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Messages - Simon_Belmont

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Faction Halls / Re: [Clan Ninja] New Thread with current information
« on: June 24, 2014, 10:37:45 pm »
Good luck with the c.... oh wait...

General Discussion / Re: SHIT!!!!!!!!!I missed the most important!
« on: June 22, 2014, 05:44:54 pm »
Not to sound like an ignorant but what is the shield bonus you people are mentioning? There's so much in Warband and cRPG I still don't know about...

Regardless, I'm with what someone previously said (I think it was Kafein): most maps just don't allow proper cavalry formations and teamwork. They either have huge hills or are filled with tree trunks, rocks or anything that stops your horse at the slightest bump (if it's not one of those village maps that pretty much negate cav). However, it would be really nice to see heavy cav work as a team. As it is right now, they end up riding around defenseless 1 handers or rangers picking them off with no effort in a 1 on 1 (which looks pretty silly and absurd from my perspective). Sadly, I can't really think of anything to avoid this myself, although reducing their turn sounds good to me.

Also, I'm no moderator but please calm down, Shanghai. You sound a tad too hostile in my opinion.

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: June 21, 2014, 12:30:12 pm »
How the cRPG community looks on the outside:

(click to show/hide)

How the actual community is during a game:

(click to show/hide)

Every reaction to a teamhit:

(click to show/hide)

Fighting people who are in full plate:

(click to show/hide)

Just some thoughts on what I read, if the translation is accurate (not that I do not trust the fellows in this forum):

 If you remove the shield requirement entirely anyone will be able to pick up a shield. ANYONE. Imagine a 2 hander chasing around a thrower like myself, or an archer, or a crossbower. Now imagine the guy, instead of having to rely on messing my aim by going back and forth and zig-zagging like crazy, could just pick up a shield on the ground (from a mess of bodies on the floor, which usually happens in clusterfucks). He could block anything I threw at him and almost any bolt or arrow depending on the shape of the sield.

Using a shield takes skill in real life and there are techniques on holding a shield and reflecting blows. If you give a random person a shield against a somewhat skilled swordsman he will be able to ignore the shield with ease. Of course Warband doesn't go that much in depth, but if you allow anyone to use a shield 2 handers and the like, and throwers will be able to survive for much longer than they should. I'm only able to take them out because they can't do anything to block my projectiles while they are running around the map, but if you leave me in a 1 on 1 against a guy who can negate my usefulness entirely I will be incredibly handicapped. Even if you add the "your shield will be slow". It already feels quite broken and stupid in native, at least in my opinion; seeing a guy with a long bardiche pick up a heavy round shield till he gets into melee without any penalties (other than slow movement, but honestly, he can drop the shield at any given time once the ranger runs out of ammo or is too close). I can just imagine all the archers carrying shields too *shivers*.

If you make horses hard to turn and you expect cavalry to work together you'll be soon shocked to realize that no one is working as cav properly. Coordinating attacks as a cavalryman is almost impossible because you can't predict where enemies will be (unless you use ts, which is unlikely) and how they will react to your charges. Most aware footmen will be able to counter you. I agree that the way some horses like the desert horse turn is ridicolous but they are also pretty easy to take down with ranged and throwing weapons (trust me, I main throwing :D). While I do agree with you that a coordinated cavalry charge would be nice to see it's just not possible with the blocks of spears, 2 handers and the like that roam around the map. Cavs are supposed to taken on unaware or vulnerable players most of the times. I know you are talking exclusively about horse archery, but this would heavily affect pole cav. and 1 hander cav. I do think horse archery is ridicolous in this game, however. They are annoying, they don't need much effort to get points and they always seem to delay the game a lot.

I doubt you'll be able to understand this whole wall of text but I hope someone is able to translate a part of it. This is just my opinion, so please don't take it harshly.

PS: Your signature is cute ^^

Aside from getting most people pissed off whenever you talk about yourself in chat, Pepe?  :wink:

But really, without people like you and me others would take most clans too seriously. It's a game after all and people are here to enjoy themselves.

