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Messages - Madcat

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General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:32:51 am »
When it gets steam support, do it!

I had this idea and it might be too weird or too unrealistic for Crpg but it sounds pretty neat.

I thought maybe there could be added more placeables, like siege equipment but for different reasons. Mainly distractions or for camouflage!
For for hiding you could place a hay stack, a tree or maybe a rock. To be used for "tactical ambushes" :p
They would be small and barely enough to cover yourself, and preferably in no clip mode. So you can hide inside them.
A smart player would also think "Hey there wasn't a tree there before.."

Then the other neat thing would be something to distract a player. Some times I will try to drop a expensive weapon somewhere, hoping a enemy player will see it and run to pick it up and then I'll back stab him. Problem is that there is no real "goodies" in this game, where you see something and you just have to go pick it up! So it's hardly ever worked.
But maybe you could distract someone in a different way?
I thought there could be "puppet" placeables. Like a scarecrow in armor. In a menacing pose, like he's ready to swing his sword. This would probably only fool a player for a second if you're lucky. But maybe long enough to catch him of guard.. and stab him in the back!

These placeables could have expensive prices like over 50k something. So they are not used too much

Suggestions Corner / Re: Gold sink
« on: February 03, 2011, 09:42:05 am »
What's the problem?
He's asking for a gold sink for people who wear light armor and light weapons. He's not saying make upkeep fee 5 times more expensive.

Heavy plate isn't end game content for everyone

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