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Messages - VesX

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Diplomacy / Re: A bounty has been made. "Kill The traitor Plague!"
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:36:42 am »
You never left on good terms, You told us you were taking what was yours and that we would have to attack you to get it back, You then followed by taunting us saying you would join FCC and fight for them every time if we came after you. Peppo and I.. and most of the Hospitaller for that matter can admit Dev is not great with people skills, Hell even Dev will admit that, But you went about this all wrong.  You can not say you were going to drop off everything at one sungetche that was near a faction that you promised an army to, mean while you could have dropped it off at tulbuk which you were right beside. We are not mad, we may be disappointed in your actions but that's it. We offered you a great deal, all we wanted was 500 troops back but you demanded 200k.. I even offered you money from Tulga which I own with out the others knowing just to see if we could work things out but you were set in your ways and were high tailing it out of the steppe. We already have confirmation from numerous clans that you were offering armies, and even threatening to attack other factions if they did not hand over villages to you with threats of massive armies attacking, So you obviously had this all planed out.

Regardless its all over with, You will be attacked as you did not want to work with us what so ever, You admitted to me your doing this because Dev pissed you off, and didn't care about anything else. You said you were leaving the clan and then tried rushing out of our land with everything Dev gave you.. Spin in how ever you like, I think its obvious to most what happened here.

Ummmmm do you listen to yourself talk man? I did take what was mine and you guys did not like that so you decided to go to war with 1 man...........Its as simple as that! And when i say FCC i mean Frisia if they even are FCC....Idk but i like them haha. And okay i feel like i handled it right: I left the clan a week ago, made my own banner, no1 said anything till yesterday when i started moving in strat and yea i said i was going to drop the stuff off at sungetche castle and you all decided not to believe me that is your fault!

Lol yea im getting attacked but whatever your attacking your own stuff how does that even make sense in your minds???? Strat does not matter to me i like to play the game but you guys are freaking out and starting forum stuff like little bitchs and trying to ruin my reputation! Guess what my reputation is horrible hahahahaha and i dont give a fuck cause anyone that actually knows me knows that im friendly and dont betray people just rage and get mad hahaha. So dont try and twist and turn stuff around to make me look like the bad guy when thats not true! Im honestly sick of this forum bitching and crying so im done here if you all want to continue crying and flamming then i guess "Flame on" hahahahahaha

Diplomacy / Re: A bounty has been made. "Kill The traitor Plague!"
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:26:08 am »
When did I flame or insult you plague?

I guess you didnt i apologize haha u just need to hunt me down and kill me hahahahaha so thats okay!

Diplomacy / Re: A bounty has been made. "Kill The traitor Plague!"
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:11:44 am »
*RP initiated*

I bring sad news, A previous member of Hospitaller has committed to ultimate betrayal.

Plague entered into Hospitaller with the clothes on his back a small amount of gold with hopes of working as a knight, during Plague's time with us he seemed to settle in well and although quiet at times seemed opportunistic and eager to help. With in the last few weeks members began to notice that glare has left his eye, and a sinister smile began to grow. Despite the then, paranoid seeming opinions, Hospitaller decided to equip Plague with his own army and gear to patrol the Hospitaller lands. 

Those paranoid opinions are now at our doorstep, Plague with his army were seen marching far north, After threats of leaving Hospitaller a messenger was dispatched! A diplomat was sent out and reached Plague's army hours afterwords, Once the messenger reached Plague the conversation was not well received, Plague then informed our diplomat that he and his army would be attacking all villages north of the steppe! Knowing this was going against the will of Hospitaller the messenger pleaded with the now angry commander to come back to the castle, he would be allowed to leave the faction but would not do so with Hospitaller men and gear, after talks the diplomat offered a solution, Plague would be allowed to keep all of the gear, gold, and men that wanted to follow, Our diplomat even offered an extra sack of gold to keep his remaining troops well fed for weeks to come while leaving our lands. While asking the commanders troops, it was said that 500 of the 830 troops wanted to return home, and did not want to follow there now corrupt commander! Plague refused the offer and stated he would allow to send the gear and men back only if he would be allowed more gold that could be carried by a thousand men! Of course the diplomat told the crazed commander that would just not be possible, and that Hospitaller were offering a good deal, all they asked for was the 500 men to return to their families. Plague then erupted with a story of self importance, and explained he was disciplined by Hospitaller leaders and felt that he must enter into this journey, that he would march his troops to the FCC faction and pledge allegiance to anyone against the Hospitaller clan!

