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Messages - Konrax

Pages: 1 ... 56 57 [58] 59
General Discussion / Re: we need more barbarians!
« on: February 04, 2011, 06:27:47 pm »
The Viking Berserkers were known to have consumed special mushrooms found in Yggdra forest before battles that apparently would "slow" time for them, remove pain, and give them a rage so powerful they could smash their enemies into oblivion.

There is actually many stories about them in Nordic lore.

For example the lone Berserker who defended a village from approximately 40 enemies on the villages only entrance which was a bridge. Although the Berserker died at the end of the battle (His arm was lopped off near the end of the battle but continued to cut enemies down despite the minor flesh wound) with his final words being "now the village is safe".

So I guess based on this information the biggest advantage 1h has is the shield. The biggest problem 1h has is the shield.


Best because he can bypass my entire spec with a single parry, 1wpf, and a cheap but devastating 2h weapon.

^^ Btw above poster you have been reported.

Learn to have some manners.

No same level as me most likely (Around level 30)

Even with a high agility build they still shouldn't be able to swing that fast. If anything the strength requirement should be high enough to prevent the option of agility based hammer wielding crush through block machines.

I asked the person, and when I watched him/her play they usually used a german poleaxe (which also swung stupidly fast) unless if they ran into a shield user they would bust out the 2h wooden hammer.

Yes skill being that someone not specced in something at all can use a weapon that completely bypasses anything I can do at all with an overhand strike through my shield. The only other option is to try and swing again, which apparently doesn't work because the magic of the 2h wood hammer says it will always swing faster than I will if they parry my first swing. (Wooo manual blocking is so hard /sarc)

Just a FYI I do end up on the top end of the scoreboard most of the time. I am also not a spammer, but this scenario today was just too much.

The guy is speced polearm...

Using a 2h CRUSH THROUGH BLOCK weapon with 1 wpf and I can't spam them???

Anyone see something wrong with this scenario?

You should BARELY be able to swing that weapon with any speed at all with only 1 wpf.

(click to show/hide)

I swing, the opponent parries, I prepare another swing immediately (spam), my opponent also prepares a swing immediately after parry, their swing fires and hits first.

I am dead.

Against 1 wpf in 2h... vs my 153 and 101 speed weapon...

Range, Damage, Less spec points?

Or you want all the advantages and the option to equip a shield for range protection too?

EDIT: With only 1 wpf in 2h?

153 wpf, 101 Niuweidao and Harmless Peasant consistently outswings me with 1wpf in 2h with the wooden hammer.

So... Really?

I noticed this is pretty consistent across the board with 2h weapons and polearms.

It isn't shield mechanics either, I am talking about lowering your shield and swinging multiple times and the 2h enemy being able to swing FASTER then the 1h player with less WPF and a slower weapon. (Not talking about moving your mouse during a swing either)

This is broken game mechanics.

General Discussion / Re: Good players supposed to be rewarded?
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:50:27 pm »
I never said the old way was better.

I believe that chadz originally said that the way the upkeep system worked was that players who are skilled and exceptional would be able to afford higher end gear compared to the general public. My experience has been that due to the auto balance system this is not the case at all and that despite me being the highest k/d player on the server AND working with my team to try and win I find that more often than not I am on the losing team and NOT due to a lack of my own skills.

Now I could have just equipped my plate armour and stayed alive 5x longer and killed the whole other team and won the round but being at a 1x multiplier I would just be wasting my gold.

General Discussion / Re: Good players supposed to be rewarded?
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:40:03 pm »
And I'm sick of retarded children like you crying on about shit without actually saying anything of worth or even having a half way valid argument. The game mechanics have changed move on or find another game. I think a large chunk of the population actually enjoys these changes.

Broken game mechanic, chadz please fix it. (Or not appropriate reward system)

Not up to me to say what it should be.

Now go join Lady GAGA in the hall of shame.

General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:33:31 pm »
I like this idea of boosting IF.

So much respect for 2h/polearms that use shield crush weapons.


General Discussion / Re: Good players supposed to be rewarded?
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:31:14 pm »
Q_Q some more about gold/xp gains. So many butthurt babies that can't face roll an entire team in the best gear. The playing field is a bit more even now.

Your reward for killing people is seeing your name higher up on the scoreboard.

Yeah because my 2k armour is equal to my plate that is collecting dust not being worn. (I use 1h / shield too!)

Honestly please read what has been posted before writing something, I am getting so tired of %&$^*%$ R#T@RD#D children like you.

General Discussion / Re: Good players supposed to be rewarded?
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:11:41 pm »
I don't think how many people you kill necessarily means your going to win or do well. However the auto balance seems to greatly consider the k/d ratio when determining teams.

I personally would like to see a scalable xp/gold system based more on character level and maybe k/d ratio COMBINED with a winning team multiplier.

Instead of everyone getting the same thing. Not sure how possible a system like that would be though.

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