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Messages - Sivlan

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Here is the link to the UNMUSICALED vid. More Taunts to Choose from, Choose the most epic ones xD   oh, sry to spam on that thread, but i have found the new voicelines video, with no music in background :)  ''charge'' 0:35 ''Destroy them'' 1:04 ''No mercy'' 1:08 ''To victory!'' 1:57 and ''We bring death to our enemies '' a second later ''Death to the enemy!'' 2:06 '' My faith is my shield my fury is my sword" 4:40 Damn there are so many of them xD I'd also like to find 2 more, you can choose which ones of this to get rid of if the other 2 sound better ''Valour and duty '' 5:00 and "For the emperor" from any possible source. Charge could replace the original Charge taunt if possible. Thank you for attention :)

Please take thees quotes for me          ''For the imperor!'' , ''Charge!'' ''Die Scum'' ''No prisoners '' ''For the imperor 2'' ''fear our wrath ''cleanse, purge kill!'' ill try to find theese voicelines musicless. :) if theese lines  are too much, priority beliongs to theese who i have written first :)

WSE2 Beta / Re: Black screen
« on: December 06, 2012, 07:48:05 pm »
i have simmilar problem, when i minimalise the game with alt tab and then try to maximise it again, it does not work, black screen appears, but i hear ingame sounds.

WSE2 Beta / Black Screen After minimalising the game
« on: December 06, 2012, 07:47:19 pm »
After I minimalise the game with alt + tab, and then try to maximise it again, black sceen appears. Also, the game seems to work as the game sounds are still working. Can't make the view appear again though, there are only sounds.

Sell/Trade / Re: Erzengel's Shop! Lots of rare items inside!
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:37:55 pm »
free bump

i added this option for people that didnt order a warcry but that REALLY want to vote in this poll
Voted and you get +1 for understanding my needs. Awesome idea though, hope that Nords will use it sooon

then I voted yes, of course I do xD

Sell/Trade / Re: Shpritza's Shop [TRADE]
« on: December 02, 2012, 09:53:57 pm »
Are you a policeman shpritza ? I dont know if I can trust you by answering the poll in your thread.

i might have a +3 courser, are you interested in it for your klappenvisier ?

Sell/Trade / Sell / Trade +3 Swiss Halberd and +3 Battle Fork
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:52:52 pm »
Got to trade 2 awesome polearms out becouse I had became a shielder. Any offer will be consideres, becouse, clearly I am not using them anymore.

Sell/Trade / Re: Trading mw nordic short sword
« on: November 11, 2012, 02:51:23 pm »
interested in a scottish sword +3 ?

Sell/Trade / !Sivlan's Armoury Chapter 2! 7 MW inside!
« on: October 24, 2012, 06:34:31 pm »
Hello, im back after some time of inactivity with plenty of new looms to trade / sell.

I want to sell/trade:
+3 Swiss Halberd
+3 Hafted Blade

Only for special offers:
+3 Nordic champ sword
+3 Elite cavalry shield
+3 Brown rus lamellar cuirass
+3 Gnezdovo Helmet
+3 Mail Gauntlets.

Sell/Trade / Re: WTT +3 Broad short sword for 1h pierce/blunt
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:01:44 pm »
best looking 1h weapon IMO. Got +3 ncs but i might offer you mighty flanged mace if you add some gold on top.

Yes, my STF character is 10 PT currently. 30/12 with 4 WM for 138 WPF. 3 WM for 130 WPF SHOULD work, but I didn't test it.
I have no idea why that is. Very strange.

EDIT: Just tested this out. 8 PT, 104 WPF, completely naked. Worked with no issues.

Sorry mate, it is nothing connected to that thread, but yor avatar is too distracting for me to pay attention for what you write :D ADDORABLE!!, yet i'm pretty sure that Artie can deal with that hard situation. i have 30 lvl stf thrower 27/12 and it seems to have satisfying dmg with +0 heavy throwing axes. I was thinking that if Artie would try instead of 33 strenght, go for 30 he would have much easier situation.

interested in +3 swiss halberd for your +3 knightly shield ?

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