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Messages - Grumbs

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General Discussion / Re: Choose the best archer in crpg history!!!!
« on: December 24, 2017, 12:51:50 pm »
No one remembers a guy called Zero? Him and Bagge were the best during that timeline. After than there were more good archers and they've all been mentioned it seems.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 24, 2017, 12:18:24 pm »
I don't mean remove all, just have it like it used to be - those shitty hatchets or whatever. Not bloody Gross messer and heavy blunt weapons that knock down 80% of the time. Its not like you couldn't spare one slot for a weapon anyway - you don't have to have a 2 slot bow and a good melee weapon. This is what I mean about having cake and eating it - you should have to make some sacrifice in one area or the other. Want to be a good all rounder? Take a worse bow and worse ammo

The 0 slot ammo on the bow is only 1 less cut that the 1 slot anyway. I was mostly talking about crossbowers when I mentioned ammo slots though

General Discussion / Re: It's time of giving
« on: December 24, 2017, 12:08:08 pm »
Leshma is banned?

Anyway I would say unban everyone except known cheaters/scammers etc and people that are still playing but with a different account.

People grow up or their attitudes change over time. I know it is really hard to get perma banned in this mod though, so maybe there will be exceptions. Just give them one last chance then perma.

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 24, 2017, 11:58:38 am »
I think you shouldn't be able to have your cake and eat it too. If you want to be a ranged god then you shouldn't be a melee god too. Should make ammo use up slots again and get rid of 0 slot weapons. We're back in the olden days of melee/ranged hybrids that shoot all round then kill with high damage blunt weapons towards the end of the round. We have ladders too so they are safer from cav. There is no sensible reason why archers and throwers need to take points away from other areas so they can use their ranged weapon but crossbowers don't. Yet their effectiveness as a ranged class is the same as a bowman

I always thought of throwers as the middle ground between ranged and melee. If you want to be good at melee too you should be a thrower and live with the downsides of a thrower (less accurate compared to true ranged classes so have to get closer to the melee playeres and less ammo)

General Discussion / Re: Let's av anothaa
« on: December 23, 2017, 09:27:50 pm »
Gucci accept this offer and you can have this avatar for free as discussed. No bamboozle. No scam. Real offer

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 23, 2017, 07:23:28 pm »
that change is unacceptable. longer stabbing polearms must do at least 40 p damage on swing and thrust, patching game right now. don't worry, the patch will only break the game for 3 weeks, as normal.

Don't need to go overboard, just a bit more of a time window on damage with the stabs. Its like they have 1/4 the reach they should because they glance so easily

It will mean that cavalry are a bit less dominant too. So you don't have to nerf them

General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 23, 2017, 06:07:32 pm »
I don't really mind the melee turn speed. I think it makes the game a bit more difficult in a good way. I'd rather just have more reliable stabs that don't glance as much later in the animation. I'm sure that was changed at some point to nerf longer stabbing polearms

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: December 23, 2017, 09:31:14 am »
I don't think there is much point in trying to create a combat simulator. You have to cherry pick things that will improve the gameplay and cut out things that won't. A bit of realism here, and bit of arcade there. OKAM objectively had more realistic options in attack directions, but it didn't really count for much in and of itself imo. I think Warband would probably be better if it also had diagonal attack and block directions. But that would just be one part of the overall gameplay. OKAM needed more on top of the extra attack and swing directions to compete really (and it needed more Warband style mouse controls). At its core it was a pretty simple fighting game. It felt like the more you played the more simple it got, whereas in Warband the more you play the more you see how much better other players are than you. Which gives you a sense of something to aim for as you try to get better. In OKAM I felt like I pretty much didn't want to learn more. It didn't even seem like people were playing with the game mechanics as much as they were abusing the downsides of the 1 button system against other players.

Again I quit OKAM before they added good/bad blocks so I don't know if it improved much. I imagine a lot of the flaws remained

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: December 22, 2017, 11:25:47 am »
Adding realism to player actions can add tons of skill into a game, even if it means limiting the player in some ways. I don't think it necessarily happened in OKAM though.

