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Messages - Araxiel

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 47
Came across this beast in Velen near the Crookbag Witches... didn't even dare to go near it...
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Place on the map...
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Kill it and post a screen as proof :D
Where is the location. Couldnt find it. Killed a forktail last night and look liked that creature in the screenshot.

Doing this felt good.

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Played my first character as Bulwark (the shield guy) on noob difficulty. Infinite lives. :P Unlocked plenty stuff and learnt the game.

btw ATI beta driver came out for witcher 3 and seems to have improved my framerate phenominally. On medium before I think I was about ~25 fps in novigrad, now I'm at ~33.
Downloading it now. I play around 45-55 fps in novigrad but don't like sudden FPS drops.

It seems i got 5 or so fps gain. Nice.

Selling Witcher 3 (non-steam) key for 25$.

what did i win?

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Photoshop. Do you see the black line in the picture? Fail editing.

Can't beat these guys on my current state.

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There's quite a lot of bugs, but none gamebreaking for me yet.

Still, bugs or no bugs, it's a great game. I like it even more now that I rerolled after ~16 hours of gameplay because I know how the combat works so can build decent characters.
Stats stacking on companions is a game breaking bug. Don't save/load on a location where you recruited a companion. (Gilded Vale for Eder, Stronghold for Kana etc.)

Generate your key and pre-load the game.

Fucking pirates.

General Off Topic / Re: Why Greeks are poor
« on: February 13, 2015, 07:07:17 pm »
Be a part of Turkey. Atleast we have kinda similar culture. Greeks are Turk.

I tried this game and couldn't leave character creation screen or something. :mrgreen:

Türkçe Forum / Re: Merhab
« on: November 23, 2014, 07:49:01 pm »
Lan iyi ki bi askere gidicez herkes itemleri satıcan mı diye soruyor buradan bir kere daha duyuruyorum SATMIYORUM SATANIN AMINA KOYİM
Bana ver itemlerini koyayım armoury'ye kullansın gevurlar. Askerden dönünce crpg kalırsa geri alırsın.

Türkçe Forum / Re: İtemleriniz TL ile alınır
« on: November 03, 2014, 04:51:01 pm »
Zaten parayla alışveriş yapmak yasak. Şikayet ederim alan da satan da ban yer. İbnelik işte.

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