Now as the diplomat realized there was no talking to to angry Plague commander, he left with a message, and that was Hospitaller will allow everything in Plague's possession to stay on him, even though it was Hospitaller made equipment, but the men wanting to leave and return home would not be forgoten, that armies would be dispatched to confront Plague and bring justice to those men.

Plaques only response was that he would rather slay every man than to return a soul safely to Hospitaller land. Plague then raised his sword and with a grunted motion sliced through the diplomat's horse, cutting deep enough to remove its head from its body. While the diplomat covered his side as if to be struck next, Plague simply smiled and stated he would be allowed to live, Only to tell the story of what is to come.

A bounty is now on Plague head, Hospitaller armies are sent to confront the traitor, if Plague happens to escape to EU lands 500 goods will be awarded to any faction that will terminate this traitors life.

*RP terminated*

Long story turned into a semi-quick story

Plague joined Hospitaller, He came to the faction with a little gold and that was it. He had a fight with a member and was upset and threatened to leave the clan, We told him he could leave but would have to make sure to leave all the gear/troops we gave him back, he said that was no problem.. He then started to head away from the steppe, after asking him what he was doing he decided to head north and try and attack Tuetonics or anyone else he wanted, he then said he had enough and wanted to leave the clan, But wanted to keep the gear/troops and help us with strat, But he was headed to our most northern castle where he could run from our armies which was just too shady, Rather than telling him to either give us our stuff back or be attacked, we offered for him to keep everything aside from 500 of his 830+ troops, he could keep all the gear and gold he had on him. He then decided he was worth 200k for his time in Hospitaller as he did solo trade runs while in the clan and that money should be his.

There was no reasoning with him and it almost sounded like this was planned and he was trying to merge with a hostile faction to spite this encounter with certain Hospitaller member, regardless of dragging the entire Hospitaller faction into it. So now armies are going after him.

***If Plague is warped to EU lands, Hospitaller are offering 500 goods from the steppe on the NA side for each time he is killed or until this contract runs out at a later time. If seen on NA side other commodities will be offered to any faction that kills him.***

I know this may seem extreme but we feel as if a nice bounty system would make things a little more entertaining, we wish Plague the best and hope he can find a clan that better suites him, but as for his time in Hospitaller with in the last few weeks it was obvious he wanted to do his own thing, and has a vendetta against our entire clan because of a few individuals and is now doing anything destructive for spite.


1.Ultimate Betrayal??? lol are you kidding i didnt betray anyone!!! You guys attacked me when i didnt drop troops off at the right destination.....

2.Small amount of gold.......No i had 50k or more 500 troops and gear which 1 of the Hospitaller leaders stripped off me as soon as i came to Hosp land and joined you guys.....Talk about a welcome

3.Marching north? Yea i told you guys i was going to Sungetche castle to drop my stuff off haha you then said if i didnt head directly back to Tulbuk i would be attacked O_O Here is the Logs:

<20:31:10> "Plague": No the deal is totally fair
<20:31:16> "Plague": i said im going to sit in sungetche
<20:31:37> "Plague": where i can then drop off everything
<20:33:33> "Plague": u get that?
<20:33:44> "-Devestater-": peppo says to go back to tulbuk castle
<20:34:03> "-Devestater-": or we will retrieve the gear now
<20:35:17> "-Devestater-": We will stay true to the deal if it is on our terms.
<20:43:23> "-Devestater-": you have the choice. go back to tuluk castle and take the deal or will not make it to sungetche. that is a promise.

4. I came with 500 troops 50k gold and gear and gave them away as soon as i joined the faction and after serving for 4 or more months i try to leave peacefully with a little more and i get threatened and attacked.........How is that even close to being justifible? I didnt steal anything haha it was given to me!

5. I never was going to FCC lol i was going to Help Frisia since they were under attack.........Ask them about it, I was trying to help out a new small faction.............Sorry

6.Not angry, dont understand where you get that hahaha ive been calm and understanding throughout all of this even when you attacked me its just a game guys!!!!!!!!!!!

7.All of that is a lie haha you guys had 2 armies chase me down to kill me........I was never violent to Aztek/Devilize/Peppovitch at any point and you know that dont try to make up lies!

