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Messages - Erika_Furudo

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General Off Topic / Re: Steelseries
« on: March 10, 2011, 07:55:43 pm »
I see what you did thar. Posting your code.


It is quite funny how. I pretty much just want a mice and a keyboard.
But they are all like "YOU MUST TAKE EVERYTHING" I don't even want that mousepad.

There are no videos?  :(
I was not able to attend but i would like to see how it looked like...
I frapsed it. But the quality was horribad(Played windowed mode with low resolution in half-size record)  like you can see on that video I posted.

So yeah. I removed them.

However. For future events so might I record with 1080p.

I just need to find a good sound codec and compression codec(Or what it's called) that works with Virtualdub or so.

General Off Topic / Re: How can I chage my forum nick?
« on: March 08, 2011, 08:49:06 pm »
When the forum was created so was there an admin/moderator that was willing to change peoples names incase they did what they shouldn't(add clan tags)

However, that was ages ago. And I do not know where the topic is, nor if he is still willing to change.

With the patch so is it quite easy to make new characters and get reasonable amount of gold & exp.

But you would still be sad that someone actually bothered deleting your characters and thus wasting time.

« on: March 06, 2011, 06:21:08 pm »
Ah you had nice weather, thanks for uploading!ent.

Someone said like after the first match that the weather had been changed.

So you just needed to relog.

Events & Tournaments / Re: TODAY! JOUSTING TOURNAMENT 6 PM GMT
« on: March 05, 2011, 09:59:54 pm »
Would it not be fun to have this kind of events like every week. And with a price sponsored by chadz or something, like several ten thousands of golds to the winner.

Anyhow some screenshots :

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General Discussion / Re: Almost every single map on cRPG 1 ....
« on: March 05, 2011, 01:58:39 pm »
I just have a simple question :

Does it strain the server much for it to contain pretty much, all maps?(Not those that are buggy, and of course, not siege maps on battle, etcetera)

I don't see the point in removing old maps for new ones. Why not just keep all of them? That way we get a bigger variation.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New crossbow
« on: March 03, 2011, 09:52:11 am »
Hey, why not add a new polearm then:
it should have a blade in each side and a special attack where you spin it.

then the stats should be:
50 cut swing
40 pierce thrust
103 speed
250 length
10 weight

btw, that spin attack should be unblockable
difference here is that the Cho ko nu is a chinese repeating crossbow that was developed as early as 200 after christ.

So it isn't really a uncommon nor unrealistic weapon.
Seeing that the Chinese even used it during World War 1/2 I believe?

But as already mentioned. The bolts that the Cho Ko nu used was really small and relatively weak.
They didn't really stand a chance against armored troops. But none of those really existed back then and therefor was quite a successful weapon.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Re: bare skriv
« on: March 01, 2011, 09:35:29 pm »
Det finns inget att prata om.

General Off Topic / Re: Another Strategus? chadz's competition shows up.
« on: February 18, 2011, 11:37:45 pm »
So short said :

One person plays singerplayer. He faces an enemy and a battle starts.
Then a game opens in the multiplayer lobby which people can join.
The battle is between the players team against bots.
After the battle so does the game server close and the player continue with his singerplayer.

Would that be correct?

I have to say that is most intresting. Though also a bit complicated. I will expect bugs.
Also I don't see why this is similiar to Strategus

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] CRPG is balanced
« on: January 30, 2011, 05:09:31 pm »
What server is this that has usable cav maps are on 24/7? How does the cav player get top in a counterstrike map, especially archer box maps that force cav to dismount with stairs? Need to go play on this server.
I haven't played on it for a while but; Eu4 - bt1 had random plains, or was it called random fields? About all the time up. I am not sure now though.

General Discussion / Re: javelins secondary mode
« on: January 29, 2011, 10:21:03 pm »
Bot axes and javelins are realy short and they dont do much dmg in secondary mode so you should carry a real weapon
Depending on how populated the server is so can you always pick up a weapon from a dead enemy or ally. That way you don't have to waste the ammo slot

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] CRPG is balanced
« on: January 29, 2011, 09:27:48 pm »
The minute people stop worrying about THEIR kills and start worrying about the TEAMS kills is the moment where you start getting multipliers.  There are support classes, there are damage classes,
(click to show/hide)
I guess that comment is directed towards me and Tai Feng.

Yeah ; The game is team based.
But there is still quite the diffrence between a <good> player with huge amount of kills than a random cavalry which just goes around killing the peasants every round and then goes and die against a random pike user.
Having this player on your team can be quite... reassuring.

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] CRPG is balanced
« on: January 29, 2011, 08:45:03 pm »
That's only because it's not super-easy mode as it was. If you look at good players, they ALL have ridiculously high amount of kills, and rarely don't finish at #1 spot.
It is true that good players, even if they play an so called "underpowered" class can still get good amount of kills and be in the top five.
But I don't really want to call that for balanced just becouse of that.

It's like the people argueing about Starcraft, people don't really argue about balance, they pretty much argue about that x race is much easier to play as compared to the others. etcetera.

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