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Messages - Black Wind

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Old cRPG was better
« on: January 13, 2011, 01:23:08 pm »
Yes... I have been playing for a year approx, and I know how to dodge arrows. They just manage to get me in the end, as they often mob together. I wear a burlap tunic.

It is just frustrating how often I die to the unskilled. When I say that archery is easy, I get a mouthful of "no it isn't, try it." I HAVE tried it and it was easier than pissing.

old cRPG was much better. Sure there were OP things in EACH class. E.G. Lolhammer, Lolstab, Archer Draw speed, and LoC. All of these I found countered eachother, hence balancing the game more than now.

The only outliers were armoured horses.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Old cRPG was better
« on: January 13, 2011, 12:40:19 pm »
so you avoid upkeep by wearing no armor ... ok but what do you use the gold for!? there is no other way to spend gold now that retirement is free. just keep your total gear cost below 25000g add you'll be fine. ~50 armor not enough 4 u?

Hurpdy durp. I am a ninja build, And because I don't wear anything shiny I get one hit by arrows AND throwing. I think being one hit in melee is bad enough personally

Suggestions Corner / Old cRPG was better
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:05:42 am »
I play many characters that don't wear armour, as it avoids upkeep. I CONSTANTLY get ganked by archers. FUCKING CONSTANTLY! it shits me to the core. Revert cRPG and do a rollback. Throwers, and archers dominate the field as tincans can't afford to wear armour. Cavalry have to wear average.. armour as horses are expensive. And peasants are AMAZINGLY subsceptible to 1 hit kill archer and thrower attacks.

This mod has lost its varnish, PLEASE revert.


General Off Topic / Re: Bring Back Old cRPG!
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:13:25 pm »
Its balanced, except for throwing and blunt weapons.

General Off Topic / Re: Bring Back Old cRPG!
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:04:05 pm »
And tincans. And archers. And plated chargers. And lolstab. And shield forcefield.

We don't get plated chargers in AU servers. But we do get bucklers and lolstabbers and archers. As it turns out due to the small amount of players, we only get OP'd by HA. Nobody cares about the rest.

General Off Topic / Re: Bring Back Old cRPG!
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:00:49 pm »
As far as I'm concerned we are known to the world as racist bogans. :S

General Off Topic / Re: Bring Back Old cRPG!
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:46:51 pm »
Warcat you obviously are a retard. In the AUS server, we had a lvl 30 HA wearing peasant gear. He was getting ratios of 20:3. So stfu.

This is taken from Australian server with like 30 people online at once at most.

General Off Topic / Re: Bring Back Old cRPG!
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:41:41 pm »
Come on, are you serious?  :shock:

Yes, in old cRPG, the only OP build was HA. This is so because archers cancelled out cav, cav cancelled out melee and melee cancelled out archers.

General Off Topic / Bring Back Old cRPG!
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:28:47 pm »
Title - enough said.

- More balance.
- Broken stab animation added more balance against blunt weapons and knockdowns.
- Blunt is currently OP (e.g. barmace and crushthroughs), as well as throwing (equipping jarids or others to multiple slots, with high Power Throw.)
- Upkeep causes unbalance, and supports ninja-builds.

EDIT: Preferably without a rollback. ( I know this sounds like I leeched off the new multipliers, but I am still a lower level than I was, before I was a level 28 black plated polearmer, which I now respeced into transitional because its not as noob. On my other character, I was a lvl 25 archer, and respeced into a ninja as to avoid upkeep.)


Suggestions Corner / Re: upkeep unnecessary
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:44:07 am »
You are wrong, armour upkeep is necessary. Since the patch has been out, I have seen one tincan and one Horse Archer. This keeps it fair, so people can't just run into the front lines and kill everything whilst wearing plate. Sure, the upkeep is too expensive at the moment.

I don't believe weapon upkeep is necessary though, as there is no 'tier' weapons; It comes down to preference. Even still, the bastard sword is similar to the katana in stats and costs 330 gold, where the katana costs around 9.8k. The katana costs alot more to repair due to the price difference. This is all written in my opinion.


Basically, an outline is:
- The weapons are used due to opinion, and personal preference.
- What made the 'old' cRPG unbalanced was armour above transitional, and the sniper crossbow, horse armour, but most of all: Horse Archers

Apart from those factors, the 'old' cRPG was the best thing I have ever played.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Upkeep/use Balance
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:50:09 pm »
Weapon upkeep needs to stay, tbh, everyone and their dog owning the best toptier weapons is just as bad as everyone in the best armour. Now you have to make choices whether you prefer a better weapon or better armour, sounds reasonable to me.

toptier? Weapons are all good, it's just how the person chooses to use them, e.g. I have seen a poorly skilled person wearing mail, die to a peasant who had a falchion. Not to mention the best armour costs 34k. The most expensive melee weapon (Not necessarily the best, costs 15k; Flamberge.) Whilst equipping that and ONLY that, I was still losing gold very rapidly. So I personally express my opinion that weapon upkeep is unnecessary. If one can't use a decent weapon without losing money, how can he be expected to make money and enjoy the game? I know I'd hate to use a pitchfork continuously.

Overall, I see this patch having a mammoth potential. And I would like to thank chadz for putting the effort in. :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Upkeep/use Balance
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:35:42 pm »
The money I lost in upkeep was when I just used a flamberge; no armour/clothes.

Game Balance Discussion / Upkeep/use Balance
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:22:21 am »
Hello all,
Previously on cRPG, I was a heavy cavalry, wearing black armour. I was relieved to sell all my armour as it was super-boring and couldn't afford the upkeep. This is fine but a bit too expensive. In regards to weapons I am not so sure as to the upkeep prices. I played for about 7 minutes, and I lost around 2,000 gold for using my Flamberge. The new Gold/Exp:Upkeep ratio really needs balancing.

- I believe that upkeep is a good idea on the whole, but the prices are rediculous. So balance here would be nice.
- In my opinion, weapons should not have upkeep (or minimal), as they were easily maintained in a real life scenario.

Thats all, Thankyou  :)


General Discussion / Re: Cant spend my skill points?
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:55:06 am »
I pressed the "C" Button, and it just assigned me to Battalion number 1? Help?

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