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Messages - Erika_Furudo

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General Off Topic / Re: Shogun 2 Thread
« on: April 02, 2011, 06:13:21 pm »
steam won't verify my e-mail so i haven't bought it just yet, i'm currently saving up for a midi keyboard at 300 pounds aswell so it'll have to wait...
Steam usually overprice newly released games. You can proberly find it cheaper in a local store or a webshop from your country. Even Amazon is cheaper.

General Off Topic / Re: Shogun 2 Thread
« on: April 02, 2011, 05:38:56 pm »
Strange formulation for how the Shogunate works - there's a realm divide system that increases hostilities against you the more land you take and battles you win. But this is issued by the current Shogunate. It's possible to capture Kyoto before they can call a realm divide, but the realm divide instantly happens afterwards, even though you're the new Shogun. Not a bug, but retarded anyway.
If you grow too big so will the Shogunate make an alliance against you. Even though most clans aren't that loyal to the Shogunate so can't you deny the fact that you're proberly the biggest clan when this happends and the other clans sees this as a chance to crush you.

And if you take Kyoto so will pretty much the same thing happend. You can see this as a real-life Coup d'état. You pretty much takes over the capital and pronounces yourself Shogun/King/Emperor or what you want to call it.
It is pretty obvious the others won't stand for this.

How many bugs are there?
As Guard Bane said. There is a few. Not that major. The AI as said sucks quite much at Siege battles. on normal field battles so are they quite good compared to the older games(Total War games that is)
There is also semi-rare bugs like the one bane mentioned with the trade route that you somehowly gain loads of money(Have only happened for a few from what I have seen) Never happened for me, sadly.
For Multiplayer so was there some issues with the matchmaking. Sometimes you ended up in a 3vs3 when searching 2vs2, or a naval battle when you searched for siege, etcetera.
But that have been pretty much fixed. It still happends. But is quite rare.

The only real major bug is that if you start as Shimazu, and then either walk near or attack the enemy army at the start so will the game crash(But not for all. Maybe depends on CPU?) But you can easily not attack him and instead attack the castle and he'll be defeated.

I haven't purchased this yet. Are the multiplayer and co-op any good?
The Campaign coop is for 2 players. I believe you are forced to be allies? Haven't touched it yet. I've heard it is quite good but overall. It is like Singerplayer campaign just with a friend. I've heard that siegeing Kyoto with two big armies, etcetera is great fun.

There is also Clan wars. Similiar to Shogun 1 campaign style. Were you just attack regions and gain clan points there. The clan with the most amount of points owns the region.
Then after the league you are in is finished. Like around 10 days so does the two top clans go up a league while the four bottom clans go down a league.
In this clan wars/avatar campaign so do you unlock new units, level up your general, gain veteran units and so on.
There is still also the normal battle were you just choose amount of funds and what troops you want.

There is also drop-in battles. Which is that someone/you plays singerplayer campaign. And then when there is a battle so does someone/you drop in as the enemy.
that way you don't have to face the AI.
Was quite hilarious once when a Oda played Sieged Kyoto and I played as Ashikaga Shogunate and pretty much dominated him becouse of those capital walls.

Vassals, what are they good for? I gain more troops & gold by just occupying the providence myself.. And for some reason my allies and vassals always wage war on each-other QQ

The oda faction's start is way to harsh, especially on the harder difficulty levels. Only managed four rounds as them myself.

Feel the use of ships could have been better. In my previous shogun 2 games i only needed a few trade-ships & a small number of attack-ships to gain & guard the trade-posts. No point in going after the black-ship (too much risk vs reward) and raiding trade-lines are near useless (in my experience).

All in all it is a decent game, and i have had great fun playing it.
Vassals can be quite a good ally to have. To protect one of your flanks or so from the enemy. But overall so is it better to just conquer the region.

But funny thing happened once for me. I had Mouri as my ally. And he being as mad he was, had several wars against lots of clans. And one of those clans. Which I never even have fought against asked me for peace. So I just asked if he wanted to be my vassal and accepted. So that was pretty alright.

Anyhow. Oda historically was in quite a bad position. But from what I have heard so after you survive the first ten turns or so does it become quite much easier.

I have pretty much just played as the island clans(Mouri, Shimazu and Chosokabe) So the navy has alwaysd been important to me. Having to start war to conquer all the trade points and then secure my fronts and against pirates.
And I usually gain around 500-1000 income from raiding trade lines. it is not much. But it's atleast something for my navy to do while waiting.

General Off Topic / Re: The world is going crazy.
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:23:38 pm »
Oops, I forgot to state one thing: I dislike conspirational talk, and I don't support it, it's retarded.

I know the things you stated, Rich. I should write carefully next time, thanks for warning me.

Agree with you, this isn't meant to be a conspirative thread, I just wanted to start a discussion.
Only thing is. You pretty much said "Why is all these things happening at the same time right now"

Most fights and other rebellions in Africa and so on have been going on for ages since the 19th century. Tribes and nations breaking off from the European colonists.
Only to have left a country with no real laws, democracy or overall civil order.
Like Kongo which have been in conflict for about hundred years and still are. Haiti(Not African though) is also a good example which have been having conflicts for ages and the latest earthquake that happened there really came in a bad time.

