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Messages - MouthnHoof

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General Discussion / Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« on: June 27, 2011, 11:25:58 am »
I replaced all my textures with ASCII. When I play my screen looks like the monitors in the Matrix, but the frame rate is maxed.

Seriously though, I wonder how many have transparent textures that allow them to see through walls. Sometimes I follow players and they always seem to know what is around the bend.

A two-handed overhead thrust for polearms is already in the native .brf files. You can change the action.txt file to use it. The problem is that doing so replaces the overhead attack animation for all weapon that use the current polearm overhead animation. This would mean that weapons like the long maul and poleaxes would have a high thrust instead of the downward overhead slash. One possible solution would be to make all of the "thrust first" polearms (long spear, pike, awlpike, etc.) weapon use the modified polearm overhead thrust and make all of the slashing/crushing polearms use the current two-handed weapon overhead attack. However, the use of the two-handed weapon animation would increase the range of the overhead attack of many already powerful polearms by ~30 cm.
Using 2H overhead animation for polearms looks reasonable. The main difference is which hand is infront of the other (right forward in 2H, left in poles). Polearms are a kind of weapon in which the grip is often and rapidly changed and this is neither unrealistic nor awkward looking.

In terms of game balance, if the reach is excessive (I seriously doubt it), these weapons can take a small damage nerf. The current situation in which a 2H sword reaches as far as the swiss halberd is not exactly balanced either. The long Maul whose main attack is the overhead for the crushes can simply be shortened (also the 3D mesh).

The other problem is that if the overhead damage becomes pierce, it will be pierce for side swings as well. Not so good for implementing on the likes of the war spear, so 4-way polearms cannot have a second pierce attack. Will really help the forks, ashwood/awl pikes, long spear and even the boar spear may become more attractive as a 2-thrust spear.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Scottish Armor
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:56:28 am »
One of the most historically inaccurate movies ever made :lol:
wait, you mean Scotland doesn't really exist?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Return to the old quiver spot :(
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:51:23 am »
it looks strange when there's a horizontal quiver hanging over your ass, what if you have to shit?
You get poisoned arrows.

General Discussion / Re: Seems slow
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:22:32 am »
lots of rain - makes you run slower.

General Discussion / Re: Athletics?
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:19:24 am »
I don't know what you consider str build, but most people have at least 12-15 agi and I doubt they do not max (4-5) athletics. It is also hard to differentiate between the boost of agility to running speed vs. athletics. I certainly feel the difference when I level up, but I can't tell if this is because I increased agility or athletics (I normally use light to medium armors 5-14 weight).

I votes yes!
I want the courser to be as expensive as the armored horses.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: fix pikes?
« on: June 16, 2011, 11:18:14 am »
81 is too fast for the long spear with only 2 attacks, one of which does 15b (between the peasant cudgel and club...)?

I actually find the longer animation of long thrusting weapons "useful" - this is what allows one to make a thrusting "area attack" because in the half a second it takes to complete the swing anything that will cross the line of the pike will register as a hit, even if you rotate it about. This is the same as the effect of slower swinging weapons being easier to be used from horseback due to the timing of the swing being less critical. I find it incredibly annoying when I get hit by the pike because it is slow, thrusted in a random direction and rotated into me.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Impossible to profit as cavalry.
« on: June 16, 2011, 10:09:35 am »
Cav should never have to resort to running around on foot due to lack of money.
Right. and the solution: add a cheap donkey so they don't have to walk and make them ride it in reverse facing the ass's ass.

They get weight instead of speed which helps with knockdown.

So goretooth runs around in triple loomed black armor and a mw bec because it's so damn challenging?  And no archer, not a single archer, plays the class because they're good?  And none of those are good enough to even get in the top 25? 

I saw a 2h user in that top 25 go archer for a gen and guess what?  He never got anywhere close to the scores he gets as a 2hander. 

Apparently it does matter considering it's the only thing on the scoreboard and the only thing recorded on that site.  I don't play CoD but at least that game records assists and objectives captured.
The melee guys run in armor first and foremost as defense against archers and TK. In melee, anything but really the plates will not buy you more than 1 hit in survival. I love occasionally playing with peasant gear and silly weapons (I am not good at all), but I always switch characters/equipment after a few rounds of dying to random archers instead of getting killed in melee. This is fine, but just emphasize the role of armor: archer, horse bumps and TK defense.

When archers top the scores that is really bad. A melee player that killed 10, had to face each one and get into their threat range in order to kill them. An archer that killed 10 could have climbed some barely accessible position and killed 10 people that were not engaged with him and unless archers themselves, could not hit him back. Cavs are often similar to archers in that respect, getting a large fraction of their kills from unaware or already engaged targets. I had a few rounds yesterday on EU1 where one team had mostly archers and cavs while the other (mine) had infantry majority. we got bumped, lanced and shot and there was damn little we could do about it. Loosing a 5 streak is fine, but loosing 5 where you could not get in range of a single opponent unless he fell off his horse at your feet, or was an AFK archer, is awful.

Generally I love wine but hate whine.
Cheesy? Maybe, but true.
I like cheese with the whine wine.
Could the team balance check if the player has a horse or strongbow/longbow/warbow equipped and take that into consideration when balance is made?[/b]
No a bad idea.
There are typical items that define a role. To select who to move between the teams could be made per category:
1. Select all the characters that spawned with a horse. If one team had much more than the other, move.
2. From the remaining of #1, select all those that spawned with a bow. If one team had much more than the other, move.
3. from the remaining of #2 (the rest of the riffraff infantry), If one team had much more than the other, move.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Cheaper Headgear Please
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:26:15 am »
Top helmets are expensive the same way that a fashionable suit is much more expensive than its actual worth.

You pay for the exclusivity, not the protection it offers. I would wear pajamas and fight with a tree branch if this is the only way to afford the Litchina helmet. It even has armor for the mustache!

« on: June 15, 2011, 11:18:35 am »
Boost horse charge, to promote epic charges, of course. (Debateable suggestion)

MAKE HORSES LOUDER, if possible.
If armor is increased, charge needs to go WAY down. With speed it means knockdown anyway, but the bowling-horse running through a group the size of a football team and flinging all of them every which way is unacceptable.

Horses need a bell hanging from their necks like cows. The ding ding ding should be loud, annoying and gay enough to drive the rider insane.

Look no further than the top 25 players posted earlier.  At least 22 out of 25 are 2handers or polearms.  Does anyone really think that's what balance looks like?  At the very least, it sure as hell doesn't warrant the endless threads bitching and complaining about ranged classes.
I am pretty sure that at least 21 out of these 22 would not use a bow even if they were hired as violinists. The better players are the ones that want challenge. They go melee. Talk as much as you want about calculating arrow drop and relative speeds, but the bottom line is that archers are not mathematicians and 90% of what they do is point and click. Yes, fast point and click takes just a bit of skill.

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