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Messages - Banok

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tracer aussie? she is english, or supposed to be I think. the accent is not very authentic, its sounds more like an american impression of english people.

the explosives guy is aussie.

anyway to other new players I recomend these videos:

its funny how quite a few heroes are obviously designed with "no aim required" in mind, and yet this game is getting aim assist on consoles.

still haven't even played all heroes, but I do like widowmaker. play object, get 40 kills, support team and look smexy all at the same time.

the flanking heroes like reaper, mcree, tracer, geni are all fun but usually have too many on your team and they suck at objective.

Total War Series / Re: Total War Hammer
« on: May 06, 2016, 06:35:36 am »
if I recall correctly xcom 2 released everything maybe even source, not sure any other games opened up at that level. not a good comparison.

Most total war modding is done by fan made tools, so mods for warhammer were always going to exist. but now they are adding support for tools DAVE and BOB, which means modders have easier access to more things like customising units.

but couple points. those are just 2 tools, there is still no campaign map editor, afaik there never was it was community made for medieval 2. also:

Please only include Warhammer Fantasy Battles content in your mods

this is interesting because people in theory people could still make a lord of rings mod, and host on twcentre. but people say GW will lawyer the fuck out of them.

and anyway modders are already struggling to make a lotr mod for attila/rome2 cause like I said limited access to tools, no custom campaign map or scene maker.

Total War Series / Re: Third Age Total War
« on: May 06, 2016, 02:53:49 am »
yeah I recently started playing DaC sumbod and its really a great upgrade.

I still get fairly consistent crashes like every 4th end turn, but still worth it.

yeah you'd think in 2016 mouse thumb buttons would be default over V.

I won't bother reposting them all gifs on the reddit page are amazing ;) great game for gifs if nothing else.

first of all the turret character is just stupid, there are maps with only 1 choke point, its hp/damage/accuracy is just not even close to balanced.

yup game is obviously overall well made. It has the fun aspects of moba's without the mob grinding for 40 minutes which makes me hate those games.

And yet this is another FPS were the rounds are too short for me. It feels like you spend 50% of the time watching the victory screen, play of the match and then queing for next round. Its got that halo/console multilayer feel that is a big put off, I can't even browse game type or anything only do quick play, is that just because its beta?

Its funny round length is simple but big deal to me. I got bored of insurgency quite quickly for same short rounds, long loading screens. But get tired of Counterstrike competitive dragging out towards 30 fucking rounds.

thats cool because I'd like to try it, but I don't think I will buy it.  :P

General / Re: Let us pre-buy oKaM, Donkey team.
« on: May 02, 2016, 08:00:40 pm »
I'm really not a big fan of Early Access (EA) from a consumer perspective, but as a emerging developer you'd have to be crazy not to try and exploit it.

Even your good EA examples I'm not so sure of. I mean KSP seemed to be permanently in EA, I suppose it has released by now. And I understand darkest dungeon had a controversial EA development, with some people still not liking the changes.

The only EA game I really rate is Squad; the game is already really fun and they do the probably best dev posts I've seen They are also making a commercial multiplayer game from a multiplayer mod, so its early days squad still could somehow fail, but I do think EA can be done right.

You just need to have the basic gameplay polished and then expand the content, but this is probably easier with a FPS than less trod territory that OKAM is treading. Squad is essentially the same gameplay from an already successful mod (PR for bf2) in a new engine. I assume OKAM is very different to crpg/strategus.

the bonfire pacing in 3 is just really whacky. I mean look at this shiet

(click to show/hide)

after catacombs boss you have 3 bonfires all right next to each other also. then areas like cathedral/lothric/dungeon you gotta use so many lifts and stuff, which in comparison makes no sense.

Total War Series / Re: Total War Hammer
« on: April 29, 2016, 09:34:29 pm »
meh not impressed by "free LC".

before they talked about doing expansions in a trilogy, that add new map/factions to the same grand campaign. I really liked this idea, because I never liked TW mini campaigns, and DLC that unlocks existing factions were pretty much all a complete waste of money and hurt modding.

So I thought they were doing that instead, but no they are doing both that and all the typical DLC. I guess to many idiots buy this shit for them to not do it.

I mean I'd pay for full on expansions packs, but there was rome2 DLC that I literally could have made myself over a weekend with the mod toolkit, I was modding at the time and I noticed they (mostly) just used existing assets in there from launch. attila was mostly as bad, although the sand cultures DLC is quite decent.

PS: I actually had a job interview at CA, and nearly got the QA job on this game. if I had sure i'd be up every night until launch eating pizza and slaving on the buggy mess that probably is this game right now ;)

there is. look it up, the chain is different. plus you can throw hunters charm, they passively open and give you item - thats how I'm getting aravice item these days.

Irithyll Dungeons are the worst area in my opinion. Like 1 bonfire and you just have to steadily open up the shortcuts to make it easier. It's such a grind and an uninteresting area to boot.

its a homage to jail area in demon souls I think, which was even worse :S

actually the farron keep area was designed for people to spam "may the flames guide ye" messages until people took them literally.

I mean I didn;t realise it until it was pointed out to me, but if you follow the fires it really does takes you on a straight path of where you need to go.

but yeah I agree its an anoying area but they are kinda of souls staple by now, got nothin on blightown imo.

Well I would at very least agree there is nothing in darksouls but combat, pretty much but there is PvE, PvP and Co-op. darksouls 1 had best exploration/story but even then its very minimal really.

For example Darksouls 3 "quests" are fucking awful, unpopular opinion amongst fans. but really you fail siegwards quest simply by going into irithyl dungeon first, which is the most obvious route to go and thats just one of the many unhinted ways you can fail it. So unless you are omnipotent, the quests are 100% designed to be looked up on wiki/guides, even then its overcomplicated and obtuse. Its's just not good design, and I dispute that souls obscurity is always intentional - it often seems like lazyness and/or bad translation.

I beat it on like my 3rd go.

but its funny I still haven't beat the 2nd last boss, even though I got to it now on 3 of my characters. (steam says 174 hours but I do leave it running sometimes).

and yet don't think Ive seen anyone else complain about this boss. it cheeses me off too much when a boss 1 hits me and takes along time to get to from bonfire, so I've actually had less attempts than previous bosses like pontiff/dancer.

cheeses me off to the point I basically seem to just make a new character. but I guess I could just summon it so I can see last area(s) of the game.

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