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Messages - Lech

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:38:40 pm »
would be nice if heavy 2h/polearms gave users speed penalty like shields do
Cannot be done without WSE.

Don't go 2h :(

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 29, 2011, 11:13:10 pm »
Just make most long polearms and great swords unsheathable, made crossbow and strongbow 2 slot and reduce maneuver and speed by few points (3? Reduce maneuver for arabian class by 5 and reduce speed of courser by 5). Increase upkeep for bows and reduce reach of lances (5 for light and normal, 10 for heavy) with reducing damage by few points (1, 2 for heavy). Reduce speed of pike by 3 or so. Such changes would make cavalry way better balanced (and still most powerful classes in the game).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 28, 2011, 11:28:32 pm »
Realistic argument are irrevelant, it's a game, nothing is really realistic.
In terms of balance, the change made by devs are imo good now.

Btw in a realistic way, someone on a horse would have more slots, as he can put many weapon on his horse...

Changes are merely steps in good direction. In terms of balance, it would be better if cavalry would not carry glavies or glb on their backs, or greatswords.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 28, 2011, 11:33:30 am »
Fine, then do new animation for such attaching that take a lot more time to perform and i'm fine with it too. Without it, my point stand still.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Tiny Horse nerf
« on: May 28, 2011, 11:22:57 am »
Horses have polearm thrust that stop them dead.

Yeah, but they don't flinch. Polearm thrust stop the infantry dead too.

Game Balance Discussion / Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 28, 2011, 11:18:27 am »
Make all 2h weapons above 110 range and all polearms above 135 unsheathable (as a rule of thumb, those with heavy head would be non-sheathable even with slightly less reach, think 120) and made all of them (except those really long ones who should take 2, starting from say 181 length and flamberge) take 1 inventory slot.

Make all 1h swords above 100 range take up 2 inventory slots.

This change would decrease power level of cavalry, as their weapon selection will be thinned down.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 27, 2011, 03:29:56 pm »

Jesus christ dude...

Im sorry, but if you have to chamber a lancer lance in order to get a hit in on him, then you are seriously doing something wrong and should get some help. I haven't read your earlier posts as of yet, but if this post is any indicator of what i'm missing out on, then i'm going to assume you've never truly played cav or are just extremely biased. Unless you're on one of those armored bank breaking horses, most things are going to 1/2-shot hit you if you're going at them with any kind of speed. I won't mention how situational  cav players are. Certain maps, going on horse back just isn't  a smart option. It's much more convenient for infantry classes. Hell, even if it isn't a infantry map many 2 handed swords or some long 1 handers can bring down a charging cavalry player. If you want to bing out the Arabian horse and it's maneuverability, fine, but you're forgetting the a sharp blade of grass is damn-near likley to cause it fall apart. It's such a delicate horse.  Again, this is coming from someone who has no love for cav; the new lance speed reduction has also made it more challenging for cav players. Sorry if you disagree, but Cav is in a good place atm in my opinion.

You simply dont understand that heavy lance outrange anything 150 range and below. You also dont understand that it's rider who dictate terms of combat. Cav is too strong atm, and heavy lance is too long (i would shorten all other lances by 5 and heavy lance by 10, and reduce maneuver and speed for everything keeping it below 40 as a base - up to say 44 for specialized horses).

Sell/Trade / Re: Sell/trade: 1 Heirloom point.
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:38:34 pm »
300k for +1 heraldic mail with tabard.

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:15:21 pm »
poleasxes have bonus against shields, you know :rolleyes:

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:12:58 pm »
um what? You're obviously not a 2h user, because they got a good whack with the nerfing stick recently regarding their thrusts.

2h is the only class I don't have an alt for at the moment, and even I can see how much this is affecting them. Their thrusts whiff a lot more often now than they ever did before.

2h is in a pretty good place right now in my opinion. Not too strong or weak.

I would personally see them nerfed even more, but without adding more skill (not possible without wse) into s&b it would end up stacked in 1h favor. Powerwise they do fine.

General Discussion / Re: This character belongs to someone else
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:04:41 pm »
Are you using the same cd-key ?

Announcements / Re: New official servers
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:02:03 pm »
Rename them. Nobody is playing on eu_11 and eu_10, everyone on eu_1 and eu_2.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 24, 2011, 11:42:56 am »
...except for the 5 or 6 points he has to spend in riding. That's a noticeable difference.

Cav is primarily balanced around gold... which is a shitty balancing system, since they can just grind a few rounds to afford their pony.

The 5 or 6 points that would go to the most useful skill in the game - ironflesh ? There is nearly no difference between cav and infantry in term of melee infantry combat.

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