Slowing things down can make the choices players make more tactical so there is more emphasis on making good decisions rather than quick reflexes and twitch aiming. It can also add a bit of difficulty in working with the limitations put on the character. Like in Red Orchestra or other tactical shooters you have more accuracy when stationary and your character has momentum. So to fire you might have to counteract the momentum and fire with timing that comes from lots of practice. Or you have unsteady hands so you have to adjust the aim accordingly. Realism can add loads of skill and depth into a game. I would have been quite happy if OKAM went with some realism for character actions if it meant for a more deep and rewarding combat system. You don't add realism for the sake of it though. You do it because it adds depth to the gameplay.

General Discussion / Re: Idea - How to fix a problem
« on: December 22, 2017, 09:08:44 am »
Better to have some gold sinks for things that have no real impact ingame but have some value for veterans (cosmetics?). Could also let people smelt their looms into worthless things in a similar way. Maybe have a running total on the site for who has destroyed the most stuff like they have for retired characters

I think even if you delete gold the economy will be still pretty much non-existent because everyone has looms and we have armouries. Maybe remove the armoury system? Or is that too far. I don't think its a good idea to forcefully remove people's stuff. It should be optional but with a unique reward

General Discussion / Some footage from last night (Tavern, 120 players)
« on: December 21, 2017, 09:23:31 pm »

(click to show/hide)

I've got more but the gameplay is a bit boring. Have Field by the river and couple other maps

Putting Tavern on with 110 players made me rage. Thought it would empty out the server. Thankfully it was a 4:0 game so it was over fast before people bailed.

I recorded some videos btw. Don't think it had Tavern but it was a few 5 min segments in some maps

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: December 21, 2017, 07:22:00 am »
Its OK to like different things I guess, and OKAM wasn't terrible. It just didn't really improve enough on cRPG and seemed to take several steps back, which made it kind of a redundant game imo.

I put about 90 hours into that game. Probably mostly in duel because when I played it was just that single flag respawning mode otherwise and that got very repetitive. I wasn't great. I was probably merely OK, but it was pretty clear how you did well in that game by observing and playing against the best duelers.

It was all about cheesing people into dropping their blocks because they had to move the camera to stay facing the opponent. Just silly spamming on one side and the other or holding attacks until they have to turn so the block drops. There was a stance lock key but I found it fiddly as hell. There was also a setting in the options that locked a stance by default, but it was also very clunky and came with its own downsides to play like that.

There wasn't really any block stun, you couldn't really aim attacks, there wasn't really any sweet spots (just full damage the entire swing). There just didn't really seem to be much depth, it was just a contest in trying to use the flaws in the controls against people and spamming. Maybe they improved it a bit at some point, but I was already pretty bored of it and felt like the core of the game wasn't going to improve enough

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: December 20, 2017, 08:26:38 pm »
Leshma, what sort of person belittles someone for their job like that? Game promoter/social media face for a game is nothing at all like chocolate chip cookie party. Who invokes Godwins law for that? Yeah maybe I'm getting trolled but its kinda shitty to have a go at him imo. Its a job he took to pay the bills like anyone else, and he did a good job in that role and hurt nobody.

General / Re: Donkey team no longer developing M:BG / OKAM
« on: December 19, 2017, 11:08:14 pm »
Because what they came up with was better... I'm still sad that Bannerlord will be better in almost all respects but the melee combat controls. Guess it has to work for controllers as well...

I ended up hating those controls. Its probably the most off putting thing about that game. The lack of Epic, the deletion of the forum (wtf..who just moves a smallish community like that), the turning their backs on an established community without ever really giving a full explanation for the disappearance of the Donkey's and the lack of cavalry were sore spots, but it was the controls that ultimately made it not very fun to play

After a while it felt like all anyone was doing was try to make you fight the controls rather than fight the player with the game mechanics as they were intended. Having the camera direction forever tied to both the block direction and the swing direction was so awkward. It was like playing an FPS game in which every time you look left you can only shoot to the right, or every time you want to shoot right you have to move the camera to the left. It was a nice gimmick to start with, but then after many hours it was just a chore and didn't really improve on M&B. At its core it could have sustained itself with a solid melee combat system and decent controls but without even that they were doomed without Epic and with the Donkey's leaving without ever addressing what happened.

I guess since the servers are getting pulled and the game won't be sold anymore we could find out what really happened from the Donkey Crew's perspective soon. I still think that game could be salvaged if they went back to the basics of the controls and melee combat, added some cavalry and had a decent single life game mode and marketed that as the main game rather than the respawning game modes. Maybe once the dust settles Donkey crew can re-acquire some of the assets and make a new game?

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