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Messages - Espu

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Contact name on forum: Vargas
Name of Character: Merc_Vargos
Sub-category and division: a-1

General Discussion / Re: Armored horses
« on: January 03, 2011, 06:31:11 pm »
They won't be removed, this has been confirmed. However, the upkeep will make it really costly to use them. You can still use them once in a while, but you will have to use a much cheaper one for most of the time.

This is the thread for my calculator toolkit providing useful insight about the game mechanics. I never bothered making a thread as it seemed to spread well enough even without it, but I think the time has now come for the thread to emerge.


Character builder
Helps with designing your character. Allow trying out different builds and copying them in easy-to-read format for forum posts, irc spam etc.

Level experience
Displays experiences required for each level and time to reach that level at given generation at given xp/min rate and multiplier.

Weapon damage
Calculates potential weapon damages for given character stats, weapon and target armor. Can be used to evaluate relative epicness of each weapon against different armor levels

The toolkit can currently be found at It is hosted from my home server, please avoid DDoS.

If you have suggestions about new functionality, please make a post. I'm always looking for interesting stuff to code, so decent suggestions have a good chance to be implemented.


The site is down
If you get 404 or no response at all, post here so I notice it's really down.

I only get gray boxes
Try using a proper browser (read: not IE).

I can't save my characters / characters are lost after a while
Characters are saved in a cookie expiring in one year. Check your settings: allow cookies, don't delete them when closing browser.

- Elmokki (damage + effective wpf calculation)
- kukufarikki (minor fixes in the code)

How to contribute
GitHub repository:
Fork, improve, make a pull request (and poke me on IRC) (or poke me directly for contributor rights)

Old version history:
(click to show/hide)

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