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Messages - Muki

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Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:25:57 pm »
I don't even know why you're admin you've been AFK for like a year and months. Just because I didn't play to the best that you guys expect which is shooting, doesn't give you the right to ban me for choosing to melee instead.

If you wish to push this to another level we can attempt to bring in the current Head NA Admin

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:11:14 pm »
Miley I cannot know when your going to re-edit your post(s).

Not contributing is leeching. You are known to refuse to kill the last member of the enemy team to even to go as far to allow yourself to be killed by them. Aristeia was another admin on the server during your case  he/she(don't know his/her gender) agreed with the ban, I even went as far to asking other admins on actions to take before the warning incase anything happened outside of my experience.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: July 02, 2013, 09:56:36 pm »
This idiot told me to go fight the enemy or I will be counted as leeching. (I was on Courser with my bow and arrows.) I said, "K idiot." I got off my horse and dropped my bow and started killing my horse so that 04, the last player on the other team couldn't use it (Horse archer), and I was banned for an hour.

Wow Muki you really are a bad admin aren't you. I saw someone the other day get banned by you FOR FIVE MINUTES FOR TEAM KILLING AT THE BEGINNING OF ROUND. This was BLATANT admin abuse by you.

Yes you ran off with your horse to the other side of the map to regroup with an afk shielder who had just return than got warned to re-engage the last member of the enemy team, you decided to respond to the warning with "K-idiot" dropping your bow which still had ammo, and to preceded to kill your horse. The logic with killing you're horse makes sense, what makes no sense is your action before the warning, why would you run to the other side of the map and not help your team dehorse 04 (aka Allers).

The 5min ban was due to what happen last map with the last two players decided to "hug" it out and caused a draw so both of them received a timeout

seems they need to update the site equipment list

Archery error posture ????

You mean how the player model holds the bow and fires the arrow???

Am just as confused

NA (Official) / Re: Ban The Foresters (Arthur_Graywater and Lipere)
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:09:57 am »
After checking the logs, the first poll reason was for "hacking" second one was "Forester_Lipere,team,YOU HURT MY FEELINGS!"

Both given reasons are invalid; Please learn the mechanics of rageball before assuming it "hacks"


Will both receive a 10 hr ban for poll abuse

Edit: here a guide

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Gold messed up on website
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:51:29 pm »
Silver is strat gold

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 29, 2013, 03:26:46 pm »
Ah so that what the server reset was for

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 29, 2013, 02:17:19 pm »
loving NA 1 right now almost everyone has a crossbow :D

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Alt+tab
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:54:33 pm »
Remove Alt and/or Tab key from keyboard

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Pineapple 007 and 069
« on: June 28, 2013, 03:32:56 am »
well clear poll abuse 7hr ban for the both of them

Strategus Issues / Re: Bug in strategus
« on: June 26, 2013, 10:29:53 am »
One way is asking Linux for your gear back (through he probably just attack you)

NA (Official) / Re: Unban request
« on: June 26, 2013, 01:29:38 am »

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Request
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:14:56 am »
Ban has Expired

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Request
« on: June 23, 2013, 06:48:39 am »
Third, I cant go empty handed in battle, admin will ban me for this.

In a strat battle the admins are normally more lenient with the weapon rule

Ill try to get in contact with Goat

Player    Legendary_Assassin_Lady_Gaga
Banned by    Adoptagoat
Ban Date    23.06.2013 03:21:19
Scheduled Unban    23.06.2013 05:21:19
Ban reason    griefing

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