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Messages - Kasigi_Yabu

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General Discussion / Re: Fellow Brits
« on: December 09, 2015, 02:58:53 pm »
This what you had in mind?
(click to show/hide)

Also I'm are doing good, glad to see the Iced Tea is still cool, new patch soon which should bring more people temporarily :D

General Discussion / Re: LOTTERY 45 MIO GOLD 42 LOOMPOINTS over 60 +3 ITEMS
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:10:07 am »

Yeah, it lags here and there. It's just how the game is, so many objects in such a huge world, I don't think it'll ever have really good performance

Yeh but my lags were game breaking lags, making it freeze for 2 mins etc sometimes it completely crashed it

Just tried it on the planets, it is really awesome! Looks better than I expected.
But every now and again it kept stuttering really bad, hope they will fix this or is it that you need to put setting really low to make it playable?

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Fallout 4
« on: November 11, 2015, 01:31:40 am »
Enjoying the game loads so far but the wasteland is merciless, after just 2 hours it broke my graphics card :(

Was playing it with the latest nvidia drivers, ran it on optimum settings but that still didn't save me.

EU (Official) / Re: Accepting LPs
« on: October 07, 2015, 09:06:35 pm »
same for me, i accepted some loompoints, but i did nothing with them , cause i felt the suspect thing. I didn't think that could be suspect at start, just generosity. I talked with austrianno about that cause he said he accepted some too. he informed me that he sent a message to dupré, and we were together agree to do nothing with those suspects loompoints, and wait the return of dupré. And suddenly i'm banned. I think austrianno can confirm this. we have many message about this situation sent by our account messagery, and austrianno and me didn't try to abuse of a situation known possibly suspect.

I talk of Austrianno of barabe team.


Yep I've spoken with Dupre, he will sort out the situation, we are banned until it is sorted out.

EU (Official) / Re: Accepting LPs
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:25:31 pm »
200LPs isn't much, I know someone with over 200 +3 items.
So I thought there was a 20% chance they were real. And if not, I would be fine giving them all to admin.
It was more of a just in-case trade, mainly for +3s for my clan.

EU (Official) / Re: Accepting LPs
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:21:21 pm »
Oh they were hacked then. I don't want anything to do with that, thanks Dupre.

EU (Official) / Accepting LPs
« on: October 07, 2015, 07:15:49 pm »
I seem to have got banned for accepting LPs.
Could I have some information on this ban?

Announcements / Re:
« on: September 29, 2015, 05:11:07 pm »
Great work to everyone who did this patch, especially with the new items!
(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Re: Mouse and Keyboard
« on: September 19, 2015, 09:49:25 pm »
The topic seems to be focused on the gaming side.
My current mouse is this Gigabyte Mouse
I bought it as part of a keyboard and mouse set. It is really bad, terrible connection sometimes, eats batteries up really fast and does not feel very comfortable.
Therefore my main focus is to get something comfortable with a nice material, long lasting. It just needs to be good enough to play M&B and similar, not something with loads of extra buttons, maybe only a few.
So overall a good quality mouse that is comfortable and good for standard gaming.


General Off Topic / Mouse and Keyboard
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:53:26 pm »
I'm looking for a new mouse and keyboard.

For the Mouse I want something that has good ergonomics and good for general use/gaming
So far I've found:
SteelSeries Sensei Raw  and
Cooler Master Mizar

Both are around £40. If I could have suggestions for similar mice, preferably cheaper that would be great.

For the keyboard something in a similar price range of £40 or under would be great. Ideally a keyboard that has quiet keys, is good for gaming and has extra keys for use of volume, skip, play ect.
Thanks for any help :)

General Discussion / Re: Still have some shit
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:28:31 pm »
Nice guy I always enjoyed playing with, here ya go.

Thank you Krex your too kind. I've enjoyed playing with you as well.
I've been wanting this axe for some time now and when I'm not using it my clan mates will :)

General Discussion / Re: Still have some shit
« on: September 09, 2015, 04:25:01 pm »

General Discussion / Re: 24 Hr Loom Sale?
« on: September 04, 2015, 11:03:42 am »
I PMed Dupre with my trade 2hrs after it started and it never got accepted, I PMed him again a week later and it still didn't get accepted :(
Well here's hoping he will notice this

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