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Messages - Mongolista

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Closed Requests / Re: Unban Macho_Knight_who_says_Ni
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:44:22 pm »
Alright, I will just tell Macho to play DTV on HRE server only, where the community is actually player-friendly and acts reasonably,

Thanks for your answer.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Macho_Knight_who_says_Ni
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:33:23 pm »
I know, I have already received this information and I was trying to find Gurnison for 4 days now ;) unsuccesfully...thus saying he only has 1 day to go isn't very helping as he had another 4 to go before that and in case it turns out the ban was too long you cannot return it back, so I would still like to insist on giving him at least the extra day free if you feel like the ban may have been too long instead of waiting for a reply for 5 days and not getting any or in the end saying it doesnt matter anymore,

Thank you

General Discussion / Re: Is there any other way?
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:18:32 pm »
thank you, wasnt sure if it fits there since Im more of a seeking for more info about the ban rather than fight with the admin whether it is a bannable offence or not, I most likely believe it is, just not for 5 days. Imma try it anyway, thanks for the link

Closed Requests / Unban Macho_Knight_who_says_Ni
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:16:49 pm »
He has been killing the virgin with the other 2 guys to change the map, it was at 3am and there were just the three of them, he was banned for 5 days for griefing. I was told griefing is when he acts somehow to make other people not enjoy the gameplay, while it was just the three of them on the server and all three doing the same thing, I know killing the virgin to change the map is bad but hey, nobody playing had problems with it so it probably wasn't even griefing. This was his first incident and he wasn't even warned, the admin just logged in, banned them and logged off. 5 days just seem to be a bit too much.

General Discussion / Is there any other way?
« on: February 14, 2013, 02:57:17 pm »
My friend has been banned for 5 days for killing a virgin at 3am when there were only 2 other guys who were also killing the virgin to change the map, this is his first incident, he has not been even warned (ive seen ppl trying to kill the virgin to change the map several times, they mostly got a warning or a 24h ban max) and he was banned for 5 days with "griefing" stated as a reason. I have sent a PM to the admin who banned him, asking for a clarification of the term as I dont feel like killing a virgin to change a map at 3am with nobody around is a reason good enough for a 5 days ban (I have seen serious teamkillers, teamhitters, leechers and other scum getting a 5 days ban). He did not answer my PMs, I have been looking for him on the IRC chat as well, nowhere to be found:) I am kinda losing my temper as I have been looking for him for 4 days now. I have no idea what else can I do to make him speak to me, here it is, this post to make him notice. I know he has probably some better things to do, but banning somebody without giving any space for defence and ignoring any questions about the ban just feels a bit dickish to me.

Diplomacy / Re: Jamiche
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:38:51 pm »
Can't wait! Send them in! Can't wait to spank your naked ass, saying "Who's your DADDY!?!"

Diplomacy / Jamiche
« on: February 10, 2013, 07:20:12 pm »
The area of Jamiche Castle + Jamiche has closed its borders, any suspicious action in the area will be persecuted!! We may even call the cops if needed! No seriously guys  :evil: dont make daddy sad or else...! Caravans (other than the ones we have alliance with) without further notice will be attacked and ALL THEIR GOODS WILL BE TAKEN!


Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:35:40 pm »
Every time I want to quickly check what block does each member belong to, I just check naduril's plus or minus at the top of the message :twisted:

Diplomacy / Peshmi
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:14:51 pm »
Our Lordship does not wish anyone freely walk into our fief and thus anyone walking into Peshmi without the permission of our Great Leader will be disconnected from matrix  :twisted: Also we strive for a cleaner future and since next week all the present wanderers in Peshmi will be attacked and sent to a cyborg prison on Delta-15. Hope we are clear on this!


Same here, Ive encountered this problem since the last patch, I had stable 37 ping before that, now its 37 with about 6 lag spikes per round (5 minutes) when my ping goes to about 100-250 ping. I thought its a problem of my roommates, thought they are downloading something, but then I played while they were away for Christmas and I still had lag spikes...All my other online games work fine without this problem....I am playing from the UK.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: December 12, 2012, 01:44:35 pm » sum it up, Greys are leaving because they can't cheat/exploit game mechanics? And throw dirt on admins while leaving? Why don't I even wonder?  :rolleyes:

Closed Requests / Re: BAN Merc_Bjord
« on: November 28, 2012, 02:46:36 pm »
Wow 5 pages, you must have loved that horsey a lot! I guess your rage now is as much the same as Bjord's back then when you bumped him several times and he didnt "M" you out. If you feel aggrieved, let Bjord get on one of those rounceys and cut his throat the same way! That will surely show him!!

Global / Re: Strategus multiaccounting unban thread
« on: November 18, 2012, 01:28:54 pm »
You guys need to realize that playing for another one's character is completely the same thing as multiaccounting and thus cheating. You cannot play for your friend when he's ill and can't do it on his own. If he cannot play, he will stay wherever he is on the map until he is able to join in again. In school you cannot let others do the exams for you, in work you cannot let others walk in to the building and work for you. I know this is just a game but the rules serve for a purpose to be able to recognize those, who actually cheat. By making more exemptions more and more "real" cheaters get away with their cheating. If you really need to play for your friends (to get them to the city so they won't be attacked while they are away) do it from their computer from their place. That is in my eyes the only possible way to play your friend's character in time of high emergency. Is that too much for few clicks on one stupid game you say? Then don't do it, it's just a game afterall, you're not gonna die in real life if your character gets attacked while you are raising your kids,'re not gonna die in the game either..

Diplomacy / Re: Knights who say NI!
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:44:55 am »
Good job NI. What if others will close their borders for YOU? And will attack you without warning and with no compensation? What will you do then?
Keep it up euro!

Others already closed their borders for US. We do want control our S&D to be able to produce the most gold we can from our fiefs, we do NOT want imbeciles to buy/sell out all our weekly S&D over one night. You may walk through our territory if you let us know before you do so, there is no problem with that. Although if we see you walking in our fiefs without our consent, you will be attacked as potential intruder and you will have to chop the biggest tree in the forest behind our castle with a herring!


Diplomacy / Knights who say NI!
« on: November 13, 2012, 10:39:59 pm »

from today onwards we would like to let everybody know our fiefs are not opened for free trade, meaning you cannot use our S&D unless you let us know and we will give you a go. !!!IF YOU BUY OR SELL ANYTHING IN OUR FIEFS WITHOUT CONSULTING IT WITH US BEFOREHAND, YOU WILL BE ATTACKED AND WILL RECEIVE NO COMPENSATION!!!

Thanks for your attention,

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