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Messages - Ronin

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 177
General Off Topic / Re: can somebody who speaks turkish help me?
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:09:42 pm »
"SA ben oyundan atılıp duruyorum neden oyun indirdim warbandı intten bir serialcode buldum oyunu aktifleştirdim sonra crpgyi kurdum girdim her 10 dkkada bir atılıyorum neden kaynaklanıyor ve üyelik nasıl alınıryor öğrenmek istiyorum"

"Hello my Muslim and Turkish friend I am getting kicked from servers again and again I have found a serialcode from a website and activated my account then I installed crpg I am getting kicked every 10 minutes why and I want to know how to register"

I translated it as accurate and untouched as possible, save for the beginning part.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Market analyzer utility
« on: March 08, 2014, 07:19:15 pm »
not anymore

General Discussion / Re: Raiding Napoleon
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:23:27 am »
Nerf muskets. They are killing the mod.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long Hafted Spiked Mace
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:42:28 pm »
Use Long Hafted Knobbed Mace

100+ reach swords, definitely give an edge in close combat. Knightly Arming Sword can be very good with only 70-90 wpf.

The Greatest Suggestion for strategus ever!

A few ideas:

As kingdoms become larger, they almost get penalized in every way. So I guess they will have to divide their factions into vassalages. I think this is extremely good that it will be more possible to see some actual feudal system, lords being displayed as seperate powers and being less dependant upon their kings etc.

However kingdoms, vassals etc. get penalized in every way when they grow. I think it's overdone. A kingdom's size should have no effect on their army marching speed, etc. That is a bit ridiculous. So my suggestion is:
It would have been better if more troops would lead the parties to march slower, regardless of the faction type. Kingdoms will have to employ large armies anyway, so it doesn't need to be hardcoded for them to do so. Same goes for caravan movement speed. They will already be carrying a lot of goods with them anyway, so why code their parties to move slower on the map?

Bandits will also have acess to cheaper horses and they won't be as large as kingdom armies anyway. Do they really need to gain bonus movement on the map, to catch up already slow caravans?

What do you guys think is a good big item for windranger?

I got first blood after winning race to Double damage rune then shackling the guy and we did pretty well got some kills and didn't die till we hit their inner base.
I bought Wards (lots) Phase boots, Mek, Force Staff and then went for Orchid to stop Ember spirits ghey ninja crap.

What would you usually go for after Phase Mek and staff? Euls, Orchid, Vyse or would you go for a more damage/tankier item?
I know it's a bit of a cliche as an answer, but usually getting whatever the situation asks for is the best option especially on versatile heroes like windrunner. Orchid Malevolence seems like a great choice against Ember to burst him down.

I believe other good choices for windrunner are rod of atos, Necronomicon; classical caster items really. Sheepstick is something you must always get in intelligence heroes if the game is dragging too much of course. Medallion of Courage might be good if you get it early too but I never got it on Windrunner in any of my games, although it doesn't sound bad on theory.

Diplomacy / Cataphracts Diplomacy
« on: March 05, 2014, 09:06:53 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Hostile towards : none
Neutral with : everyone at the moment
at Non-Agression Pact with : Kalmar Union, Shogunate (1 month)
at Trade agreement with : none
Allied with : none


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That's all for now :)

I'm gonna post some singleplayer warband mod gameplay videos in this thread, if we are truly lacking in some material.

(click to show/hide)

Guys keep it to yourselves please.

osiris, are you on the crpg-dota steam group? When I am looking for friends to play, I never saw you online there. Or do you have a different steam name?

General Off Topic / Re: Attention Grey Order !!!
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:53:12 am »

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Fastest way to get exp?
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:30:14 pm »
The fastest way to get exp = Strategus battles

End of discussion

It looks intriguing, I will try it out on my next game. What build order is preferable? I mean MoM or Armlet, which one is first? The rest is pretty self explenatory for me.

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