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Messages - Espu

Pages: 1 ... 44 45 [46] 47 48 ... 52
Closed Requests / Re: [Permanently Ban]DaveUKR
« on: March 11, 2011, 05:28:50 pm »
All has been said.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: March 11, 2011, 12:34:02 pm »
Hey Mercs!
Can I get any reply on my post here,19.msg48075.html#msg48075
As I can understand you need 1hshielders/cav classes & that's my fav  :twisted: So plz stop ignoring me tell me what you think  :evil:

I have not seen anything particularly impressive in terms of individual skill. Good motivation to teamplay, we've fought together on a few occasions. Solid shielder, stands in the way and blocks stuff. +-0 for now.

Remove Battle on the Ice. It just doesn't work for cRPG anymore. The ship side attacks, loses, decides to camp the boat. The forest side either camps and wins anyway or stupidly charges out onto the ice to be shot and/or ridden down by cavalry. Same every time.

I think it's one of the best maps, and pretty balanced too. Definately -1 for removal proposition.

1. Play single player training grounds until you can block everything that an elite infantry tries to hit you with in 1v1.
2. Go practice to duel server, try to fight opponents at similar or slightly higher skill level. Fighting superheroes does not teach you anything until you can somewhat understand what they are doing.
3. Repeat 2 until satisfied.
4. Fight superheroes.
5. Become superhero.

Remove Saren. Basically a nice little village, but the other team spawns in the village on top of a giant hill and the other team under that. Would be nice if someone fixed the spawns though.

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Closed Requests / Re: Unban please
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:50:58 pm »
It's a normal ban.

Teamkilling at spawn, leaving server to evade ban. Unban 03/12/11. Can't see whose ban it is though.

Closed Requests / Re: [Punish] Merc_Stimpy
« on: March 10, 2011, 04:03:10 pm »
When was this and on which server?

Edit: Apparently on EU1 on 9.3.

Remove Dusturil. One team starts in village, the other under a giant hill. Very boring.

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General Discussion / Re: CRPG Wiki
« on: March 09, 2011, 04:26:27 pm »
I approve this message!

Announcements / Re: crpg, strategus, chadz
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:11:19 pm »
If anyone has time and interest to work on the wiki, msg me on IRC. I can give you rights to ban the linkspammers etc. I have done that occasionally and tried to fight the spammers but it seems their bots have more time in their hands than I do.

Perhaps we could only allow editing for registered and validated people. It just seems that the interest died down after the first buzz, haven't seen anything useful happen there for some time. Anyway, join the IRC channel and talk to me if you're interested in contributing.

You need to find the gearset you can afford to use. The point of upkeep is that you can't run around in plate armor all the time.

I use medium mail sets on all my characters, making the total cost 25-35k. I make a steady flow of gold with this and can then buy some awshum high-end gear and occasionally use them.

Of course if your goal is to just gain gold (what for, if not gear upkeep?), it makes sense to use cheap gear. On the other hand, is running around in peasant gear 9 rounds out of 10 to be able to play one round in full plate actually fun? I don't think so, but obviously you don't have to agree.

Guides / Re: Recovery & editing of serial/cd-key guide
« on: March 06, 2011, 01:47:30 pm »
This is what the guide actually does. Shows the relation between cd-keys and characters as well as the fact that characters are stored in the database, not on your own computer.

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Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: March 06, 2011, 03:13:03 am »
+1 for both koldborn and Waragorn. Competent players.

Sorry, can't reproduce that behavior in my Chrome (or any other browser). I think it has to be in your browser settings.

Please use the calculator thread (,37.0.html) for discussion about calc features. That way I might remember to fix the bugs when I get around to it. These random threads just fade into nothingness and provoke no action.

WPF calculation is an estimate, as the exact formula remains secret. The estimate is good enough though, not like it matters if you have 150 or 152 WPF (like the difference is on my xbow char).

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