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Messages - Digglez

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Faction Halls / Re: [NH] - Norse Horde (NA) - Recruiting TEAMplayers
« on: March 12, 2013, 03:29:11 am »
so everyone else will join teutonic? and rape with me?

uh no. we dont hang out with cowardly liars.

Peace out fuckface

Diplomacy / Re: Did Hosp just Side in the Great NA War?
« on: February 20, 2013, 04:31:00 am »
The truth is Hosp are just lame opportunist.  They wait for 6 months for some BOLD attack that is just relieving the 7k dead French butt buddies that are waving the white flag to head home.  HOSP, the clan that turtles for 6months against factions half their size and still takes massive losses while on defense.  Anyhow, enjoy your hollow victory under false pretense that you were somehow wronged in the diplomatic process.

My words are my own and I had already decided to leave the game before you finally were able to grow a sac and actually attack something, you boring turtle-jews.  Tragic, I know.

Diplomacy / Re: Hero Party Rebellion
« on: February 19, 2013, 08:20:47 pm »
your pretty stupid if you didnt see him for his true colors in the first place, but better late than never!

(click to show/hide)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Rework axes (some general proposals)
« on: February 19, 2013, 09:21:18 am »
yep axes and heavy ended swords like Falchion, Cleavers and Nordic Swords (whose majority of weight/mass is distributed at the end of the weapon) should do HACK damage, which is 50% cut, 50% blunt.  They have large surface area and use their weight & mass at the end of the weapon to HACK, not cut/slice/pierce a target.

Strategus Issues / Re: Roster unhired by the other side
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:20:07 am »
if hes who we suspect, just another reason why permaban should mean BANNED FROM MOD FOREVER, not just buy a new copy of game

Game Balance Discussion / Re: What would you nerf/buff in your class??
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:13:39 am »
Basically buff NH.

But no mention of buffing shieldwalls?  Does this mean shieldwalls are strong enough, in your opinion?

 I'd think as a fellow shielder for a few gens youd realize how buggy removing the shield forcefields made the game.
Need a reminder?

So they nerf shields and introduce bugs they cant fix..seems like a great way to maintain a mod.

You've played hoplite and shielder, where are your suggestions?

Diplomacy / Re: Dharan Reinforcement Contract.
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:26:40 pm »
The way I see it is that Anders is giving out contracts without publicly announcing beforehand that there will be bidding on troops (which would bring him a better price(which also makes him look like he is being one sided in the war))...He is just selling massive amounts of troops and saying sorry you missed it, not my fault...opps you can't attack me because somehow a fair trade.

Hes almost giving them away with what hes charging, or lack of charging.  I'd much rather see him auction off completely geared out companies (100-500) or legions 1k+ of troops WITH HIS THEMED armor.  Would help his brand alot more.

Either way, more fun having him around than just another clan.

General Discussion / Re: Axeplay - are you a fan?
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:21:36 pm »
Noob Q though - what is hitslashing? And, I'm a fulltime axe user... how do I abuse it too, please?

Hitting someone with the first 1/3 of the length of a 2h/polearm weapon, the area around the hilt.  Good amount of the time you can be hit without an animation even being rendered.  You can also be hit thru blocks due to sloppy collision detection.  You'll have to ask someone better at 2h/dueling than me how to do it on command, usually happens when the person is on your side instead of in front.
Works for 2h & polearm, but try it with 1h and you will bounce unless its left swing.

CMP actually had some code for WSE to adjust sweet spots for longer weapons to STOP this and instead do light blunt damage (with a wooden shaft weapon) but thats prob been over a year ago and its vaporware now.

General Discussion / Re: Axeplay - are you a fan?
« on: February 18, 2013, 11:00:10 pm »
The damage buff on axes went a long way to help make them competitive with swords, but the buff to small/quick 2h swords was not needed whatsoever.  Just compare the numbers you'll see small 2h swords outnumber axes probably 10:1.

Dont know any fulltime axe user that doesnt heavily abuse hiltslashing and even fewer polearm axe users.

Makes zero sense that the 2h axes are unbalanced but the long axes & poleaxes that weight more and are longer ARENT?  Clearly not big fans of physics.

guess your bad at math and even worse at game design.

throwers & archers actually need WPF in their skills, unlike melee's that can get up to 15 PS and not have to worry about putting points into Weapon master.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shield/Thrower Hybrid question
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:44:33 pm »
I will do 1 good aimed throw when people are closing, then switch to melee in time unless I feel another hit will completely finish/kill them.

like I said, biggest thing to learn for hybrid is knowing when to hold and when to throw.  It doesnt help that devs added a completely uncalled for hardcoded time delay when switching melee/throw mode.
You'll take plenty of unneeded deaths by throwing too long.  You'll learn when you need to switch.

If devs complete this patch it wont be as bad, if they kill you with ammo remaining, a teammate could swing by and pick it up off your corpse since you'll drop ALL of your weapons/gear.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Why exactly is jumping removed?
« on: February 18, 2013, 10:38:37 pm »
bows & xbows dont really have a good case against nerfing jump shooting. but removing jump throwing is huge uncalled for nerf.

Have Dev's ever seen an Olympic javelin throw or Baseball outfielder do a big throw?  They leap/jump into their throws

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shield/Thrower Hybrid question
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:57:03 am »
if you are new to throwing, I would suggest only using 1 stack. Learn when to hold'em and when to throw'em.  Most hybrids get caught up throwing and get blindsided instead of being useful in melee as well.
Remember you are a HYBRID.  Throwing should augment you as a danger on the battlefield.

someone coming up ladder? throw
someone closing on your line without a shield? throw
archer running away? throw
crossbowman reloading 20ft away? throw
backpedalling s-key spammer? stop, backup & throw

Faction Halls / Re: [NH] - Norse Horde (NA) - Recruiting TEAMplayers
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:29:37 am »
uh no

Game Balance Discussion / Re: What would you nerf/buff in your class??
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:00:21 am »
Class:  1h/shielder/thrower

Revert jump throwing nerf, no logical reason to nerf it.  Cant even jump to throw over walls or get distance/inertia behind throws
Revert shield forcefield nerf, allowing people to teleport and hiltslash thru shields
Revert throwing/ranged hit detection, so many projectiles going right thru peoples models

Fix broken 1h stabs
Buff unused middle tier throwing like Francisca/javelin/hammers, give them more ammo/faster windup-to-release speed/knockdown/etc
Increase weight on high damage HACKING swords like Cleavers & Nordic's.

Nerf/Fix ghostreach on curved swords
Nerf speed on some axes, increase weight
Nerf speed on many longer swords
REMOVE rondel dagger from game

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