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Messages - Mongolista

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Closed Requests / Re: BAN: The_Irish_Crusader
« on: March 22, 2013, 10:14:21 pm »
Complete asshole, started slashing me as well when I got close to their fist "duel".

Strategus Issues / Re: Ghost Wall Battle
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:59:14 pm »
I donno why, but our siege battles always turn into a comedy, the Knights of Ni are truly cursed with ridiculousness

Strategus Issues / Re: Yesterday crash
« on: March 16, 2013, 12:37:48 pm »
The random everyday server downtime seriously makes me dont wanna play the strat, I admire druzhina for making so many attacks at this time when most of them are a matter of chance for a free victory for the defender + equip. Im playing strat mostly coz of the massive battles and the exp gained in it, so Im glad there are still some brave enough to fight this issue. (In the end its devs ignorance of the issue vs players ignorance of devs ignorance, aint it :twisted:)

cRPG Technical problems / New maps
« on: March 14, 2013, 06:07:00 pm »
Some of the new maps have retarded spawn such as a balcony from which if you jump you either die or lose at least 90% hp. One would think if you put new maps in the cycle to "test" them, you would actually put them back in the workshop after you see the glitches. Not sure if the few days was enough to let you know how retarded they (or the spawn points) are, so Im just gonna say it here, please take a look at the new maps and after 1 round you can see some of them really fucked up (a hint: people are literally leaving EU2 in crowds when such map appears). If there is a chance of switching them back for the old maps until they are fixed Id be very grateful. Thank you, Ni!

Diplomacy / Re: Wars and Alliances - NA and EU
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:07:37 pm »
We have nothing against the CFA as a whole, we are fighting purely Wolves clan (unless CFA is another name for Wolves clan)

Strategus Issues / Re: Siege Shields on the top of the skyladders
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:03:03 pm »
Instead of trying to enforce rules that are unenforceable. Or having the "solution" of banning the person that is "leading the battle" for a week/month, I just like to look at it as the ladder has invisible props.

Oh that ladder that goes up 90 degrees from the grass? Well there is a stake in the middle of it that holds it up. Oh look at that ladder that is hanging off that building, looks like they put a weight at the end to balance it out.

Reminds me of Circus acts, rather than a mediaval battle but hey, at least sometimes makes sense now:D

Strategus Issues / Re: Siege Shields on the top of the skyladders
« on: March 07, 2013, 05:23:55 pm »
I do not agree.

1) The person leading the battle is the one written down on the roster, I do not mean any tactical leading, just the name on the roster, so he either personally makes sure everything is as it should be or trusts smbdy (from his clan who can invite people) enough to rely upon him even when still bearing the responsibility for the actions in the battle. Attacker/Defender does not matter, the side which builds intentional skyladders (and leaves them like that for the archers to misuse it) should be held responsible.

2) You may choose not to invite randomers in your team and get in only people you trust - hence you are liable for your team.

3) Even as a randomer, the person should try their very best not to breach the rules as if you get punished for their actions you will most likely make sure not to invite these for any of your future fights.

4) You may always break the ladders not to let the randomers build intentional skyladders, if the archers make a fucking skyladder nest with siege shields on its end and the whole team lets them doing so, it is only good that the leader of the team gets punished as he let them do it/did not stop them from doing so.

5) Id much rather take this responsibility for my team than seeing this shit happening every second battle because the "builders" of these skyladder nests can always hide in the crowd of 50 people who, by ignoring it, allow them to do so which in the end is almost the same as contributing to the exploit, aint it? I think the responsibility of the leader is still much better solution than banning the whole team of 50 people who did not do anything against their team building the (intentional) skyladders.

Diplomacy / Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« on: March 07, 2013, 05:01:58 pm »
It doesn't really matter what is defined my physics, more important is what is aloud in the game. So while these ladders wouldn't work in real life, they work in the game, and are ok by the rules in place. It may be dumb, but I don't think mid battle discussions of whether the ladder agrees with the current rules of physics is a good idea either. Specifically ladders that are borderline as to whether they would work or not.

Sigh, why would you even respond to the comment if you did not understand it in the first place? You basically said exactly what my comment was pointed against... Let me rephrase it: Justifying the abuse of unrealistic game mechanics by saying it is not against the rules and/or interpreting the rules in your own way (oh well the ladder may be built in a totally fucked up way but hey, it has one end on the ground - not to mention this rule is in itself arbitrary) may satisfy the ears of admins who dont give a shit anyway, but you will remain a complete asshole in the eyes of the rest of the playing community.

And for those trolls who have to call everyone a dick for trying to make this game any better just to show off how cool they are, remember it is us, the players who make this game, and it is up to us which way will we choose, for me the way I play mirrors the person I am, I like to play it the hard way to earn the credit, if I feel something (like slashing through door) is really stupid and I dont want the others to do it, I dont do it myself, I have encoutered several people rather opening the door and risk getting the attackers in than exploiting the bug to cut smbdy through the door, so yes, it actually does work.

I know there will always be people who will keep on trying to abuse the game mechanics to their very best and I will keep fighting them till they are gone or change their mind. This is the reason I was fighting Greys all since the very beginning I have joined this game and saw them joining on the opposite side in strategus battles just to teamhit all their teammates and practically win the battle through this filthy way. I will fight dishonesty, exploiting and cheating because I believe this (strat & crpg) world still got a chance.