8.LOL now that is being mad....500 goods to kill me hahahaha O man when i said id give the stuff back haha

9.I left your clan to be alone/solo nothing more.........and nothing was planned

10. Finally ill tell my story which i also told in TS :

<20:22:09> "Plague": Join a clan i hear is hated by everyone so i can help them and as soon as i join i have to give away all my stuff i worked hard for to the leaders......Then after doing nothing in strat no orders or anything i decide to go do my own trading runs then out of nowhere some random guy (Krosis) tells me to cut the shit and go to new ichamur or wheatever and when i get there i have to hand over all my gold ive made over the last 2 months and then i do a bunch of stuff for devestater  and what do i get in return? FUcking yelled at by that asshole for no reason whatsoever................

<20:53:28> "Plague": Hes a bad leader and that is that
<20:53:30> "Aztek": But your fucking over all of us for one guy being a dick to you : /
<20:53:34> "Plague": he does not handle stuff well
<20:53:41> "Aztek": I agree, as does Peppo

lol the other leader agrees Dev is a bad leader and does not handle stuff well....

Devestater is what makes people leave the Hospitallers hes  a very bad leader and that is why i left no other reason but that! He calls people horrible fucked up names because he is having troubles in real life and that just did not sit well with me!

I liked almost everyone in the Hospitallers but that guy, and had no problems with any of them so i dont understand why Aztek,Huseby,Goretooth and others are Flamming me and shitting on me in this thread......Seems kinda fucked up to me when i did nothing to any of them.......

I now understand why the hospitallers are one of the most hated clans in CRPG i got a first look and im sorry it ended this way, I tried to leave on good terms and give them their stuff back but if it was not on their terms they were going to attack me and all that.....

I know im not the most friendly guy in game but if you know me over TS/Vent you know im lovable and friendly and i would never betray anyone, I know im an asshole though to other clans and people but thats just cause im fucking stupid and outrageous sometimes nothing more!!!...........

That is my story believe it or not as i see it im friendly/neutral with every clan but Hospitallers now if otherwise please let me know!!!

I would now ask for all of this Flamming and bullshit to end its very childish and i dont see why its needed i would never act like this! I hope all of you feel like big tough internet guys now =D

Buy / WTB MW Rouncey!!!
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:45:22 am »
Looking for a MW Rouncey can offer LPs/Gold and alot of differant MWs!

Sell/Trade / Re: +3 Arabian Cav Sword for +3 Elite Scimitar
« on: January 27, 2013, 07:27:22 pm »
I gave him the arabian cav i take it he wants his elite scimi back haha =/

Spam / spam
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:21:14 pm »
This was so made because of me i bet sadly =/ since i posted to many ban threads haha, out of all seriousness though  i am sorry!!!

Sell/Trade / Re: Phases Loom-whores: TRIBUTE FOR TORBEN I LOVE YOU MAN
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:29:55 pm »
He left and give u all him looms MW and gold O_O nice!

NA (Official) / Re: Offensive Name
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:24:13 am »
Really? thats weird how things work out then haha

NA (Official) / Re: Offensive Name
« on: January 23, 2013, 02:44:08 am »
dont think they will do anything about it =/ remember ronnie the rapist??? Rape isnt 1 of those things they care about i think haha

NA (Official) / Re: Ban USA_AMATSUKA_OF_BIRD
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:42:31 pm »
I might have a few screenshots but this guy is a major teamwounder/teamkiller sometimes i think he does it on purpose

Sell/Trade / Re: 2 loompoints and 200k gold
« on: January 21, 2013, 12:26:07 am »
O shit no way? hahahaha my bad i didnt know hahaha thats funny though man =D

Sell/Trade / Re: 2 loompoints and 200k gold
« on: January 21, 2013, 12:17:04 am »
Very mature

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Thax once again.......
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:52:25 pm »
Yea i told u to fuck off and u called me a f aggot.................How is that right? How can you justify that? Then u preceded to call me a queer and say u dont care if i post a ban thread................ And if i recall u have been banned more then once for this exact same issue..............

NA (Official) / Ban Thax once again.......
« on: January 20, 2013, 11:22:29 pm »
Called me a f aggot and a queer and some other stuff took some screenshots!!!

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And after he found out i put the thread up he kept going:

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Sell/Trade / Re: 2 loompoints and 200k gold
« on: January 20, 2013, 10:38:55 pm »
Light Kuyak

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