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Messages - Aljo

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General Discussion / Re: NA or EU? Who's better?
« on: April 11, 2011, 03:30:12 pm »
hi all !

i accidentally stumbled upon this thread, read all 6 pages in 10 min :D
since i've been banned on eu servers, i have been playing ALOT on us servers in the last 5 days and i must say i was quite suprised by the situation over there.
altough i had really bad ping (130-190), i had way better  scores then on eu. way more people suck in melee, altough there are some fine players playing in NA.
admins seemed quite nice, there was some kicking/banning going on but only for just causes like team bleeding or ta/tk.
with all of u guys mentioning chocolate chip cookie regime in na servers, i would rather say that for eu.
there are some nab admins here who think they touched god's balls when they got that title.
admins on na also always asked what happened and acted accordingly. on eu, u get banned or kicked (losing multipliers) without explanation or even word.

and also, people in us are obviously more tolerant to nicknames people have.
i've seen people named Rape, ___RAPIST, ... and people didnt judge them.
here, in eu, my nickname is seen as offensive and i get reminded of that so often with warnings or ban requests, that it looks ridiculous.
so, i must assume people really are on the slow side on eu servers since the rape train is an expression for a bunch of people rushing through enemy lines, killing everything.
its not like i wear a shirt with that nick in public, there i would expect reactions like that.
so, if i had to chose, it would be NA (voted), but i have to play on eu cuz of ping.

Damn !

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] RapeTrain
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:06:12 pm »
first to gnjus: stari, ove nicke i tage sam napiso kao primjer i ne kao skuža da se vas sve bana. ako bi imeo drugi slučaj, kazao bi ga. (moja hrvaščina je u kurcu, sry :D)

meow, sry, but i did kill u namely today like 3 times in a map with my iron mace, no doubt about it.

to lilith: Nope, i stand by what i said, I said it for a good reason.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] RapeTrain
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:02:21 pm »
are u out of ur fucking mind?

i will not change my name on principle now ( i had intention to change it back to the one I used in clan matches), I use it in native all the time and I got complaints only on IG servers (cuz my former clan had some bad blood with them).

meow is one of those guys who get angry when an archer with iron mace with no 2h wpf pwns them when they use top tier armour (that archer would be me).
1. he highlighted the start of conversation with me and that PanPan. that guy in the end admited to kill my horse and using me as human shield (check logs before making hasty bans)
2. he sais rape train is insulting but he is not offended by people using names like my old friend (clan tag, lol), asshardon etc.

we went through all this shit with the name few months ago with some other admin (think he had like a hoplite for avatar) and he said he isnt happy with the name but there was no need to change it.
I always behaved with moral fiber, mingled with people, did some small talk and I ALWAYS play for the TEAM, not myself. only thing a person would  excpect in return is not getting team blead (horse is the life of the horse archer) or used as a human shield. but this things take my blood pressure to a whole new level.

further on, banned with no explanation, not a word. sais alot about an admin. u must be a fucking uptight trigger happy bitch who cant wait to get someone innocent banned (or maybe someone who had a lousy day at work, dont give a shit) but there was no reason whatsoever to ban me. there are people on the server who curse, insult and be douchebags all the time and they are not even warned.
so on this occasion and this situation I should get a warning kick at the most and that would be questionable.

with that said, i dont search for an unban. I say things as they are, no fucking roses with that package.

now work on ur manners with banning people or I will talk to someone above u (not a threat, advice)

Closed Requests / Re: Unban (not a request)
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:50:40 pm »
I have equipment in my gear slots that requires huge strenght and I just started playing cRPG last nigh after a few months ( I had to install new patch) and I had a new character.
Also it was the first time I forgot to change it before spawn (I automaticaly pressed "Done") AND, as stated before, I first asked for a weapon, then I found myself a Bar mace in the first minute of that round and it wasnt after another 60 seconds that I was kicked and banned altough I had a weapon. Your admin friend should keep a watchful eye on those he's about to kick. 

I think I was quite clear five hours ago...
If that ain't enough of an "excuse" then nothing is.

Closed Requests / Re: Unban (not a request)
« on: January 23, 2011, 02:01:17 pm »
lol, do you even understand the meaning of being raped in battle or generally in Warband?
take a look in the dictionary:

check the arhaic description- warband is supposed to be a copy of a medieval word, arhaic meaning therefore applies for Warband community too.
Also, the rape-train is a comonly used expression in gaming, referring to a large group of players harassing, attacking or killing one subject or considerably smaller group of players on the opposite team.

It is not supposed to be insulting to any female Warband gamer or to any woman at all.
I use this name in Native, Vikingr and TS all the time and there hasn't been any complaints from my female clanmate or anyone else except some IG player, who had a wrong image in his/her head.

If you still cannot see my nickname in a brighter light, you might have some real life insecurity problems that are depicted by your false comprehension of this word.

There we go, running around naked and without weapons earns you a 1 day ban.
I have equipment in my gear slots that requires huge strenght and I just started playing cRPG last nigh after a few months ( I had to install new patch) and I had a new character.
Also it was the first time I forgot to change it before spawn (I automaticaly pressed "Done") AND, as stated before, I first asked for a weapon, then I found myself a Bar mace in the first minute and it wasnt after another 60 seconds that I was kicked and banned. Your admin friend should keep a watchful eye on those he's about to kick. 

All in all, I will not change my nickname because of an ?envious? admin (mr awes.) and grumpy woman. It has become a symbol in my clan and I will not abandone it.

With respect,

Closed Requests / Unban (not a request)
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:17:00 pm »
I was banned by Mr Awesome at around 12:00 GMT, 23.1.2011 from the EU 1 Server.
No reason was stated, only out of the ordinary thing from my part was that I spawned without equipment and weapons ( I then looted a weapon in the first minute of the round).
I will not beg or request for unbanning me but clearification of this matter would be in place.
Perhaps your imature admin was so envious of my score or skill, he had to abuse his powers and permanently ban me.
This is the only logical explanation of the incident and with admins so incompetent, you can shove your pretty cRPG up your ***.

With completely no respect at all,

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