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Messages - woody

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 39
General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone?
« on: November 17, 2015, 05:04:22 pm »
I keep coming back to native/crpg simply because the combat system while not perfect is immensely better than anything else.

However broken strat and laggy servers are not helping. But who has an interest in keeping the mod going? chadz and his dev team in reality have no stake in in crpg, however MBG could be life changing for them. Where would you put 100% of your effort?

The games success (MBG) will not be changed by 100-200 diehard crpgers. The population is low its got to the point I recognise the guys still playing by their playstyle even if they change kit.

Also crpg is now incredibly noob unfriendly, lvl 36 with full looms is probably the standard loadout. When I started if you could manual block a normal swing most of the time you were good, now miss a block like that and you get mocked. Means the only reserve of new players is decent native guys and if they arent on crpg yet its because they didnt like it at its peak so why join now?

General Discussion / Re: [Pub Event] EU_1 Police Shutdown
« on: November 16, 2015, 05:10:29 pm »
Probably too late for this one but for future ones a really complicated way round to resolve the problem, is, wait for this genius suggestion, its awesome, I can see why you didnt think of it, its really clever, you will astounded, they pick one and let others know.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf S key
« on: November 16, 2015, 02:11:27 am »
People cant run backwards fast swinging their arms without falling over. Either nerf the silly backward speed or give it a chance per distance unit to fall over.

General Discussion / Re: [Pub Event] EU_1 Police Shutdown
« on: November 16, 2015, 01:32:03 am »
Maybe something like crusaders versus saracens?

cRPG Technical problems / High Ping before about 9pm
« on: November 11, 2015, 08:05:40 pm »
Recently been getting NA type pings on EU1 early evening.

If I access continental based native servers get same ping as any other time, its just crpg. Any ideas why?

Diplomacy / Current Battles
« on: October 27, 2015, 11:23:48 pm »
Moved back, moved back, suddenly moved forward shit loads of gear lost. How pointless totally busted.

Quit time.

Strategus Issues / Re: Why
« on: October 22, 2015, 06:53:19 pm »
Of which we got 4-5 to participate in NA. Would have been good if we could have got a few more but fighting with shit ping and bad times for us meant almost nobody from EU would roster.

Diplomacy / Re: City given away if capped! Are you the lucky one?
« on: October 15, 2015, 08:35:10 pm »
Baggsy on any sheep in the city, my welsh roots sometimes take over.

PS only the girl sheep, Im no pervert.

General Discussion / Re: Inflation! ! As well as a free lunch
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:47:51 pm »
Laws of supply and demand.

No-one retiring, people have loads of cash.

You want loompoints - retire. Actually what most of the old players did to get their loompoints.

Its was a Kalmar castle that was attacked, for some reason it had no gear. Nothing to do with BB other than we are allies so fair enough.

We were so upset and ashamed by the error we cried non stop on TS as anyone there will know.

There will be other battles.

Can we get on with this please? I want fights. Ultimatum issued, told to get fucked, why wait?

General Discussion / Re: so all my friends on steam played crpg for....
« on: September 28, 2015, 03:30:47 pm »
My friends worked out I have spent the majority of my lifetime income and spare time in pubs. To quote the old cliche - "the rest I wasted".

Do whatever you enjoy and its not a waste. Anyone who spent ages playing CRPG and didnt enjoy it really did waste a large part of their life.

Diplomacy / Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
« on: September 23, 2015, 06:40:23 pm »
Problem is getting randomers to do it. In reality it only guys you can rely on who will do it and you take those out as well.

Diplomacy / Re: NA Strategus General Discussion (by BB <3 )
« on: September 23, 2015, 03:10:42 pm »
Heskey old son you cant attack anyone in EU its bugged. They really are untouchable.

Diplomacy / Re: Attention All Strat Factions:
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:18:19 pm »
I find the greys dont give shit about NA interesting the UIF gave up on EU side long before crash due to the total and utter lack of competition.

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