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Messages - balbaroth

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General Discussion / Re: difficulties with my 1h/shield char
« on: January 14, 2011, 01:19:12 am »
Something wrong with wpf? Allers has an all str build and has 100 wpf in 2h. Is this correct? I believe when reset happened I had a lot of wpf also :/

that is correct  , from 1 to 100 it doesnt take much weaponmaster   with the latest patch , as i mentionned earlier this patch made the str builds kings :D

General Discussion / Re: Nerf Generational XP GAIN POST level 30
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:18:00 pm »
WTF?!   :evil:

Guess I should have retired 10+ times like everyone else pre-patch instead of rolling alts :(

you guessed right , its your own fault  :D  i love my 110% xp bonus :p

General Discussion / Re: So about that banner balancer........
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:37:12 pm »
switching banner imo is not a viable solution , first of all , i'd like to say first of all banner balance is a great idea to play with friends , gather on teamspeak and have lots of fun , tho balance has to be taken into consideration , a few nights ago there was ats vs hospitallier  on the 80 server , it was freaking awesome , 

but when one clan is alone  , the balance is definatly not working properly , clans should stop being homers and diss people here that i think is a legitimate complain  :p its easy to say use teamwork , but most of thoses people arent on vent or TS , most of theses people dont have dead people telling you where the enemy is on vent or TS  ,

was my 2 cents on this ,  but i still think its a great idea but in practice hard to balance

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Spear Thrust - Too easily blocked
« on: January 13, 2011, 02:36:22 am »
Spears have been broken since the original Warband Beta, over a year ago. The only attack they get with a shield is thrust, and you can counter infinite thrusts with one downblock, forever. Not only that, but when used with a shield, notice the huge delay when you strike someone, before your animation completes. Spear thrusts that do not strike flesh get "hung up" while the animation tries to complete the full thrust, even though the forward motion of the spear has stopped. This is against the swinging weapons that get a "bounce effect" when their strike is blocked. They recover rapidly, able to launch a second strike almost before the blocked animation has completed. Pair all of this with a ridiculously tiny "sweet spot" of about the last 1/8 of the animation, and you get a weapon meant for expert players only. Kudos to y'all that are good with them, you've earned some recognition.

waltf4 and deafeningflood are 2 names i would put as spears experts

General Discussion / Re: The NA Alarm List
« on: January 12, 2011, 07:59:06 pm »
thank you I am flattered, im waiting for balb to get his "good build" ready so that we can fight on fair terms

lvl 20 so far since retirement soon enough man, i do have 5 ps at least :D

Announcements / Re: Retirement back, without name change
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:40:53 am »
finally i can retire! but...

   Sturdy Sarranid Guard Armor
weight 14
abundance 100
head armor 0
body armor 47
leg armor 7
difficulty 13
   Thick Sarranid Guard Armor
weight 14
abundance 100
head armor 0
body armor 48
leg armor 8
difficulty 15

   Thick Sarranid Guard Armor
weight 14.5                                                 
head armor 0
body armor 48
leg armor 8
requirement 11

   Thick Sarranid Guard Armor
weight 14
abundance 100
head armor 0
body armor 48
leg armor 8
difficulty 15

i get 2 choices of heirloom for my armor , which is weird because i only have one  :( and it seem back to give 1 armor bonus instead of 2 on the fix the .200 patch , 

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:19:34 am »
ok so I am 4th Gen and I have a masterwork long espada eslavona, What does that get me exactly?

you get a lovely tempered eslavona :D

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:30:23 am »
I guess you could say

the elite scimitar

isn't really elite

 rename elite scimitar to weakened piece of metal

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:29:02 am »
i am proud to announce that I will have to steal some of your heirlooms.

As a tradeoff, you will be allowed to respec those.

The reason is that there are too many floating around, and I want to make heirlooms very special, and have some further secret plans with em that only work if they are rare. The old retiring was way too abusable.

So, what will happen:
your amount of positive modifiers gets summed up, divided by 3, the result is rounded up. You can use those points to increase any weapon you want.

Hope you understand.

Comrade chadz.

seriously chadz  with all the nerfs and patch and stuff , you should do a reset instead of tweaks , i prefer losing all than to lose bits by bits

General Discussion / Re: Changelog 0.210
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:19:33 am »
Elite Scimitar :
Price 4680 now 6243
Speed rating 100 now 99

can you nerf the spammy again , how about 95 speed  so that 2h or polearm will crush me with their uber animations ,  i mean 2 nerfs is good but 3 would be better /sigh



I suggest that retirement gives +1 skill point for an even and +10 wpf points for an odd generation number, so hopeless grinders have something to grind for. Maybe limit this bonus to 10-30 generations then.

i wouldn't mind that but casuals are so afraid of grinders :\   people will whine about the little advantage the grinders get  ( grinders were destroyed at patch 200 ) , anything would be good at this point

If people want to work towards something, I recommend heirlooms. Retirement will be back soon, and the only condition will be level 31.

I don't know if heirlooms are currently strong or hardly worth it, if it's the latter, they might get a buff. I'll check with the items team.

Also, there will be a, how should I put it without revealing too much, very special set of "skills" that you can acquire soon, in another way than simply leveling. This should make things very interesting for people that want to have more persistance to their char, without breaking the balance that the game has currently recieved (aka not making them godlike).

Now let me get back to finishing that patch, just dropped in here to announce this :).

 yay official retirement info !  thanks chadz , cant wait to leave this awful char i messed up , beware ! balb will be back in business :D

General Discussion / Re: difficulties with my 1h/shield char
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:25:50 pm »
being a sword and boarder is not hard by itself , but you need to know how your opponents are playing , like a good pitcher in baseball , you have to get info on all your enemies , their feints , their tactics , what they do to get you offguard , also learn to fight calculating the length of the weapons ( very important )  so you can hit and move away from the range ( with decent athletics )

Balb you gonna be in trouble when I get back to playing

ill be fine once i retire and back to my former self ,  its gonna be great battles :D

General Discussion / Re: Retirement
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:49:46 pm »
There have been countless threads on the topic, and they get ignored into the deeper pages.

yeah i wish we had some official answer on this

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