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Messages - Maximus101

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EU (Pecores) / Re: Robert Le Pervers
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:42:36 pm »
Ok. Thanks for sorting this out. One thing I will say is that I was lvl 10 at the time and I had no riding skill when I was killed by kamaa so Robert may want to rethink his story. But thanks for doing this nevertheless and I guess the caps rage was uncalled for although I can most certainly recall the pink text sayin Robert le perverse kicked risen Takeolan twice and being tked by him.... But oh well, next time I will have proof.

General Discussion / Re: I'm done with C-RPG unless upkeep costs change
« on: November 10, 2011, 11:18:41 pm »
Naa mate. It is fine and the way it Should be. This way you really have to earn the elephant horse and the almost indestructible armour. Without it everyone would have it. I reckon upkeep is fine EXCEPT from in DTV... I have lost about 50k playing that.

EU (Pecores) / Robert Le Pervers
« on: November 08, 2011, 09:39:37 pm »
 I have had 2 incidents with him now.
          First incident: I was on my horsey when i tried to cross a bridge. My horse reared unexpectedly however and when i was trying to get back i was purposefully teamkilled by him and then kicked. I rejoined and said that i did not see him there and that it was a mitake and decided not to write a post.
           Second incident: I was purposefully teamkilled by one of his clan buddies. I was then told by several other players that i hope will agree that it was a purposeful teamkill. I then said "WTF" and that it was most definitely deliberate and said that it seemed that Pecores could get away with anything. With that i was kicked straight after.
            I appreciate that this is a Pecores server, but does that mean they can do whatever the fuck they want? They have also been camping in their dozens with little amounts of armour and crappy weapons. Unfortunately i  have no screens..

General Discussion / Re: [Poll] Will C-Rpg survive the storm?!
« on: November 06, 2011, 12:14:30 am »
cRPG forever. I used to play xbox on like cod and shit like tht but I always was into medieval and fantasy stuff. So I then changed to a pc and played Wow and that was ok but lately it had become pretty shit. This is the only game ATM that I play alot coz I just adore the unique combat system and I think it is the most realistic out there. Sure, I have preordered skyrim and mw3 on xbox but after a while I will defienately Come back and get to the next generation. I also love the crpg community. I love the way that it is small enough to know ppl but not so small that you always play with the same ppl. It is great to join a game and see people that you have played with before and just say hi without joining their session or whatever.You can get to know almost everyone and that also appeals to me. Cod is just playing with loads Ghost pro skilless noobs. On this game it Is hard and skillfull to feint and block and generally play well ( unless you are an archer ;P)

General Discussion / Re: i got scammed on market
« on: November 05, 2011, 12:33:03 am »

General Discussion / Re: i got scammed on market
« on: November 05, 2011, 12:27:39 am »
OMG. What an absolute fucker! The  way he blatantly admitted to stealing from people.... Man that's harsh. I will be sure to do a bit of piss taking If I ever see him, or if he ever gets unbanned! But just watch it mate. I didn't know there are such assholes out there that would do that but i will be sure to think twice before I make my next deal on the marketplace. Good luck!

General Discussion / Re: LPK are we too big?
« on: October 30, 2011, 11:34:21 pm »
I reckon you guys should go to EU 1 and get your best players out there and known. Tbh I have read about PK In the faction thread and it sounded pretty cool. But if you think that yor clan is too big then get asses onto eu and na servers where there are 100s of regular players. Why are you staying in AUS server? Connection on EU may not be the best but at least there Wre proper battles with large amounts of players. So to answer your question no... Keep recruiting. Can't be fun when there are most people from your clan on AUS.. Where is the competition?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Heraldic Horse Armors.
« on: October 30, 2011, 12:44:06 am »
I was thinking about this the other dy. I would love to have it and it could help make clans more iconic and would look pretty awesome... Better than that ugly plated charger. Preferably with a lighter more cheaper faster horse for us poor people ( around 18k??) and a heavily armoured horse ( around 50k??). I would love to see this.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:38:48 pm »
End of thread, two conclusions emerged :

Yup.... It was a bit offa fail..

