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Messages - Erasmas

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 [55]
Faction Halls / Re: The Turks
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:39:52 pm »
Are you redoing the Malayurg battle due to the crazy strat bug?

Apparently not:

A: theTurks
D: Malayurg Castle
Army: 8285 vs 4500
Survivors: 8285 vs 0
Date: Wed, 05.01.2011, 18:00

And it is taken by attackers... That is not fair, gentlemen....

Diplomacy / Castle taken thanks to the bug
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:20:48 pm »
Please see:,334.0.html

A: theTurks
D: Malayurg Castle
Army: 8285 vs 4500
Survivors: 8285 vs 0
Date: Wed, 05.01.2011, 18:00

Battle did end after all defenders got kicked. Yet the castle was taken by attackers.

This seems to be a bit abusive, don't you think?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Eu3 Duell/Strategus server bugged
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:14:45 pm »

This turns out to the bug abuse. There was no battle, but the Castle is taken by attackers. My "participated battles page shows that attackers saved 4500 tickets.

I REALLY DO NOT LIKE IT.  Mainly beacuse the attackers kicked all defenders that decided to stay despite the bug, hence they forced this victory.

cRPG Technical problems / Bug - Skill Points/WPF Distribution
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:22:42 pm »
I have distributed my points ingame. Looked pretty good - but I did not make a printscreen; there was 4 powerstrike, 7 weaponmaster, 3 in shields...

Now CRPG web page shows that my points are distributed differently than I did ingame. It is a very material difference, and actually makes my char a complete lol.

Moreover - now ingame I see even different stats than on web page - that is in spoiler below...

Dev team - there is something wrong with it...  and I want my points back, please. I am sure I did spend the points differently.

crpg web:

(click to show/hide)


(click to show/hide)

Already reported in general forum. Sorry for double - posting.

General Discussion / Re: New Patch and XBows
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:50:59 pm »
So it is worse than in betabetatests... still better than regular one, and may be worth retiring.

General Discussion / Re: New Patch and XBows
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:31:18 pm »
@ Helrekkr: Well Made Siege Xbow? Can you share the specification/stats of that piece of art?

General Discussion / Re: thank you
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:36:03 am »
Its nice that it the patch is finally out, thank you dev team. Pity that my char is now screwed up...

General Discussion / Re: Official Complaint
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:28:32 am »
Yeah, right, this IF is instead of Powerstrike... and some of that IF should be here anyway. Plus, do I really have it? Which version should I trust? At sme stage ingame pints showed that I have 4 Powerthrow  :?

General Discussion / Official Complaint
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:31:40 am »
I have distributed my points ingame. Looked pretty good - but I did not make a printscreen; there was 4 powerstrike, 7 weaponmaster, 3 in shields...

Now CRPG web page shows that my points are distributed differently than I did ingame. It is a very material difference, and actually makes my char a complete lol.

Moreover - now ingame I see even different stats than on web page - that is in spoiler below...

Dev team - there is something wrong with it...  and I want my points back, please.

crpg web:

(click to show/hide)


(click to show/hide)

Faction Halls / [_the_Grey] Grey Order
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:52:45 am »
Tired Vagabonds
Remorseful Bandits
Defeated Lords
Knights Without Sovereign
Ronins Who Lost Shogun
Rich Mercenaries Seeking Home
Pilgrims Who Never End Their Pilgrimage




A secular monastic order uniting all those misfits who believe that hard common work and contemplation may lead to resurrection.

We come from various ranks, social class and clans, but it matters nothing to us, as we are all equal in our faults and shortcomings. There is no lord among us, there is no sovereign. Our leader is just First Among Equals.

You will not see our coat of arms, you will not see us bearing fancy titles, as we are humble and indigent, and do not seek fame or glory. Indeed, our brothers and sisters spend hours contemplating fragility of life, re-living the pain of death many times a day.


we will strike with great vengeance and furious anger upon those who attempt to poison and destroy our brothers, whoever and wherever they are. 

Our priories are located in the forests around Praven and Suno. If you wish to visit us – you are welcome. You may find peace of mind in our humble and undignified life and become our brother. Before you choose poor monk's life you will have to accept our

Monastic Discipline:

1.   Honor
2.   Contemplation
3.   Reinforcing Character
4.   Obedience
5.   Fulfilling Duties
6.   Dedication

However, if you want to attack our cradle be aware that all our brothers and sisters, even the youngest with hot blood and eager hearts and the oldest who can barely swing their sword will bleed to defend our land. For that, beware of those bearing our colours!

You may also join us on our TS:

(PM for password)

You may also find us here:
Polish thread on this forum

General Discussion / Re: not working
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:03:08 am »
Very funny... If I have a heart attack,  you are be held guilty cmpxchg8b....

Respawn - so its for siege mode only?

If so: +1, it may balance the chances for defenders. Only thing...  I am not sure about this spawn taking...

Polskie Forum / Re: PRZEWODNIK PO CRPG
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:20:59 am »
Dobra robota. Dzięki  :D

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