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: June 12, 2014, 10:44:03 pm »
How I felt when facing enemies when I started playing the mod:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

How I feel now:

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Thanks everyone!
Also, don't be modest Molly, I've been dismounted in 1 shot by your oversized bat in battle quite a few times. ;) And yes, you do indeed dance around like crazy, it's hard to target you even while on horse.

Thanks, Thomek, that build will be a good start and thanks for welcoming me to this clan too. As soon as I get my long forgotten 2nd gen 2 hander back on business I'll give it a try. Again, thanks!

Edit: Oh, and thanks for my first ever +1 ^^

Hello, everyone.

I would like to apply to join the Ninja Clan as Julius_Belmont. I'm not very well known in this vast community but I hope there's a spot for a guy like me, who enjoys playing and having fun over anything else. Flurry knows me a little bit and tho I'm anything but the nicest guy in the world I think I'd love to join you guys, changing my game style and meeting new people. I know you expect a highly skilled player but that's not really my case. Should you have to turn me down for that reason I won't mind. I'm just looking for new ways of keeping this mod fresh for me and meeting new members of the community.

 Besides, I hate being killed by 2 handed spammers like ninjas, and I would like to see that from your perspective. I'm sure it's not easy and I'm just being biased. Anyway, if I could have a spot in this small but friendly clan I would be more than happy to do what it takes to aid you with whatever you need.


I see. I guess he was too stubborn to realize he was wrong. Nice to see people tried to correct his ways, too bad being so self-centered has no cure.

Thanks for the info tho.

Kinda late to the party but what a cowardly way to go. The only word I can find to describe this guy's behaviour is pitiful. Sure, we are animals, sure, we are driven by impulses and, sure, a healthy sex life boosts anyone's happiness significantly but... taking away people's lifes for your own petty frustrations? I don't know every detail and the human mind is complex, but from what I could gather he doesn't deserve attention or mercy. He was nuts, weak and it doesn't look like he hesitated to do what any imbecile with a gun could do. If he had indeed been smart he wouldn't have taken the easy route.

I think it could have been fixed with:
1- some professional advice on the matter (the objectification of women and such)
2- a good beating. And yes, a good beating CAN indeed do some people good. If done at the right time it could avoid many things (making people realize anyone is vulnerable).

Just my 2 cents, sorry for bumping this old thread.

General Discussion / Re: taleworlds down?
« on: June 09, 2014, 08:02:05 pm »
This didn't happen with IWNet.... oh wait....

General Discussion / Re: Free Loompoints Lottery [ends 11th June]
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:21:01 pm »

EU (Official) / Ban Jakubix
« on: May 23, 2014, 11:07:04 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Simon_Belmont_
2. Name of offending character(s): Jakubix
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU_cRPG_7, from 10:10 onwards till around 10:30.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: As I was reaching for the ballistas at the beginning of a wave Jakubix walked behind me. At first I thought he just wanted his turn but before the enemies were even near he nudged me every time to get the ballista for himself. At first it was alright, not very annoying but he went on as to nudge me 4 consecutive times for the ballista and called me a noob for missing once. I tried to outsmart him and I reported his nudges, getting him kicked. He came back and inmediately started hitting me with his bar mace before the round even started and killed me. Furthermore he hit me with his bar mace AGAIN after I took control of the ballista the next round, obviously still salty about it.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: He just wanted the ballista and thought a peasant looking guy like me wouldn't report him for acting like a moron. Of course I did and he got salty.
6. Multiple Screenshots: The first tk after he got kicked from my reports. The second hit after he saw me using the ballistas.
 7. Names of players who witnessed what happened:
Any of those in the pics could tell you what happened, Jakubix even complained to Dathus about it (or at least I'm pretty sure he did, he only spoke in polish).

I wouldn't usually do this but he didn't learn after being kicked so I figured he may need someone to calm him down for a while. Thanks in advance.

Other / Re: Banned for unknown reasons.
« on: August 04, 2013, 12:02:30 am »
Could you be more precise? I´ve killed and punched afk players for leeching but I don´t think I´ve killed anyone else intentionally so far for any other reason. Regardless, many thanks, it´s always better to know why you are banned.

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