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Messages - Fringe

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How should i adapt to being shot in the back/head? My loomed plate helm doesnt stop me from being oneshot.  And i hate shields because of autoblock, it dumbs the game down. They only block from the front anway.....

lol, the only reason somebody would HATE something would be due to getting scrubbed by it. Somebody else's build shouldn't get fucked because you can't deal with one aspect of medieval warfare. Archery is supposed to suck for people dumb enough not to get a shield and charge head on into a flight of arrows. I really don't think that somebody should be so frustrated by a pixelated enemy anyways. If the game pisses you off that bad then you should probably not play it.

General Discussion / Re: The stats.
« on: March 22, 2013, 05:00:07 am »
you have too much power throw for your wpf


beside that, pretty cool strange awesome built!

Yeah I know, I didn't know that I would need 91 though. Thanks for telling me :P I know a good stopping place now, I figured it was something like 70 :P Danke.

General Discussion / The stats.
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:50:00 am »
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The horribly horrible but stupendously amusing stats of the Fringe.
Yeah yeah, it's complete shit, but I get to experience the homosexual thrill of throwing, cavalry, 1-h, 2-h, hoplite, etc. The only class I can not play is archery, I've even pulled 5 kills one round with a crossbow.
One thing I truly regret was what I did to my weapon proficiency. I do have a plan to fix it though, and sometime in the coming future I'll balance it out. Sometimes I wish I had gone full cav instead of throwing, but if I ever do get the time to grind it to lvl 35, then I'll have enough to go heavy cav.
This is a dreamed hope, leave it to asphyxiate on it's own. :cry:
Anyways, figured I'd share my bizarre stats.  :D

Historical Discussion / Re: Why do many (eastern) helmets have spikes?
« on: March 21, 2013, 12:02:24 am »
basic armor theory here.
and the fact that even if penetrated,  the relative armor thickness is higher if penetrated in an angle.  same solution the soviets introduced with their t-34.

less plate diameter resulting in less weight @ higher relative plate diameter concerning the most obvious blow direction.

Think it's best said that it could be used to deflect blows, in a dynamic sense. But being unique to a certain culture, much like all armor is, it's subject to the trends of that culture. In short, many armors are based off of this case Islamic art. Many of these arms and armors were formed off of Islamic iconography, including vegetal patterns, figural representation, and calligraphy.

One thing about this helm in particular was that this helmet was not only seen as just armor, but signified as a kind of religious insignia, the fighter of a Holy War. To answer your question about the disadvantages in melee combat, the turban helmet was mostly intended for heavy cavalry.

So to sum it up, the geometry of the helm is widely based on the art, religion, and effectivity as a defensive helm. Also like it was proposed before, it largely displayed the wearer, who would have been mounted on a large Arabian warhorse, decked out in a vivid display of armor. The conical, bulbous shape is also very characteristic with the Islamic mosques, further signifying cultural and religious influence, showing that geometry was also another important part in Islamic iconography.

This is my personal opinion derived from factual sources, including the metropolitan museum of art's webpage. I also read a book, of which I can't remember the name :(, that was a history of armor and it's dynamic and cultural relevance.

Below is a picture of a Islamic foot soldier, noticeably without the turban helm that is in discussion.

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A turban helmet, like the one that is featured in cRPG.

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General Discussion / Re: Stairway to heaven
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:07:21 pm »
They shouldn't have taken ladders away. :P

Best picture me think! If u can see bagge you get 1 gold!
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Rocks on the market :D

General Discussion / Porcupine
« on: March 14, 2013, 08:10:28 am »
Don't let it poke you...

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Was a bitch to duel with, swinging around like a...a fucking porcupine? Couldn't see any of her GD swings. As if it wasn't hard enough to beat her anyways.

General Discussion / Re: one while night without crpg....
« on: March 14, 2013, 08:04:52 am »
What happens in sweden when c-rpg stops working for a day

I won't lie that was really fucked up.

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Some where on the same lines as that.

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: March 08, 2013, 12:02:03 am »
Viva la Vida.

General Off Topic / Re: Sports.
« on: March 07, 2013, 11:59:01 pm »
Nice, I enjoyed track myself. I clocked a 1:39 in the 600m at 11 years old. I went to a shitty school though and had parents who couldn't give a shit so most of my running around that time was away from the cops. I played 2 man beach volleyball in my 20's and was pretty good. 6'2 180 lbs with no fat on me.  Then I met my wife, started having kids and put on 10 lbs of lard per year for the next 7 years  :lol:

I feel you :) Never ran from the cops except maybe once... but I've had to run from my share of crimes hehe. Still have a lot more to make, but now I live in a town of 400 so I don't make that trouble.

All of you guys are shying away from getting married D: Maybe I'll have time to keep the lard off around then, I sure hope.