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 27, 2011, 11:27:08 pm »
This thread.. whew. You don't like getting killed "dishonorably"? Too bad. It sucks to die right after spawning or lagging and dying. But that's part of the game. Accept it or move on.

Besides you seem like a guy who doesn't listen to anyone but people that sound like you. So this is all pointless talk for myself and/or anyone that agrees with me I suppose.
Ok. I suppose I have worded myself pretty badly. I guess I am just trying to ask people to maybe kill enemies who pose a threat to your team rather than going out of your way to kill ppl who have to wait a few seconds before play and haven't been able to do so. I am sorry if I have seemed rude as it was not intended. I am just a pissed of young 13 year old boy who would rather people play the game by fighting properly. This was not intended to be whiney or whatever other people have said about this. As for calling
 me someone who doesn't listen to anyone else.. Um, sorry. If you read all my replies you will.. I will find that I have been pretty reasonable just discussing this. If you think it is whiney then please move on.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 27, 2011, 09:48:11 pm »
WTF. Who the heck cant couch. It is the most simplest thing ever. Anyways i guess it is good practice as long as it is at least 1 min into the game. That means that anyone who is not moving is truly AFK.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:27:26 pm »
I think some of you butt-hurt ninnies need to re-evaluate your definitions of a 'game' and what the concept of 'play' is. God forbid you spawn late one round and lag somehow incapacitates you to the point where you somehow freeze from shock that an online game is lagging, don't move, and the enemy runs you over. You have to wait a whole 5 minutes, maybe, before you can play again.
Have you read the thread?

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:53:53 pm »
And how do you enforce this?
And how do you define "spawns"?
And how do you distinguish someone who is lagging from someone who is afk/trying to leech?

                     Please reevaluate your next post and think is this relevant and a decent post or am i being "a stupid cunt" and should i alter this post. Good day.
   i quote.. nuff said.

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:22:47 pm »
TY Dezilagel!! And ty Zisa!! :D :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Lagkillers
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:20:18 pm »
The issue?  What issue, there is no issue.  The OP is complaining that because HIS internet is shitty OTHERS should adapt their playstyle to accommodate him.   

I'm not going to go onto the EU servers and complain about how they aren't taking it easy on me.  It's my problem, not theirs.  Solution = join a different server that serves me better.   Same issue with a laggy computer.  Solution = reduce settings or buy a better machine.  The solution is NOT asking other players with perfectly good connections and perfectly good computers to pull their punches to accommodate my problem.

Funny part is I'm not even much of an elitist; I'm a pretty nice reasonable fucking guy if you actually knew me (instead of calling me a cunt and a fuck).  There's a reason this thread got trolled into oblivion on the first page; the OP is just a whine and the solution is common sense.

But if you insist this thread needs to go on (it doesn't) I ask you this: how would you solve this problem?  What steps would you take to rectify the situation the OP describes?
                     You call it a fucking "playstyle". You call stat whores "players". "Taking it easy".. Well i just had i nice little tea bag on a few stat whores that i tricked into believing i was afk and it was good. You are obviously incapable as a player to get kills and are raging now that someone says that what you do is wrong. OP is a whine. WTF are you on about. I have been perfectly reasonable i thought and asked if this is annoying anyone else. There is no need to be rude meht. Me and Zisa think that you are being stupid to rush over to enemy spawn and have all those "Free Kills" that you cant get. There is no way i will alter my comp as it is perfectly fine. What is not fine is the immaturity and the cowardice of other players that i hope give this game up. And "PUll their punches"??. Dont you mean stop being a dickhead and man up and best your foes in melee combat rather than killing them whilst they dont move or are lagging. Please reevaluate your next post and think is this relevant and a decent post or am i being "a stupid cunt" and should i alter this post. Good day.

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