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Messages - Necrorave

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50] 51
Suggestions Corner / Re: Shields on back block arrows
« on: March 01, 2013, 09:10:12 pm »
Yeah, it forces it to hit the very top of the shield or the very bottom of the shield, so you can see your ranged ammunition of choice sticking out of the very edge of the shield.

I understand your pain.  Although, without that "Force field" it would make leveling up shield past a certain level kinda pointless other then for the defense bonus.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Improve cRPG
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:50:15 pm »
My simple opinion:

Put the speeds for Longsword, Bastard/Heavy Bastard sword back to what they were before.  Then make the lolstab animation quicker (Not faster, just a animation that ends earlier.)

Or at least bring back the turn speed to make it possible for everyone else to lolstab.  Spread the lols

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shields on back block arrows
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:14:29 pm »
As long as you move like a turtle! Give it a go  :mrgreen:

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What Crpg will turn into...

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Spam / Re: Why?
« on: March 01, 2013, 03:49:49 pm »
Yes me.  Although, everything we say is spam, so yea.

Spam / Why?
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:30:42 pm »
Why bother even having a spam section if every Crpg player's opinion is spam anyways?

Any Spam-put?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shields on back block arrows
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:24:23 pm »
I would like to see something like this in Crpg, although it will be exploited to the point of making people quit.  Imagine a turtle on a plated charger.  It would be the slowest/most frustrating game.   Even more so then Horse Archers.

I believe weapon look is an important factor. But I don't think they do have different hit boxes or something like that. Their visual appearance make one thing different only, they can be easily spotted from which direction the attack comes. Which is an important factor.

It was merely a theory.  No one really knows for sure except the people behind it, although I am making the assumption that weapons work that way.  It would make sense for weapons like axes and Bardiches.  Although, as I said.  It is just a assumption I made.

The ability to spot it is a factor, you are right.  Although, that kinda sides with the italian sword if you think about it.  It is thin and white.  Cut it down to 1 length and you have my penis.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horse Xbowmen just shot me for half my hp
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:25:41 pm »
Yeah, I usually just quit or go to siege when more than 4 or so HX get on one team. It's simply not fun.

I don't mind them in NA-1 as much.  Although, once one joins the NA-Community server I quit.  It is a bit silly for smaller games.

I was going to blame abortion, but then I laughed.

So pertaining to what the post is about:  I have had many situations like this myself.  (Being one shot by an archer body shot)  Yadda yadda, makes you yell at your cat and kick a puppy.  Although, in the end.  It's not that big of a deal.  Archers are annoying and always will be, although I do not think they are Overpowered at all.  (Unless on a heavy mount)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Halfed Blade
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:19:53 pm »
but the horseback animation could use tweaking.

In all honesty, I think it should be treated like a normal spear on horseback.  I think the side swings are a bit silly for horseback

A lot of people forget the idea of how the weapon looks.  Sounds cheesy but hear me out.  Some hit boxes will differ due to the sword itself.  An arming sword is a bit wider and shorter.  Wider weapons are more likely to hit the target faster than a thinner one.  (Theory)

Also, shorter weapons can be very effective for a bunch of reasons.  If you are clusterd in enemies or allies, you won't team hit or bounce off a guy you were not trying to hit.

Side note, smaller weapons are harder to keep track of.  No matter if the speed is the same as a larger weapon.  Only a little harder, but its still something.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Halfed Blade
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:11:23 pm »
I personally do not think it needs a buff at all.  (This is me falling for a troll's trap if this was a joke)

The fact that the hafted blade is small and faster then most poles already makes it very effective.  The shortness is especially helpful considering it is one of the few small 4 directionals that does full damage rather then spears and such.  It is also helpful when in groups because you will less likely bounce off the person behind you or next to you when swinging.

I also loved the hafted blade as a weapon, although I think it is perfectly fine as it is.  If anything, maybe tweak it so the thrust does cut damage and increase it a couple points.  I think something like that doing pierce is a bit silly.

Final opinion:  I think its perfectly fine as it is :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Polearms blocking view
« on: February 27, 2013, 06:31:24 pm »
If you go 1st person everything is fine, even with a glaive strapped on your back. There just happen to be some archers who play 1st and some who play 3rd person and I think it would be fair to allow both types of players to use weapons without spoiling their field of view. Its not like this would give an actual advantage, it more about taking away the unneeded disadvantage there is of now for 3. person users.

You are right.  Although, I was stating the idea because some larger pole-arms may need to be moved almost unaturrally to not block your view (If I am imagining right)

Once again, I am not really a bowman so it's hard for me to really picture it anyways.

My final opinion: Easy fix for smaller poles, perhaps a bit time consuming to fix ALL of them though.

Realism Discussion / Re: Great Lance
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:08:27 pm »
Realism, yes.  Gameplay, I feel as though this should stay out.

If they were to do something like this, then they would  have to buff all lances to the point of one shotting from couches no matter what.  Which would then make the great lance "Almost" useless considering it already does this.  People would start using other lances with the default attack rather then couching.

It would cause a lot of problems in gameplay.  Although, if implemented for realism it would make sense.

My opinion:  No thank you.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Polearms blocking view
« on: February 27, 2013, 04:55:02 pm »
Being in love with 1h to the point of public masturbation myself, I never really had a problem with things like this.  Although, I can completely understand your point of view considering I hate 2h with a passion. 

(Except when I decide to show how easy it is to play with 2h axes on my STF)

Otherwise, a minor angle change could fix it, although then there are some pole-arms that are wide in size.  I feel that the bigger pole-arms (Axes and the lot) should continue to block view, while smaller ones like staffs and such should definitely be moved.  This is a personal opinion coming from someone who has never played with bows.  So if you disagree then there is nothing else I can say to amuse you.

(click to show/hide)

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Website and In Game stats differ
« on: February 13, 2013, 06:39:51 pm »
I'll go on a mini-quest and find a good bit of the items that differ in Game compared to the site.  (Whether or not the speed itself is right I will not research.)  Although, I think a quick sweep over most items weapons will be more convincing.

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