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Messages - Pappy

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Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:58:23 pm »
You really have no idea and should stop commenting. I like Shik and Tydeus; not to mention I just posted pictures and said "this happened". Troll elsewhere.

I had no idea you like them, singling them out in bold underlined italics in your picture, and others feeding off it with cries of badmin abuse, and ban thread, and banable. But I was on defense so I did have an idea of what occured, just it was from an opposite perspective and disagreed with your paranoia therefore inherently wrong from your sides perceived world view. Also not particularly yourself per se but others posting and singling out the entire defensive team saying we had to know, and it was planned, and a conspiracy to deprive you flag access.. etc.. but I don't dislike you, or anyone in particular just this topic. So while I'm not singling out any one entity with my remarks, but your arguments as a whole, please start troll threads elsewhere or I will feed you.  I have a big heart and hate to see anyone go hungry. :cry:

Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 07:36:10 pm »
Honestly, I don't see why you guys are being so antagonistic in this thread. "quit being bitches" no one was being a bitch. There aren't any tears here, we were all quite stoked after the victory. Murder explained the point of this thread very accurately with his comparison to drunk driving; the rules in strat/crpg shouldn't be "it is only against the rules if someone gets hurt".

Honestly, I just like to feed the trolls.  I started out reading this thread offended by your skewed reality of events, and really had no idea what your point, or desired outcome was.. so felt compelled to offer the other sides viewpoint from teamspeak communications that occurred at the time to better educate you on the reality of the situation.. but then I just gave up when I realized this was less of a call for justice and more of a crusade against admins you harbor a grudge for. So now I just post for the comedic value, like telling the retarded kid to go kick the mean sleeping dog down the street. Knowing the outcome will provide me amusement, because if I really wanted your opinion I'd shove my hand up your ass and work your mouth like a hand puppet.  :wink:

Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:32:02 pm »
The construction site never covered the flag.. or youd know that if you paid attention to earlier posts.. the tower was being placed next to them since 90% of the battle was fought extremely close to the flags being disorganized.. as you'd know if you paid attention to what was said in earlier posts..  and siege equipment is bugged.. as you'd know if you read earlier posts. I've seen buildings fly away, catapults do strange things, look at that siege tower in the picture it didn't even spawn proper.. didn't have ladders up, a ramp, a roof a lot of sides were gone. Also it was extremely chaotic with little to no communication on defenders side. Just random spawn and stream skirmish tactics. To quote the words of a wise man, quit being bitches.

Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 08:50:02 am »
So what you're saying is the admins should pick and choose rules for when it is convenient for their clans? Well, thanks for your input.
Yes it is, and your welcome. You read between the lines in my post, and expressed my inner soul with words and meanings my fingers could not type into existence. You sir are a poet, and a scholar.

Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 05:12:23 am »
I wouldn't care either way, i dont have a horse in this race.. just some xp and fun to me..but it seems it would give defenders a massive advantage with our long respawn timers to be able to regroup just to destroy a tower. I just find this whole thread to be stupid, yet amusing someone would rage after winning. Seems more targeted and personal then caring about the event or an explanation, and since the whole roster was named as offenders.. I felt obligated to respond. But I wash my hands of this troll thread.

And perhaps it was a bad analogy, but the point still remains the same.

Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 04:57:23 am »
So.. it would be better for the entire battle to PAUSE, and destroy siege tower?! Giving the defenders a chance to fully re spawn and regroup SINCE they did OUTNUMBER you with tickets... and possibly cost you the battle when you were winning at that point and the battle was lost on our side for sure... Wouldnt you be on here crying about how the admins stopped the battle, gave the defenders a chance to regroup, and then they kicked your ass costing you the battle? They dont go to your job, slap the dick out of your mouth, and tell you how to suck it. So why not just be happy you won, instead of crying for justice where no injustice exists. Also ONE ladder was placed over flags, dont know who did it but the admin on our Teamspeak did break it.. and tell them not to do it.. and it wasnt done again.. and 5 minutes is a massive exageration but its your story, tell it how you want.

Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 23, 2013, 03:16:44 am »
This was a chinese faction with like 10 languages spoken in teamspeak, the left hand had no idea what the right was doing. There was no tactics, no organization. This battle was fought like a na-1 random battle with disorganization  and random respawns just streaming into you. The seige tower was started at the very beginning of the battle, and by sheer luck was even finished at all. It was supposed to go up next to the flags, not over them. it was supposed to be used to protect archers from your troops. All it did is serve as a tomb, and didnt slow you down any in finishing the match. The admins and everyone else didnt know it was even being built, other then being discussed that we SHOULD build one near the flags.. since our whole tactic was fight close to flags to hold them. Someone mentioned they were building one at the beginning of the match, and 95% of our team was just as surprised at the end to see it actually go up 60 seconds before our death. You were down to shit for troops before it went up so it didnt cost you 100s of deaths or anything, you were still able to spawn camp us, and you still won.. and yes seige equipment is bugged as fuck with wierd random shit happening with it.. so.. whats the point of this thread? XP was made, sand got in vaginas, and people cried. Isn't that what Strat is all about?  :mrgreen:

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: November 08, 2012, 05:54:24 am »
Was asking to app to your clan, but I am withdrawing that app because I learned FIDLGB is still around but under another flag. So thanks anyways and see you in game :D

I cant seem to find any directions for where to extract/install this at

Why do you want to join Fuck It Dude, Let's Go Bowling? For team play on strategus, and to give the game more depth and meaning with a group to socialize/play with towards common goals.

What is your current build? 2 hander, so far 19/9 @ lvl 22 gonna be 28/9 when 30

What generation is your main? 1st, played for 8 days now.

How old are you? 30

Are you able to shut up and listen to instructions during battles? Yes

When are you active on cRPG/Strategus? Off and on all day, but alot in the evening 5pm-1am cst. I work a seasonal job that is only fall/winter friday and saturday nights from 5pm-9pm so I got alot of free time.

Where are you based in the world (NA/EU)? NA, 2 hours from Chicago

Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone? Yes & Yes

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Can't update the launcher
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:48:24 am »
I got the same problem... so what is the solution you said you saw him say? Because I dont see it, and I dont know of any search function

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