged!)
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:44:49 am »
So kesh, my little japanese cupcake, how have you been all my life? 

Diplomacy / Re: LLJK and BIRD clan: LLJK Civil War?
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:35:13 am »
BIRD is a one man clan that has defeated LLJK by destryoing gaga.

I like Hybrids.  games that have set classes are lame.

Wiegraf_BRD why do you have the crest of city Szczecin (Poland) as your avatar? :D I live in Szczecin so I'm just curious? (oh did u know its a Royal Griffin and not an eagle :P)

Oh really?  I was just looking for coats of arms and crests online and came across this one in a google image search and thought it looked cool.  But now I know where it is from! thanks :D

We should get a separate crpg for fire&sword. That would be awesome too.
It would be nice, but then we have to level even more characters XD.... and maybe somebody else can develope that instead of chadz.. im sure he already has so much to do and has so much planned for cRPG. 

Tbh , i think anything above arqebuses and flintlocks would change the cRPG we know right now too much.

I agree. Guns and the likes may be a little too insane, but there are definately new armors and melee weapons to be checked out in this upcoming game .

Suggestions Corner / With Fire And Sword is coming. New cRPG equipment?
« on: January 27, 2011, 10:43:32 am »
As you guys may or not know, With Fire and Sword, Taleworlds latest project, is going to be coming out very very soon, probably sometime in spring.  With that, new multiplayers, new single player, and a whole new game will be available in the mount and blade style.  With that being said, there is also going to be tons of equipment and gear released with this new game ...

Now, knowing the taleworlds company, the chances of them using python script as well as similar files to edit and create their graphics is highly likely.  If you look on their website, they're alrady looking like they will be releasing some pretty intensive looking halberds and other weapons, this includes guns.  I am just wondering if there has been any thought about implementing some of this games gear into cRPG.

Im not sure if chadz has been trying to stay true to a certain time period of history for cRPG (because this mod has weapons, like guns, that were not in the medieval era) , but there are definately tons of gears and weapons in this new Fire and Sword that could be used and worked with in cRPG (considering it uses the same engine and system)

Just suggesting its worth looking at if you want some quick and easy graphics for more weapons and armors.  You can check out the screenshots at for basic stuff, of course :P   

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:43:10 pm »
I think Banner Balance is a good idea.  It allows clans to work together and strategize on how to beat an enemy.

However, if a really good clan with tons of skilled players always fights against Random assorted peasants, people who are not as good, then it will not be as fun for them.

So I think for community, Banner balance is good, but for fairness, sometimes it's not the best.  Then again it also pushes those not as good to become better, which is probably the best reason to have it all in the first place, kakakaka

Closed Requests / Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:08:42 pm »
1. You did personally attack me and after the 9th warning to stop trolling me you were banned.
2. I had no hatred towards you before this happened
3. Reason for the ban was for constant trolling and uncivil talks towards me
4. yes a bow, I've been known to play as an archer from time to time but you seem to complain about any action i make in the server from the armor i wear to every weapon i may wield.
5. The conduct is following the rules and there is no rules for me playing with friends that i was on TS with.  I've personaly trained devilize and some other hosp and enjoy playing with them on their team and TS.

Witness report:  XavierX constantly nagged goretooth throughout the night despite warnings.  I followed goretooth around half the night naked with a dagger, so I saw it all. 
I, like everyone else in the server, make fun of/complain/bitch about players like Goretooth, Devilize etc...

this is true, but it is never a constant thing during one round of play by one single player. Usually like "run its goretooth" or "Oh man, we're going to lose cuz they got goretooth"  or whatever.   you just kept constantly argueing with the guy. 

that's all i will say.  Hate me or love me.

General Discussion / Re: Goretooth.... Admin Abuse??
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:00:22 am »
Allers was punished, and I don't think it was admin abuse.

Allers, ever think of playing Vikingr? It's a really fun mod. 

General Discussion / Re: Goretooth.... Admin Abuse??
« on: January 23, 2011, 03:55:30 am »
The ATS run the ATS servers. In real life, would you argue with a police officer or the person/persons that run your community? No, you wouldn't. Some of you are complaining that they're biased. Or you complain that insulting someone that's not ATS or an admin doesn't result in consequences, and if you insult an ATS or admin it does. Well, what do you expect? You don't insult people with authority, so be smart.

I do not know what country you are from, but in north america, people who argue with police officers are quite common.  So I disagree, and find allers argueing or trying to proove points over authority a completely normal practice.    Yet, people who insult officers also get punished for being stupid. 

But lets also not forget, police can abuse their power too.  I am not saying ATS has abused power because i have seen no proof, but anyone with authority can do it or may do it.

So stop placing random yellow shirts that float in the air everywhere , then ask for bans, because you will get them.

I think maybe sometimes, if defenders had a faster respawn rate of 15-20 seconds it would be a little more fair. half a minute seems too long for the amount of people playing

Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:14:29 am »
Oh god, I remember that wack a mole fight in that video . lollll

Closed Requests / Re: This must be a joke..
« on: January 14, 2011, 09:24:57 am »

好的。 有機會的話我要去跟你們中國人玩, 呵呵呵

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