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Messages - Maximus101

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Announcements / Re: Version 0.252
« on: November 29, 2011, 11:58:49 pm »
Selling Mighty Poleaxe 2 mill
lol nice try xD. Sadly I don't have the moneys ;P.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.252
« on: November 29, 2011, 11:36:14 pm »
Biggest bullshit patch ever. Instead of looking at a stick with magical powers to paralyse people the debs look at 2 hander stabs, something that I think is ok. Furthermore, they add another advantage to polearmers. I think the devs got butthurt due to skillfull 2 handers. The weapons aint the problem, it's just skillfull ppl who use them. The imbalance in this game Is ridiculous and I expect to see a lot more polearms and hardly Any two handers left. I for one will be changing back to poles. But good fucking job devs in "balancing" gameplay. I love you soooooo much for creating this awesome mod but the changes were just unnecessary. They should have looked at archers and the supernatural pole stuns. This was stupid and I want my poleaxe back that I just fucking sold. Maybe you guys should tell us what is coming up in next patches coz I am soo pissed off and would never have sold my poleaxe.*rage rage* *cry cry*

Announcements / Re: Version 0.252
« on: November 29, 2011, 06:50:56 pm »
FFS. 2 hander stabs ar complete crap. Please fix them as they look absolutely ridiculous.

P.S. Do you play polearms?

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Controverse suggestion: fief ownership
« on: November 27, 2011, 09:43:40 am »
I am very sorry but I REALLY don't like this. The fief owners are the richest people in crpg anyways because they have been playing for a lon tine to get there in the clan. I am 2nd gen and only have a tempered 2hander and the clan leaders have almost everything +3. Maybe split it between the whole clan, therefore making fighting for fiefs worthwhile for everyone or maybe, or just for everyone that fought taking it. But the idea of giving the most richest, experienced players more riches and experience...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 23, 2011, 08:47:56 am »
Ok mate I see what you are trying to do. But we ain't playing world of Warcraft and tis is a realistic medieval game. I reckon these things would just be annoying. And seriously, who has 30 agility and 30 strength. That's impossible- it only goes to lvl 35..

Would be pretty awesome but I kinda like the hidden gem that crpg is. I like the way there is a small community and you can just bump into people without organising to play with them. I used to play xbox alllllll the time- I had a trickshottin clan and was making montages for YouTube and shit. But the crpg community is one of the things I liked that kept me playing the game( AND ALL THE OTHER EPIC SHIT).
chadz most certainly deserves recognition but getting 100s of 1000s of players would ruin it for me.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Buffs and debuffs requests.
« on: November 22, 2011, 04:56:31 pm »
Exact opposite.

As lance cav, hitting a decent and aware archer already is incredibly difficult (as archers are humans, and everybody knows humans have no inertia and can jump 3 meters instantly without momentum). No cav can afford to hit multiple times the same target when there are archers everywhere (including the roofs) shooting a beam of pinpoint arrows at his horse.

Of all the possible aware targets, archers should be the easiest to kill for cav, next to one handers and reloading crossbowmen.
.  Exactly. Especially with me as light cav when I hit an archer am behind enemy lines and it has to be a sort of hit and run thing, that is impossible if archers can survive. Goin back even with my cata is sorta hard. I have 7ps and 5 riding and 130 wpf using a destrier at full pace should take an archer out.  I feel sorry for the people lancing with no wpf. And as for making all support weapons 3 slots.... I reckon that would see them die out. If you can afford the repairs being able to get another weapon out like a hafted blade should be aloud. At the moment people are having to get 1 hander prof into their build- unless they use the short spear. In the right hands that weapon is THE best xD.

Suggestions Corner / Buffs and debuffs requests.
« on: November 21, 2011, 10:25:23 pm »
Long maul: It's speed is ridiculous. Fair enough if it did around 45 damage, but it only does 37. It also hardly ever crushes through and whenever anyone comes up to you, you die due to it's 70 speed..... It would be okay if I could use another polearm, but it takes 3 slots- I think it's stupid..                                                                Cav lancing: manual cav lancing I think has been nerfed too much. The times an unarmoured ARCHER has survived my lances whilst riding at full speed is not even funny.... Maybe its due to IF or something but I think it needs to be fixed.                                                                                                                                        Just two requests- lemme know what you guys think.

I can go from using 120k worth of gear to 30k worth of gear sometimes lose more with the 30k coz when I am using a plated charger and rus scale armour and stuff like that doing bumps and picking up kills change the outcome of the round, rather than using a shitty rouncey, taking a couple of unarmoured foes down with me but doing nothing to win the game... But those 4k horse repairs can be shit especially when I am using all my armour slots, a horse slot, a lance and a shield and a 1 hander.. Paying upkeep is just unavoidable. I reckon a new system is needed- easier said than done ;(

General Discussion / Re: Removal of Strange Armour
« on: November 19, 2011, 10:40:31 pm »
I agree with the points BUT.. What should people using the katana and nidaci and other shitty weaboo waepons wear? It seems to me like saying "we are getting rid of horses but keeping lances"( well, maybe not that extreme xD.

Sell/Trade / Re: PPLEEZ buy my +1 elegant poleaxe
« on: November 16, 2011, 09:05:42 am »
I like trains......

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Is this build decent?
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:38:05 pm »
This is basically the build I had last gen but...........             Get rid of the 2 IF and I didn't bother with athletics because I normally played on horsey but that is up to you. And unless you want to play with a ling spear or some other polearm on foot don't bother getting the polearm skill. 50 will suffice although you could probably get away with 0. On horseback you want to be couching which isn't affected by wpf( I think ) and you want to be lancing when your horse is at full speed. The wpf won't make much difference if you are on a full speed courser- although I used a rouncey coz its pretty quick and costs only 600g to repair.                         Edit: whoops you have already made your build, guess I was abit late....

Sell/Trade / PPLEEZ buy my +1 elegant poleaxe
« on: November 15, 2011, 06:45:01 pm »
i will go to 250k with any PMs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

General Discussion / Re: Only 80 people on EU 1, prime time
« on: November 14, 2011, 11:22:23 pm »
could not be farther from the truth. it is thee most amazing gma ei have ever played. i thoguht it was going to be the same shit, and boy was i wrong
. SHIII...... I want it now :mad:. Sadly I have to wait alllllll the time till the weekend. Although I have brought mw3..... Let's just say I have already gone back go crpg and leave out an all caps rage tht will probz ban me  :cry:

EU (Pecores) / Re: Robert Le Pervers
« on: November 14, 2011, 06:24:04 pm »
Ok thanks.

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