Another meet tomorrow, wish me luck :D Maybe I'll bring home another silver, or maybe even a gold  :mrgreen:

General Off Topic / Re: Sports.
« on: March 07, 2013, 01:15:35 am »
Hockey, football, skiing and doing some running and weight lifting. Half of it was gone once I discovered cRPG :(

I've been there mate, can be a little depressing once you lose some of it but you have to build it back  :)

mate,  you might wanna check out
mike young,  the sights owner,  is a promovated biomachanic and coach,  charlie francis, vern gambetta and many more were on there back when i was active and I learnt a huge fucking bunch. 

Great advice, I've heard of Mike Young, but the others probably have something for me too. Would be great to try.  :D

General Off Topic / Re: Sports.
« on: March 06, 2013, 02:30:31 am »
nice dude!  track is the shit,  and you are doing the two most hurtful disciplines ^^

I ran 400m in our teams relay on a national level and later went on to doing 100/60m when I found my love for str training : )

what country/state are you from?

my latest athletic accomplishment is winning a beer chugging contest against Rob Schwartz during the london olympics ^^

Texas, United States of America. Yes, the 800m can be a bitch, and even the 400m can too.

As for everybody else I'm awed to see this many athletes, and amazed at the variety of sports all of you attend. I hope most of you keep up the good work and continue to live a healthy lifestyle.  :D

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General Off Topic / Re: Sports.
« on: March 04, 2013, 12:23:02 am »
Teeth that's pretty simple, he wants to relate with warband players in other things than just playing warband, and he wants to relate to athletes in other things than running around.

^ This exactly. I find it awesome that there are athletic people even in games, which seems to be a rarity. I think physical health is an important part to one's life, even if I have lacked off at some times. I's only a question. :D

General Off Topic / Re: Sports.
« on: March 03, 2013, 09:07:48 pm »
I used to play badminton after a 1-year training + few amateurish contests, but since I crippled my leg I can forget about single-games, only doubles and barely that.

Oh well, more time to no-life :)

Heh, I'm thankful I've taken no such injuries. Guess it does build on your cRPG playing time though.

There are, roughly speaking, two types of generals: maneuvering generals and attrition generals.

However, I think Caesar puts them both to shame, demonstrating successfully both attrition and maneuvering strategies in his campaigns to great effect.

Tis a shame Caesar died so young (well when he was 55 anyways,) a brilliant politician and military strategist. I believe Alexander also portrayed both attributes, but his actions were more militaristic and his "political" success was most likely due to his acceptance of foreign culture and his willingness to give back a measure of authority to those he conquered.

Both were brilliant men though, displaying equal ruthless characteristics as well as consistently showing off respectful attitudes. Both diligent and both may have believed themselves demigods.
But that is off topic, as this thread has nothing to do with those two men...but Napoleon did have that aura that made him God-like, making him a cut above the rest. This is what defines normal men from others, making me believe that Napoleon was the better general, even if it lead to his demise.

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These were the only two educated and accurate posts in the thread. Both were specialized generals who had the opportunity too show off their brilliance, something which is rare today.

Too tell you the truth I believe there were more brilliant man that have walked the earth, two of them mentioned earlier in my post. Even so, they were a cut above the rest, better than most at what they did...but how many times have many generals been given that opportunity? Since Napoleon seized that opportunity for himself I am more inclined too lean towards him, while Wellington was a response to him.

Napoleon defiantly strikes himself as a more interesting character, in my opinion of course.

General Off Topic / Re: Sports.
« on: March 02, 2013, 04:39:31 pm »
Hey Fringe, I too am an athlete although I haven't ran in a track race for a couple years haha. In the UK I take part in cross country and Fell (Mountain Running). I also play lots of other sports because they are great fun! What distance do you run on the track? :)

I ran the 800m and the 400m yesterday. I placed second in the 800 (was still a bad time,) and I think fourth in the 400m? Still have to check up on it because I was right behind the man who won it in my tier.

I think ~80-90% of german males start to play football(soccer), when they are 6 - 10 years old. Those who manage to quit in time are still able to walk at the age of 30 :D.

Personally not doing much, but little weightlifting. I guess psytrance and what comes with it, is my sport currently..

I was in a German clan once, the leader was a woman, but she was pretty involved in football (EU,) and so were all her family members. I thought it was pretty cool :P

I have done a few sports, but circumstances have always ended up moving me apart from them (injuries and other commitments). Currently I jog once or twice a week, up to 8-10km, and fence twice a week (foil). In the past I have played many years of futsal and frontenis, which I loved but had to stop because I could not find any courts in the UK. Still play them during the summer though when I go back home.

Were you from Spain originally? Glad to see that you still keep up a state of fitness. Was always fascinated with fencing too :D Really cool stuff!

played Hockey quite activley, later switched to field hockey, got into natinal squad so ye played quite allot.

then my neghborhood stepped in, showed me the party life and that was the end of that story  :mrgreen:

I know what you mean lol Sometimes the party life takes you away to another place entirely. I really lacked off this summer :/

Very cool to see some athletes in the game :D Noticed that all of you are from Europe lol. I myself only know a few athletic guys that play games, and none of the games they play are M&BW  :(

I also participate in my American football team, and also did Power-lifting this year. Glad to see many other athletic persons here on the forums and cRPG.  :mrgreen:

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