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Messages - Espu

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48] 49 50 ... 52
Events & Tournaments / Re: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 01)
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:01:26 pm »
The concept is great, nice job organizing Beauchamp. The server obviously sucked, that needs to be fixed. The other thing would be to enforce proper behavior. That fist-kick-jump-CAPS-spamming just ruined the atmosphere IMO.

Good tournament anyway. Nice fights even though we screwed up the final.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON LF RANGED&TURTLES]
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:35:21 am »
I gave Muffin a +1 on the previous round already, can't see why your battle sense would have got any worse. So +1 for Muffin again.

Merc_Vargos - Crazy_Corvin 2-3 (1-0,1-1,2-1,2-2,2-3). Crazy_Corvin continues to the final.

Excellent, evenly matched  fights. The final round was probably 4mins long. Congrats to Corvin and good luck to both finalists.

General Discussion / Re: Up to date Character builder?
« on: February 04, 2011, 11:03:04 pm »
Please link to the forum thread so people can see the awesome informational stuff I put in there instead of the page:,37.0.html

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help with HA build
« on: February 04, 2011, 06:37:24 pm »
I disagree. My HA is 15/21 (going for 24) atm and it's great fun to play. Not tank-mounted railgun ofc, takes actual skill now. It requires playing the skirmishing harasser role HA's are best suited for instead of running through the battlefield killing everything.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Help with HA build
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:23:59 am »
With HA3 you won't be too effective as a HA, but obviously you're a lot more balanced in terms of non-HA capability. Might work nicely as a sort of light cav / skirmisher - shoot for the first half of the match and then start picking people off with a lance.

I have a 15/24 build coming up for my HA. Means I use strong bow and get HA4, but I'm pretty much gimped on foot and without bow. No points in skills other than WM, Riding, HA and PD, and even all of those can't be maxed. Should be pretty accurate from horseback though.

Braeden seems to be gone, has not been active on the forum for more than a week or responded to my PM. Probably a forfeit, unless he suddenly reappears.

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some feedback on a few views
« on: February 02, 2011, 03:58:44 pm »
You started a nice discussion and then threw it away in the first page. I'd like to quote myself here:

Quote from:,1415.msg22411.html#msg22411
If you have a feeling you might be doing something wrong, think about it for a few seconds. In 99% of the cases you will reach the correct conclusion without even consulting the rules.

Admins cannot see everything. If I see you intentionally teamkilling a peasant, I will kick you without warning. I don't care if he kicked you three seconds ago, teamkills are still not allowed. Same goes for most offenses - I only act on what I see. If someone's causing trouble, announce him in the chat so an admin can take a look. Don't take "justice" into your own hands.

You might be unjustly punished. Of course that should not happen, but as all admins (except Wooki) are human, they sometimes make mistakes. Going all ragey in won't fix it. You probably want to let the admin know with a civilized reply, but raging won't do you any good. Quoting Smeagol, "we be nice to them if they be nice to us".

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON LF RANGED&TURTLES]
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:03:38 pm »
You might want to rethink your build. With stuff like that you lose a lot of effectiveness in melee and still suck as an archer. Check out the build threads for general ideas.

Round 2

Merc_Vargas vs. MRUD_IV
3 - 0, Merc_Vargas wins.

Haven't fought Braeden, guess I have to PM him.


Fortunately, we still know that more PS = more damage!

This. Stop min-maxing, more power -> more damage.

Closed Requests / Re: EU1 battle - ban request for AngelEyes_of_Rose.
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:48:48 am »
Once you get off your horse, it's no longer yours. Don't go raging at the guys who take it for themselves, kill it or whatever.

Obviously both you and the other guy were angry and behaving bad. Intentional horse-tking is forbidden and will be punished if an admin sees it. Let this be a severe warning to you both. *wags finger*

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Vargas's Toolkit
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:41:43 am »
Nah, I'm just counting all xp levels so that for all levels above 30, it's the xp required for previous level * 2. That seems to be about right. Not exactly, sure, but 100k is pretty insignificant when talking about tens of millions of xp.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Vargas's Toolkit
« on: January 27, 2011, 12:57:49 am »
It shows total amount of time needed.

General Discussion / Re: the vast majority of the EU_cRPG_1 admin team
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:11:43 pm »
If you have a feeling you might be doing something wrong, think about it for a few seconds. In 99% of the cases you will reach the correct conclusion without even consulting the rules.

Admins cannot see everything. If I see you intentionally teamkilling a peasant, I will kick you without warning. I don't care if he kicked you three seconds ago, teamkills are still not allowed. Same goes for most offenses - I only act on what I see. If someone's causing trouble, announce him in the chat so an admin can take a look. Don't take "justice" into your own hands.

You might be unjustly punished. Of course that should not happen, but as all admins (except Wooki) are human, they sometimes make mistakes. Going all ragey in won't fix it. You probably want to let the admin know with a civilized reply, but raging won't do you any good. Quoting Smeagol, "we be nice to them if they be nice to us".

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