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Messages - Erika_Furudo

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General Discussion / Re: [POLL] CRPG is balanced
« on: January 29, 2011, 08:05:37 pm »
What the f*ck is wrong with you "yes" people? Is it balanced that bowmen can kill me by 3 arrows and idiot with throwning axes kills me by 1 shot?
2handers/Polearms can easily one shot bowmen/throwers.
Get a shield or just stop walking in a straight line towards them(Seeing the new archery nerf have made zigzag walking even more superior)

As for the topic ;
It's a bit hard to say if it is balanced or not, It does pretty much depends on the equipment. Which creates a pretty much rock paper scissors.
But I have to say that Cavalry is in quite the bad position overall right now.
Everyone can afford a pike, ranged characters 1-2 shot their horses(Since they can't afford the high end one without leeching several matches before. And noone likes leechers)
And it is pretty much impossible to ambush a good player since he can use the "ยง" button to get a pretty much 360 degrees around himself.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:18:15 pm »
It's <good>.

But somehowly so does always one member keep getting on the other side. Atleast it feels like it.

General Discussion / Re: Am I crazy to use a Sarranid axe from horseback?
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:48:33 pm »
You pretty much have to play on the winning team to afford using a horse in the first place...
That's pretty much about luck;

Yeah if your horse "breaks" 5 times in a row so is that hard to repair.

But that's quite rare.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Throwing and PD connection
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:40:57 pm »
so you are saying even if i incrise my power draw to 15 i will still get the same accuracy?
Uh. You mean Power throw ?

For Archers so does Power Draw reduce your accuracy, a way to stop them from stacking it.

I'm not sure about throwers, got confused now.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Throwing and PD connection
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:28:08 pm »
Yeah your aim will always be quite bad(Compared to archery & Crossbows) if you're using the high-end weapons.
Not to mention that throwing flying speed is slower(Not sure now with the archery nerf?) So using it against moving targets that are far away is a bit harder.

Throwing is though supreme in siege were you just throw down from an ladder were it's really hard to miss and with 10+ power throw so will you most likely 1shot light geared people and 2 shot people with decent gear.

Atleast I really like sieges and town maps were there are usually tight spots. There you can't miss, really.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower Weapon Switching Speed
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:19:31 pm »
Never understood people who cant kill a shielder with sword.
It's not about that you can't beat them, Its that it takes too long.

Lets say for example; That this shielder, for some reason, walks around with 3 shields.

If you are good at manual blocking so can you take him down, but it will take ages.
During that time so could his teammates and suchs appear.
Therefor you kinda want to get him down fast so you don't get overwhelmed, if you are playing for example a siege map.

General Discussion / Re: Hiding in a hay - allowed or not?
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:14:34 pm »
staying in hay is can see the people outside but they cant see no
It's becouse the third person camera.


If you stand close to the end of a wall/building, so can you see out. While others can't see you.
Yeah sure, you can't shoot arrows from there without moving out in the open but;
If you haven't realized on most siege maps or town maps so is it a piece of cake for 2handers to get kills purely by standing next to the corner and wait for someone to come and kill them.
Due to they are prepared and can see the enemy coming, while the attackers don't see them.

General Discussion / Re: Hiding in a hay - allowed or not?
« on: January 22, 2011, 07:33:41 pm »
Is he forcing a draw? Ban

Is he just ambushing someone who is coming that way?  It's alright.

Archers do tend to get annoying, But when you figure out their positions so are they an easy kill(If you're archer/crossbowman too that is)
Since they don't move around trying to dodge arrows.

Not to mention that it's usually the same people doing it, and always the same spot. In the end it's just a free kill.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Running horses into obstacles.
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:17:10 pm »
fall damage when we dehorse a guy could be implemented, i suggested in another thread :)

i mean, if you gallop and horse dies, you should break some bones or something after landing  :twisted:
I think it's kinda enough at the fact that they fall down can easily get killed.

Really, all melees can obviously kill them easily, archers and throwers can also if they are decently close to target him on the ground. crossbows got it harder since they don't have time to reload.

General Discussion / Re: changemap abuse
« on: January 22, 2011, 03:54:35 pm »
When I have seen Thomek change maps so have it been siege maps that he switched from(Since we played on a Battle server)
And that's alright.

Spam / Re: How does your face look...
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:38:47 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Suggestions Corner / Re: How to fix throwing
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:21:00 pm »
You throw shit like ten feet so archers and throwers are like apples and oranges. Just because they both are ranged doesn't mean you can qq of course you pick up arrows as an archer but i don't see what your point is? You want archers to have less ammo? or you think that throwers have too little?

I was just saying that throwers ammo is a moot point as if they miss they usally have just thrown it 20 foot in front of them assuming they have the ammo for that fight and they win they can simply pick up the misses also during the fight they have the option to use javs, axes etc that are thrown at them.

I said NOTHING about archers.

The point was that you ignored one of the throwers weaknesses and said "hurr durr, I don't care. becouse I don't know anything about them anyway"

Just walking around picking up diffrent throwing weapons isn't always as simple when an enemy can appear from anywhere.
Throwing weapons that have damaged something, Especially suchs as a shield can't be retrieved. Seeing that you have to waste 2-3 throwing axes on a decent shield, and most likely more on the high-end shields Means you have wasted close to a pack of jarids or any of the other pretty much high-end throwing weapons.

If you want to have enough throwing weapons to actually kill several people, or  a few shielders so do you have to skip out on the melee weapon and / or shield.
And this makes throwers really in a bad position in melee combat.

If people actually used shields(The polearm/2hand people) so would they notice that ranged characters are no big issue. Heck. You can even carry several shields just incase you hate ranged so much.

Suggestions Corner / Re: How to fix throwing
« on: January 19, 2011, 04:21:27 pm »
I think all the talk about ammo is abit moot when if you miss you can pick up you weapon, and in the current state throwers feed each other axes and what not  all the time. A throws misses, B picks up throws etc etc
You can also pick up arrows and bolts.

Still they have much bigger amount of ammo?

Or have they changed arrows so you can't pick them up?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Team deathmach mode
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:31:13 pm »
Yeah Strategus battles are pretty much team deathmatch.

Just that the amount of tickets/lifes is based on how big your army is.

And I have to admit that it would be fun with TDM.

But seeing the current system is based on time, and the multiplier is based on wins. So do I wonder how to do it.

Either some kind of time limit in TDM(Will cause alot of camping together, hiding, shield walling, just waiting for the enemy to charge/waste tickets)
Or low amount of tickets - But this will make it similiar to current Battles if people just have a few lives.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Optimum Route to 35
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:21:54 pm »
Also: In before chadz nerfs the exp bonus.

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