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Messages - Kirbies

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Buy / Buying +3 Long spear<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-
« on: October 08, 2012, 02:33:12 am »
Title! Pm me!

Spam / Re: A message from joey?
« on: October 06, 2012, 09:03:48 pm »

He not only had multiple accounts, but was abusing them by dodging mutes to repeatedly shitpost the forums. So, the higher ups banned those accounts.

Can you get banned ingame from servers for doing that stuff on the forums? Sorry, im not very clear on the rules.

Spam / A message from joey?
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:22:33 pm »
So joey_baloney has a gun pointed to my head as i type this... but im prepared for a nice big red bar  :cry:

He wishes me to post this because he is muted/banned/drunk etc.

[12:07] == bloney [[email protected]] has joined #mount&blade-crpg
[12:07] <bloney> sup peeps
[12:08] <bloney> i was global banned by canary because he was butthurt i made a thread about him which he completely deleted
[12:09] <bloney> i made a thread saying canary was tankens bitc, and then he took it over and made polls on it, and people started voting he was tankens bitch so he deleted it lmao
[12:09] <Muki> Character Name?
[12:09] <bloney> joey_baloney
[12:11] <Muki> mmm Do you have two Accounts?
[12:11] <bloney> i have 3, one i used a long tima ago then my main, and a friends i made that never used it
[12:13] <bloney> my main is joey_baloney I havent used the other for over a year and the third only recently to confront canary on the forums
[12:13] <Muki> Doesn't seem your Ban ill ask someone who can view the Gobal ban list
[12:14] <Muki> Through it seems two of your accounts are Muted on the forums
[12:14] <bloney> yeah im banned from everything cant even talk on the forums lol
[12:14] <bloney> and i was deleted from hall of fame
[12:14] <bloney> oh when i retired
[12:15] <bloney> i changed my name to Pallmall
[12:15] <bloney> he deleted me from hall of fame muted me on the forums, and deleted me from hall of fame lol
[12:15] <bloney> i meen banned me
[12:15] <bloney> lol
[12:16] <bloney> did a number on me
[12:17] == elmuri [[email protected]] has joined #mount&blade-crpg
[12:18] <bloney> id just like to get back in game and let the butthurt be over
[12:19] <bloney> just cause ur admin and get butthurt on the forums shouldnt mean u can ban someone globally in game
[12:19] <Elmokki> why is the ranged bump range so low
[12:19] <Elmokki> :<
[12:19] <Elmokki> I was facehugging nebun and started attack thinking "hey, this must bump him" and no
[12:20] <Muki> From what I can tell bloney the mutes did fellowed the forum rules, and All your accounts are Perm Ban
[12:21] <bloney> my accounts are perm banned because he got butthurt?
Baloney: [12:21] <bloney> my accounts are perm banned because he got butthurt?
[12:21] <bloney> from the forums?
[12:21] <HardRice> Elmokki, I think you need to attack
[12:21] <HardRice> to bump him
[12:21] <bloney> this is awesome
[12:21] <bloney> ill let everyone know!
[12:21] <HardRice> oh baloney
[12:21] <bloney> and delted from hall of fame
[12:21] <bloney> lmao
[12:21] <Muki> "Fuck you anders! Imma rape your baby bitch! " If your going to repeat this doubt you get far
[12:21] <bloney> thats right
[12:22] <bloney> so now im game banned
[12:22] <bloney> cause of forums lmao
[12:22] <bloney> lol
[12:22] <Muki> Canary has no control over Gobal bans ingame
[12:22] <Muki> It seems your permban for Muti-Accounting
[12:22] <bloney> so my forum actions result in global ban?
[12:22] <bloney> ohhh
[12:22] <bloney> that must be it
[12:22] <bloney> right
[12:22] <bloney> lol
[12:22] <HardRice> gg gf
[12:22] <bloney> fukin butthurt nerds
( Then banned from Irc)

I know he got banned on the forums for his rant/muted etc. But from my understanding he got global banned from servers for having multiple accounts? According to him he has his main one, one that he used years ago and hasent used since, and another that he let his girlfriend use but only used it to argue with canary in some other thread that was deleted after it went wayward quickly. Apparently a poll was made in the thread by canary and once that went in and people started voting that thread was deleted, and then joey was globally banned from the servers. Is there anyway he can get unbanned in the servers? For he has not used the accounts to exploit anything ingame.

Im trying not to turn this into a flame war, i just want to understand why :p

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Buy / Need +3 heavy lance!
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:49:31 am »
PM me!

Sell/Trade / Re: Kirbies Klub of Kookies
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:13:24 pm »

Sell/Trade / Re: Kirbies Klub of Kookies
« on: October 01, 2012, 11:59:32 pm »

What i gotz:

+2 Italian sword Want to trade
+3 Courser Probably will keep
+3 Heavy Bastard Sword Might trade
+3 Heavy Lance Will keep unless amazing offer

Some gold and loomies

What im looking for:
+3 Heavy Gauntlets
+3 White Lam Vest
+3 Pike
GayBlack Sex Slaves

Feel free to make any offers even if they are not on my want list, I will look at and consider each one!! PM meh!

Diplomacy / Re: SWF Strat 4
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:43:17 pm »
In the end it is just a game and having fun means we are all Fat Knights.


Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:44:32 am »
Lets just hope cRPG can be ported over

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