Strategus Issues / Re: Siege Shields on the top of the skyladders
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:04:23 pm »
Mostly because, I guess, it's an issue of who to ban. Who threw said ladder and left it up? Do we ban them? Do we even know who they are? Who stood on it? Do we ban them? Do we even know who they are? Who's battle is it? Do we ban them?

Banning the person leading the battle seems legit, for lets say a week for starters and a month for those who keep repeatedly doing that. The person who leads the battle is responsible for who they invite along their side as well as for their manners in the battle, also it should make the others learn not to do that otherwise the one who got banned thanks to these will join their battle next time and do the same shit to them to get them banned, so if you dont want others to do it in your battles, dont do it in theirs...and a bonus ban can go to those who get caught on the SS building such ladders or misusing them (archers, pikemen, xbows).

Diplomacy / Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:29:49 pm »
Not to mention on the first three pictures you can see like 2 ladders not touching the ground with any of its part ;) they are in the horizontal position and laying on other ladders, which physically would be fine, but it is against the law as the ladder has to touch the ground at some point, sorry

Diplomacy / Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« on: March 07, 2013, 02:23:58 pm »
Lol is this seriously even debatable? I mean do you have to have a brain to understand all this shit would in reality fall right on the ground? no matter how you call it, it may not be a sky ladder in a sense to be built on another ladder, it may be a sky ladder that makes an impossible high ground against the law of physics, and obviously the archers are even misusing it to their own advantage, sometimes people make me sick with their twisted ideas of how to go against the law and call it a different name, and I thought we were pathetic by laying the ladders around the flags against the cav since there is no other equipment for such purpose, now I see people can go even further than that and exploit the bugged physics, yay, congratulations, you may not have breached the law but you have certainly became the new assholes of the strategus!

Diplomacy / Re: Knights who say Ni declare a war to Wolves!
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:55:12 pm »
Lets say that RP wise, the Ni challenges the Wolves in a tourney fight, about spoils of war that they both claim for themselves :mrgreen:

Unfortunately wrong, Wolves had nothing to do with that gear, it was purely ours, bought for our money (not even won in a war). Yet I am still (even after getting insulted on many grounds) trying to make this a funny event or a reconstruction of one of the famous battles if you will:)

Diplomacy / Re: Knights who say Ni declare a war to Wolves!
« on: March 05, 2013, 08:28:00 pm »
Alright let's chill the fuck out and have some fun while playing the game, I was writing it down as a funny shit for people to laugh and for us to have a funny little battle, I have no idea if Cum is taking all this seriously or just sees it as a funny way to bump the blockade of anger with ease.

From what I have heard, NobleBeast was supposed to arrive with the army so we can have a bit of "fun" as well and then he lost thousands of gold waiting for weeks in your castle to get the things ready, I have no idea what the agreement was, but I know we lost a lot of tickets and money there.

As for LaFuente, he gave you all the equipment and took a screen shot of all of it to make sure he will get it back (as he was travelling for months around the whole map to gather the finest pieces of equipment and we were really proud of that gear). I won't go to detail how we got in this situation as it is not really to the topic, what I don't understand tho is what can take you 9 hours of work, if you have the gear and the screen shot, if I had bunch of gear and a screen shot of the exact gear with the exact numbers, it would probably take me an hour at most to get it done.

The reason we want the exact gear is not because we are kids who want our "toy" (not to mention we agreed upon some changes afterwards, haven't we ;) ) but because the items LaFuente obtained during his journey are seriously of the finest quality (as many of those, who fought in his battle against Greys could witness). Of course it made us sad and a bit angry when he got back bunch of steel picks we have never bought and we don't use in our battles, some shitty rouncies and a "sorry" because you have too much gear and too much work to do. I was hoping we could settle this quietly, so we were waiting till your guys or you personally manage to sort this gear and give it back and....well we were waiting for about a week and a half :rolleyes:.

As I enjoy the game (despite the massive lag spikes on EU2  :evil:) and would like to continue in doing so, I'm not gonna post another shitstorm here, I will just say most of what you have written there is either untrue or at least twisted to make us look really stupid. I would be more than happy to talk this over with you Kingrimm personally if you have any problems with Cum, but be sure I won't let you get us fooled nor I will let you speak shit on behalf of the whole clan, bear in mind you have insulted more than one person today...

Diplomacy / Knights who say Ni declare a war to Wolves!
« on: March 03, 2013, 02:51:27 am »
We have been too generous giving too much time to Kingrimm and his fellow Wolves for repaying our gear! Not only we demand no more popcorn necklaces and macaroni pictures, we now demand a one way solution to this problem, a solution worth of proper medieval noble lords, 300 of your best geared men against 300 of our best geared men in the pass between Burglen and Emirin (Western Dhirim area), we will be smashing your heads, shooting your eyes, stamping your archers under the hooves of our best horses, ripping your horses and tearing your shields apart! Cum will then release his murderous rat-dog to feast on your rotting flesh!


P.S.: No wizards please.

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Game Admin Feedback / sorry
« on: February 14, 2013, 03:48:25 pm »
no idea how to delete this post

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