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Messages - Simon_Belmont

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General Discussion / Re: Voice Commands Poll
« on: July 06, 2014, 10:54:35 pm »
This is neither a thread about Panos nor Molly, so avoid trashing it in case anyone actually CARES about the whole purpose of it.

On a side note, I find your attitude equally obnoxious, Panos. You are notorious for drawing attention towards yourself and you and Dar drifting topics here. Please keep that to a minimum, I don't care what happened between you and cmp.

Don't take it as a personal offense.

General Discussion / Re: Voice Commands Poll
« on: July 06, 2014, 06:41:07 pm »
We did.

It never was a secret, this is only the first attempt to have a complete new set of VC for c-rpg. Implementing the troll voices was meant to be an easteregg - for some ppl to maybe enjoy trolling for a few weeks before it gets serious again.

I'm pretty sure, the voice commands can be both - informative, serious, and at the same time funny if used in the right moment - and that's the thing i'm aiming for.

As mentioned above, the voice commands need some more work. And I will certainly think about everything i've read so far - except molly's 1000000000000 childish cryposts.

So thanks for your feedback. I will open a new topic asa the production starts, where ppl can suggest commands and poll for changes - until then, try taking it as a little joke - cus that what those placeholders were meant to be.                                                                                                                                                 

Thanks,Fin. Listening to us alone is a step in the right direction. I'm sure it will turn out just fine.

Edit: Some orcish "WAAAAAGH" sounds would have been funnier to me... just saying. "Get'em", "Crush them" or "At'em, lads" would be great alternatives tho, for the yell.

General Discussion / Re: Voice Commands Poll
« on: July 06, 2014, 02:16:56 pm »
Please don't misinterprate us, Fin. I imagine making and inplementing those commands takes time. I also think the idea of having new commands is fantastic, I just don't like the direction it's taking. I wouldn't like to have "I am womanning the siege tower" or "come to me, my noble steed" for such basic commands even with new people uttering them. Patching it to the older voice commands is forcing a handful of people to "downgrade" the mod. If the lines are also mere placeholders I'll swallow my words and take my hat off to you for the work, but I somehow doubt that's your goal.

I hope this doesn't sound like a whinny rant.

General Discussion / Re: Voice Commands Poll
« on: July 06, 2014, 11:53:11 am »
I personally think the novelty to some of them wears off quickly. I was one of those who loved spamming QQV, but after some time it just got a bit loud and silly for me to focus on the actual gameplay. The death sounds for men sound pretty lame too, and, as much as I like having so many new commands for males (the "silence" one is hillarious), they are too over the top and they mess with the mood of the game (I'm playing a "medieval-action" game, not a Monty Python stage play simulator).

Some tweaking would do wonders. The new female voice commands are bad tho. I liked the old voice "actress"  better and I wish we could get some more commands with her voice, not the voice of Polly the parrot.

General Discussion / Re: Make an Intro to cRPG video (loom for best)
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:07:52 pm »
Uther did a pretty good DTV intro video, where he explained the basics and mentioned simple strategies. If anyone was to ask him I'm sure he would consider making one for the actual PvP part of cRPG (let's face it, Uther, you are a great player at PvP even when shitting all over the chat, you'd be a good example for new players).

 SeantheSheep (Tickler clan) also has a couple videos laying around but they are mostly just gameplay footage.

There are also other videos laying around, some of the alright, some of others.... meh.

General Discussion / Re: Promote the mod to mod sites.
« on: June 29, 2014, 01:51:56 pm »
5th place in Moddb, people! This whole thread deserves an upvote. Seriously, it's the best and most positive thread I've read in quite some time (I'm smiling like a dumb-o right now). Keep it up, guys, you are doing great!


I never said i was good in video games what are you talking about ??

Why are you lying?

I really enjoy how some people in here have totally missed the point of this game and the community...

I was hoping to create a nice event like the last Circle. ..and the only think i got was insults people calling me stupid ,my old friend,cunt.

People were callling me out to fight for real money!!!

This is how far the stupidity went...

But  this is the minority of the community. This Internet thug minority of this community that holds the mod back.....Making noobs leave..The same people that talk bad on the forum they talk bad using profanity in game chat also....

I was hoping to create a tradition with the circle were people can settle the differences in a good fun loving way.Creating an event for all the community...
But care about who is the ''BEST''..."lets do best of 5 to see who is the best" ''Fight for real money !!!Ban him for life if he loses".''Yeah my old friend'' ''yeah stupid fuck you''

Now go out there and hunt your x5..get that xp..

Stupidity, Raz? You are calling on everyone's stupidity? What about yours? You weren't talking about how good you are? Then what about:

watch your language kid cause i dont think you got a million and i dont think i got the time

You said this to Switch, you were obviously smart talking him. Let's not forget this either:

He cant even duel..

He really doesnt know how to chamber..he dosent kick or stab..he just trying to outspam outreach everybody with his agi build and a long pole.

He knows that..i ask him if he wanted my help..he said no..

Macro your 100% will never make you better...

Sounds like "a good fun loving way". But clearly that's because someone offended your internet ego and you had to react in such a childish way. Missed the point of the community? The community isn't here to agree with everyone else. They are free to express whatever they want. And... i'm lying? Then you haven't actually grasped the meaning of all the hateful comments you are getting. The reason everyone insulted you is because you brought nothing to the table other than "fuck these guys, keep being a horse archer. Also everyone cheats and I know many names". Your selective memory is very amusing.