Conflicts and so on have been going on for ages. It's just when it happends either close, or one of us we actually take it into consideration.
i.e 9/11. Or the bombings in several european countries. It made them realize that they actually aren't so safe in there homes.

General Off Topic / Shogun 2 Thread
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:06:26 pm »
Been a while since release and quite suprised I haven't seen a thread (Especially from Shogunate members)

So. Let's use this thread for discussion, questions, and other Shogun 2 related things.

Please try to keep out things like:
(click to show/hide)

Currently have two singerplayer campaign files, one as Shimazu, the other one was Mouri. But been quite addicted to the Multiplayer.
Also planning on trying out Uesugi or Oda(Going christian and get dem matchlocks).

(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Re: Internetbrowser
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:46:24 pm »
I somehowly laughed a bit too much at steambrowser.

Anyhow Firefox 4 here.

General Off Topic / Re: Nuclear Power Plants ... do we need them ?
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:25:21 pm »
Currently so do we need them. We don't have that much of power income available so we need everything we can get.
And as mentioned nuclear power is much more enviroment friendly if we compare to our biggest source of power - oil.

General Off Topic / Re: Other Worthy Games?
« on: March 14, 2011, 09:12:57 pm »

Keep that thread going
No real need to bump the thread when it is on the top 5 topics in this section.

The preloader for Shogun 2 just started.
With Shogun 2 releasing in a few hours.

General Off Topic / Re: THE anime thread
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:13:35 pm »

I've been watching some anime lately:
-Sengoku Basara season 1
-Koihime Musou all three seasons
-Strike Witches season 1 & 2

Currently watching :
Spice and Wolf
Sengoku Basara 2
Index 2
Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls

Waking up, turning pc on, remembering that today is sunday, yay, "one piece day".
what is this? were's is my one piece ep490? O_O

It is possible that the providers got hit by the tsunami.
Even some voice actors are missing and suchs.

General Off Topic / Re: Dino D-Day
« on: March 13, 2011, 08:08:57 pm »
Instead of having this totally absurd argument we could all just agree that this game is far from realistic but looks likke it'll be one hell of fun!  :mrgreen: I'm sure getting it if it ain't to expensive
Not sure about the price. But the original Dino D-day and this one is using the Steam engine(half-life 2, Team fortress 2, etcetera) So you might proberly need one of those games inorder to play it.

But not sure at all. More information will come when it releases I guess.

General Off Topic / Re: Dino D-Day
« on: March 12, 2011, 09:05:27 pm »
Well, einstein should've built at least three of these Ratte instead:

Well he did kinda answer it :

They are surely a wonder weapon for the axis, they don't need precious fuel, they can just live eating allies meat.

chocolate chip cookie Germany researched about alot of hi-tech weaponry. Like the tank you already mentioned. But also weapons like Railguns and so on.
Main thing about those were that they required incredible amount of energy/fuel to use which was too much for them to actually mass-produce the weapons.

General Off Topic / Dino D-Day
« on: March 12, 2011, 08:05:58 pm »

The year is 1942. albert einstein has succeeded in resurrecting dinosaurs. The reptilian horde has trampled Europe and the Mediterranean. Can nothing stop the chocolate chip cookie’s dinosaur army?

Dino D-Day is a frantic, action-packed multiplayer game that transports you to a World War II that should have been. You and your friends can battle online choosing to serve the cause of the Allied nations or the chocolate chip cookies. The Allied side includes six playable characters each with unique weapons and abilities to use in combat. Gun down a Dilophosaur with your trusty M1 Garand, blast a kamikaze pterosaur out of the sky with your Thompson sub-machine gun, or toss out a dead jackrabbit to lure a raptor into a trap.

As an Axis player you will have your choice of three human classes and three dinosaur classes. Ambush your enemy with speed and stealth as the Raptor, mercilessly pound the enemy with a heavy 20mm gun as the Desmatosuchus, rampage through enemy groups as the Dilophosaur or pick up a body and throw it at an enemy for a double kill! Or if you prefer a rifle in your hand, the German soldier classes are the perfect complement to their dinosaur comrades.

You’ve played World War II games before…but have you played a World War II game with dinosaurs?

Are you guys man enough to stop them?
Or actually. Playing as the chocolate chip cookies isn't so bad either.

« on: March 12, 2011, 08:03:39 pm »
I personally would really like if there was a event like this quite often(Like one every month, or if possible, one every weekend)

General Off Topic / Re: Steelseries
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:01:17 pm »
I belive it is. It just makes your chances higher. I've recruited 11 wich seems to be the maximum. On my status site it says:No line saying I should recruit more friends to get a higher chance of winning. That gaming notebook is quite sweet as well.Would rather win that than the other stuff  :lol:
Were exactly is the status site? And when does the event end?

General Off Topic / Re: Steelseries
« on: March 11, 2011, 03:27:15 pm »
YOu'll just sell it then. Whats wrong with posting my code? You'll still be in on the competition and it's a direct link to the competition  :wink:
Yeah I didn't mean that. Just funny what happened.

Anyhow :

They did however remove points from alot of people due to people using "spambots" and so on to spread the link.
There was also people that lost some points even though they just spreaded to their friends and suchs on MSN.

I wonder if it's still possible to win something even if you don't spread the link too much?
Or do they take people with the highest points?

General Off Topic / Re: Tsunamis..
« on: March 11, 2011, 03:23:43 pm »

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