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Messages - Algarn

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Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU] Beleg
« on: July 24, 2018, 07:53:16 pm »
With a 15% inflation rate as of now, how long do you think the turkish economy has left before it becomes ruins ?

General Off Topic / Re: Warband Singeplayer as a merchant
« on: July 23, 2018, 07:41:33 pm »
Don't think it's even possible to win without smashing some bones, and it's extremely hard to make a merchant-like playthrough because experience is linked directly with killing enemies. Add to that the uselessness of troops in auto-calc, and as well on the battlefield. Your best bet would be to stack huscarls and rhodok sharpshooters as much as you can, and own enterprises literally everywhere, so having a single faction against you isn't that much of a deal.

About companions, their problem is that most of them hate each other if you aren't careful about your choice :

I'd go with Matheld, Nizar, Bashetur/Rolf, Artimenner, Lezalit, and Borcha. The problem is when you plan on pillaging villages (and caravans for Marnid), you get way less choice compared to what you cab get you could get on a "good guy" playthrough.

About the soldiers, get some trainer skill up, and recruit peasants from Rhodok and Northern lands. The problem with pillaging is that you won't be able to recruit anymore, so you better skip the villages which give these troops. You could also try doing some quests so they give you actual soldiers after some point.

General Discussion / Re: Official I Like Animals Event
« on: July 18, 2018, 07:30:47 pm »
Dear liberals, if furries want to be animals, we should be able to hunt them.

Everytime I checked on the website it displayed something like 2 to 5 players. I'll keep an eye out I guess.

Mostly on NA, there was a 50vs50 siege yesterday, so people came to the servers before. EU is dead though.

General Discussion / Re: How populated is NA nowadays ?
« on: July 05, 2018, 06:15:04 pm »
Mercenaries is like that cheap, fake version of a drug that is assured to kill you in a matter of weeks. I need my fix desperately, and Talewords isn't anywhere near releasing a release date. :/

General Discussion / Re: How populated is NA nowadays ?
« on: July 04, 2018, 02:44:15 am »
Well that's better than I first expected, thanks for the info.

General Discussion / How populated is NA nowadays ?
« on: July 04, 2018, 01:17:40 am »
Because merc mod is fucking trash. Playing it some more is just going to make me terminally ill.

General Discussion / Re: Time capsule (3 months)thread!
« on: June 25, 2018, 04:44:37 pm »
Game will still be dead in 3 months.

General Off Topic / Re: Let's play a game
« on: June 15, 2018, 07:59:23 pm »
Most definitely glorified. I didn't even get a chance to answer the last 2 or 3 and somehow got a decent score that puts me at genius-level IQ, lol. No wonder why xant thinks he's a genius, too many internet tests have told him so therefore it must be true.

Plus the fact there needs to be more questions for a more accurate result. 33 questions has a lot of variance to it, if you don't know the answer to one of the harder questions, you tick one of the boxes and have automatically a 25% chance of picking the right one, and if you take out the unlikely possibilties, you get a 33% or 50% chance. Logically, you'd think that there ought to be some decent tests on internet, but even this one, harder than the others, gives outlandish results.

General Off Topic / Re: Let's play a game
« on: June 15, 2018, 07:38:12 pm »
I suspect the results are glorified, like with any internet test, though this one is considerably harder than the ones I have seen in the past.

Looks awful lul, Fallout 3 tier graphics and gunplay and "softcore" survival. Yay!

> base building game
> has nukes able to wipe a settlement "clean"

What could possibly go wrong ?

I thought the 4chan leak said they are still working on FO5 so this should be a good alternative to those you lose everything if you die survival games.

Well, leaks happen to be false sometimes, but that'd be an interesting turn of event, even if it's unlikely for them to be developing 4 games at the same time (Fallout 76, 5, ES6 and starfield). They are a big company, but I doubt they'd be able to pull this off.

Hey, at least, it sounds like it's actually going to be singleplayer. I'm okay if they don't water it down like they did with fallout 4, or skyrim to a larger extent.

I don't like the "building" stuff in that speech. That worries me a lot.

EDIT : Online play is mandatory. It's starting to sound quite bad, since it means probably no mods at all, unless it works like in factorio, where you can invite people with the same set of files. At worst, it''s a MMO, and I lose my shit.

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EDIT 2 : everyone in-game is a real person. Well, one less franchise to worry about, at least until they get their shit together and release a single player title.

This is the definition of betrayal.

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