But please, show me how wrong I am. I'm sure you didn't mean to piss off a couple guys, you were just acting stupid cause you really think this is the proper way to settle things. Then you'll just look like a moron and not like a moron and a hypocrite. Try to get the fish tank you have for a head working for once, because you haven't said anything that made any sense so far. And sorry if my insults offend you, they are the only way you may bother reading the whole thing instead of scanning and selecting what you want to understand.

lol, sure, and if you raise the bid to 100 000 $ I'm supposed to accept it even though it's my whole life savings, otherwise "I don't have the guts"? Really stupid statemant.  You don't put at stake more than you're willing to lose and apparently Raz doesn't want to leave cRPG so he acts reasonably in this case :wink:

No, you are supposed to admit that you are not so confident about yourself and you were wrong, instead of going back and forth, spreading lies and excuses everywhere, acting like you are talking on behalf of the "legit" players on the mod and like you are so good at the game you can beat anyone here in a 1v1; this is what Raz has been doing so far (no one agrees with him anyway). THAT'S stupid. You make your bed and sleep in it. He should be no exception.

Haven't read the whole thread except these 2 posts above, but this is really fucking stupid. If he doesn't want to put at stake his right to play the game, why should he? If I offer you duel to death irl and you deny it, does it mean you "inofficially lost the duel"? And this "Here the terms. Accept it", wut? Okay, here are my terms, first to 5, you lose, you kill yourself irl.

Disclaimer: I have no clue what actually happened, only what I've gathered from Hereyz post.

Read the whole thread next time, then. Herezy's post was a vague summary of the whole thing, and I never said he had to "accept it" either. I said take it or stop acting all tough and leave the thread once and for all but Raz won't retract anything he said, even tho there's no reason for him to be here anymore. And no, it's not like offering a fight to death irl. If after insulting you I offered you to fight for 10 bucks and you raised the bet to 1000 bucks, me leaving would mean I don't have the guts to do start what I finished, which means I probably can't beat you, otherwise I'd take it. So, if anything, Raz was the stupid one for prancing about being "good at videogames" in the first place.

General Off Topic / Re: What happened to Umbra?
« on: June 28, 2014, 12:59:03 pm »
I mean that I don't like those dumbfucks you meet at a party for the first time and they start a conversation with "Hello, nice to meet you. And at the first of our conversation I'd like you to know that I am gay!"

Most times, I turn around and look for someone else to talk to. When I am in the mood for it I'll ask him why he thinks that I give a fuck about who a completely strange dude is fucking with.
I do not like those people. I do not care who they fuck with. I do not want to know who they fuck with.
They are annoying and irritating.

Oww, it happened from a girl too once and I reacted the same way. "I am a lesbian." "And I don't give a fuck. Are you stupid or why are telling me this right now?"  :evil:

Homosexuality is one of the worst offenders in that matter (others being much more superficial prefferences like being a commie etc). Many people who can't wrap their minds around homosexuality like to ignore it, and it's not such a terrible solution. There will always be people who can't tolerate it because it's just not natural (not that I have anything against homosexuals), but of course there is always gay people who ENJOY being the centre of attention because of that "trait". Most do really seek for respect they deserve but others just feel the need to be tolerated and loved because they are not like us, poor heterosexual hummies. Why would I have to know what your sexual prefferences are? Because I must treat you differently? Just fuck off.

He will accept my rules like Leshma did...Lets see if he got the balls that Leshma has.He always talks to Leshma like he is the tough guy.Lets see if he can walk the talk.
Macropus even donate him the money.

You need atleast to let the man talk stop replying for him..I will not accept any other offer of any kind.

This is me against Oberyn

                                             Merc_Oberyn    vs  The ''Mad Cuz Bad'' Ras_FrenzY
                                                              Best of One (The Circle)
                                                                      Friday 4th of July 8 o'clock CET.
                                                                For One Million Gold 1.000.000
        Macropus Money

awaiting confirmation

Yes, because CLEARLY between betting 1 million gold and leaving the mod forever, the first option will determine if "he got the balls". Still being obtuse over something this simple.

If you really want to duel him for 1 million gold I'll be willing to give Oberyn 100k myself and I'm sure a couple players won't doubt about contributing just so you can stop showing off with one single victory over Leshma. If this is all that matters to you I'll gladly watch your little "fantasy" crumble before your eyes once he beats you.

Why are you making offers are you Oberyn?
Is this your double account??
This has nothing to do with you stay out of it man.Everybody knows what the Circle is everybody that was there knows the fun..Why are you trying to ruin it?

What do you not understand of what it was proposed to you?

Oberyn wants to duel. You want to duel.

If he beats you are out FOREVER.
If you beat him he is out FOREVER (granted both of you stick to that).

Oberyn might have been a bit harsh but at least he's offered you a fair fight a million times. You acted all pompous on Switch and you backed out before. Now you are doing the same and you still wonder why people are going against you. If you trust your skills so much, duel him. You are just making a fool out of yourself by streching it out. I honestly don't care if you are gonna reply to me acting like I'm doing this to lick Oberyn's ass or some shit. If you want to back out do it and leave this thread once and for all. If not, duel him (and no "best out of 1" bulls. Since when is that a proof of being better than someone else at anything?).

Faction Halls / Re: [Clan Ninja] New Thread with current information
« on: June 25, 2014, 11:02:00 pm »
Hello im Saxon and i am new, i feel aesthetic.

Hello Saxon, may I take your order?

Faction Halls / Re: [Clan Ninja] New Thread with current information
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:48:00 pm »
I still have no clue what TS you people like to inhabit, the past two weeks of squatting in Nditions certainly didn't clarify the situation.

Finding Thomek there all alone one evening was more confusing than anything else. I need an adult.   :cry:

So it was you the big, horned and resilient MACHO_MAN all along! You wouldn't die after 4 hits with the +3 Long Hafted, I couldn't beleive it.

Every time I read one of the comments on this thread shitting on horse archery I get super hard. Thanks for fulfilling my fantasy, everyone.

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