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Messages - Necrorave

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51
General Discussion / Re: Just putting this out there.
« on: March 15, 2013, 04:47:47 pm »
I suggest full honest disclosure with Meow or another dev, and I suggest trying to contact them in IRC sometime and maybe from there if they have any other things they ask of you. 

Do you and your brother have your own computers, or do you both use the same one?  I'm not sure how much that matters but it might.

We have separate computers.  Once in a while we may use the same one, although very rarely.

Thanks for the tip though.  I wanted to post here first so everyone would know.  I figured If I tell one person, the knowledge may not spread to others.  This way everyone can see it and I can refer to it if need be.

General Discussion / Just putting this out there.
« on: March 15, 2013, 04:24:43 pm »
I just wanted to tell the community before someone assume I am "Multi-accounting".

Due to the recent bans and punishments being dealt out to people for Multi-acccounting.  I would like to just inform the community that I may come off as suspicious.

I have a younger brother that plays Crpg and is quite active in Strat as well.  (I am not very much myself)

I do not openly tell people who my brother is through his "Player_Name" often.  There are a couple that know and If you are reading this, I would ask that you keep it to yourself. :p

I am merely just posting this so it is well known that once in a while, two accounts may be playing from the same source in my case.  I do not wish to log on one day to find myself banned for sharing this game with my younger brother.

If the username of my brother is needed by anyone to verify things I will gladly do it over a PM or the sorts.

Thank you for your time.

PS: My penis is quite small.

« on: March 15, 2013, 02:31:05 pm »
Bump because I want this shit to continue.

Necrorave - #1 nerd who likes Power rankings

I'd like to say as a newer member of Dracul, that I am quite satisfied with the way every member ravages my anus.  They also make me feel like I have a normal sized penis.

In other news, abortion.

General Discussion / Re: Post a picture describing your playstyle.
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:37:57 pm »
Not my play-style, but its the one I find the most fun to watch
(Yes I posted this somewhere already)

(click to show/hide)

Suggestions Corner / Re: A better reward system
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:08:12 pm »
This matter is really difficult.

On one hand good performance should be rewarded, bad performance... well, not punished, but at least NOT rewarded. On the other hand rewards for killing are absolutely inacceptable, as they will make gameplay hell, everyone will be trying to kill steals on focus on killing rather than winning the round than they already do now. You will be surrounded by asshats, all the time, stealing your kills and/or wounding or killing you in that process. And a solely performance based reward system only increases the gap between top players and new players.

I think you must find something in between, where your performance helps you, but on the other hand where everything stays fair for everybody. I guess kills are a bad base for rewards, as they don't necessarily show how much someone contributed to win the round. And I think different classes should have different goals to achieve and thus should receive rewards for different stuff.

One funny idea I has some time ago was to reward infantry for kills which are made by teammates close to them, but no rewards if you make the kill yourself, and the more players of your side survive, the bigger the percentage of that reward you receive at the end of the round. It could be funny to see infantry actually supporting and trying to defend each other, instead to just autowalk like a lemming wherever you see the closest enemy.

But whatever you do, I think a change of the upkeep system goes hand in hand with a new reward system, so this should be changed, too.

This would be a great way to change things.  Although, I can already see people going full turtle on everyone.  Tavern_Keeper will be up on Hall of Fame in no time.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shield Bash
« on: March 13, 2013, 04:59:34 pm »
I do not like the idea of Shield bash from a having it myself perspective.  If I was holding a shield up and pushed a button that I expected to do one thing and it instead did something else it would just cause a lot of problems with timing for me. 

Side note: Jumping with a shield is very useful.  So never take that away.  (An archer inside a fence, jump over the fence while blocking)

Suggestions Corner / Re: A better reward system
« on: March 13, 2013, 03:43:37 pm »
I think ticks should still be working, but in lower intervals.  While at the same time, the game calculates your SCORE (Not kills)  And perhaps multiplies it by a fixed number to add more experience once the round finishes.

Although, I think the Valor system is pretty decent myself.

EDIT: Also, if your score goes down, then subtract it from your next tick perhaps?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: ridiculous 1h cav
« on: March 13, 2013, 03:40:18 pm »
1h cav in my opinion is the hardest cav to play.  I hate cav in general, although I will admit it was fun to play 1h cav for a gen.  I heard that they nerfed Cav in EU and plan on moving it to NA.  Which seems kinda silly to me, although it is something that cannot be avoided I guess.

As of now, I think the only thing that is unbalanced is a select few underpowered Polearms.  I also think some 1h weapons need to be messed with to create more variety with 1h weapons.

Other then that.  I think things are fair.  (Archers arrows speed is too sluggish in my opinion, although I NEVER play archer so I wouldn't know)

PS: I am currently a 1h infantry build

I too miss ladders very much in both Siege and battle.  Although the ability to grief will be too great.  It will also unbalance maps on siege to the point of "Those 5 maps" will be the only 5 maps because they are balanced even with ladders.

No matter what rules we set up, people will break them.  Take one thing out, people will find another thing to exploit about them.  It's just how people are.

If exploitation didn't exist then there would be no point of rules or laws.  Existence would be null.

Spam / Re: Why?
« on: March 08, 2013, 02:53:39 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

The best comic I have read in a full 5 minutes.

General Discussion / Re: [Applications] Item balancers
« on: March 04, 2013, 09:12:42 pm »

EDIT: Deleting my app.  I am not the item balancing type.  (All I do is claim that mechanics need to be changed anyways.)

Would be out of place.  Thanks for the bit of support though :p

Suggestions Corner / Re: Name Changes
« on: March 04, 2013, 05:17:03 pm »
I think the big reason they do the approval is to prevent someone from taking anyone's "Default" name.

Example:  Necrorave_of_TKoV

Default name would be Necrorave.

If someone decided to leave a clan, being able to keep their old name would be preferred.

Edit:  Also, I do agree that STF should be able to name change as much as they want (As long as the fixed price remains)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Improve cRPG
« on: March 04, 2013, 04:45:22 pm »
I disagree. Very few (Military Cleaver!) 1h cut weapons (well, swords in particular- not speaking about axes) get close to even the mid-tier of 2h/polearm cut weapons, and thus fare quite poorly against armor for the same PS rating- the benefit of having a shield is hardly worth that malus, and I don't feel it is at all. Also even before the turn nerf 1h stab sweet spots required quite a bit of precision compared to 2h/polearm stab counterparts. I think cut damage on most one hands should be scaled up a few points, though blunt/pierce choices are in a good place.

You do make a valid point.  Although, me being someone who never really played anything but 1h I never really thought they were under-powered.  (Other then stab)

1h does have the largest curve and is the least forgiving for mistakes because of the small sweet spots the swings have.  I was never really one to support buffs for weapons I use, although I suppose you are right.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Improve cRPG
« on: March 04, 2013, 04:09:31 pm »
Alternatively, buff 1h and to a lesser extent polearms.

I wouldnt even go as far as saying buff.  I think the 1h is fine as they are.  I honestly think turns need to come back.  (At least for 1h)  Polearms I can understand why they took it out, although it was still silly in my opinion.

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