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Messages - roymorrison

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Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 03, 2011, 07:19:04 pm »
Quote from: hellowrold
    why do you care if we are 'trolling'? you're not in LLJK so you have no RIGHT to tell us what to do
    you're not my dad roy
    my dad doesn't have brain damage.
No, I am your father.  Together we can bring dowj the empire and bring order to the galaxy.

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 11:54:01 pm »
The only thing I have gathered from reading every single post on this thread is roymorrison has a brick for a brain

Be specific.  Why do you say this?

I actually imagined him as this passive aggressive weirdo after reading his posts and watching him fail miserably in game.  What a waste of everyone's time.

Literally the worst player. 

So who was it?

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 08:21:52 pm »
I think you are missing some of the Fallen reputation there... :/

More then a few clans give us flack just at the sight of the Tag.

People don't like chasing the same archers at the end of EVERY round.

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:24:19 pm »
You're assuming there will be no future security problems?  Also, you're assuming the people getting hacked wont be the ones doing it to themselves to get free stuff.

I guess a better analogy would be burning your own house down for the insurance money?

Figured I'd go with a car analogy first, you know.

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:16:55 pm »
How can someone abuse it if they have to be hacked by someone who has been caught?

I don't even understand what you're trying to say.

Why would you create incentive for getting hacked.  It will lead to people wanting to get their shit hacked, so they can receive the incentive at no personal loss.

It's like idiots who jump in front of cars so they can sue the drivers, except in this case they don't wind up in the hospital or whatever.  They just get free stuff.

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:13:03 pm »
So you don't believe in compensation for things like court cases, and only an exact 100% refund?

Either way, to each their own *shrugs*

Uh, yes dude.  Otherwise random cRPG scrub number #23972 is going to "get hacked" so he can "get paid".

Also, in civil suits the money doesn't come from thin air.  Typically, one of the two parties involved ends up paying.  So if anything, pull money from the account of the hacker and give it to the person who they screwed.  Which, of course, will get abused.

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:09:30 pm »
Are you serious.  Read my posts. 



Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:04:46 pm »
That statement is false, some who got hacked had all their chars passworded.

Either way, you have to admit that giving people a cookie for being either unlucky or dumb is a bad idea.

It will just turn into another system for someone to abuse, more shit for chadz to do, a longer delay before we get Strategus.  Give the people what they had back, fix the system and leave it at that.

When did religion get involved into this?

Dude... It's in the thread topic?

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:00:24 pm »
EDIT: It would also be nice if we could compensate the hacked individuals with something to make up for this happening to them. It would not have to be veyr big, just a small gesture.

No, you don't get compensated for forgetting to password your shit and getting hacked.  You get your shit restored and that's it.  Otherwise you're creating incentive for people to be dumb about their security.

Announcements / Re: IMPORTANT: Recent hackings
« on: July 02, 2011, 04:38:43 pm »
Does it have anything to do with the new steam warband patch?  Also, I think you should release the names.  I think you should have released the autoblockers names too.  In a community this small your reputation is everything.  Who cares if a cd-key or whatever gets banned, they'll just come back with another one.

Buy / Re: [WTB] Heirloom point or +1 Rus Scale PM me your price
« on: June 18, 2011, 08:50:57 pm »

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