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Messages - Jeric

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Faction Halls / Re: kinch klub
« on: January 22, 2012, 05:43:29 pm »
ok thovex to join u just put _THE_BUTCHER after your name like this


like that and then you join and remember don't ever talk about the thing you shouldn't be talking about ever

Faction Halls / kinch klub
« on: January 22, 2012, 05:14:14 pm »
hi i am the owner of kinch klub

kinch klub is cool my name is kinch_the_butcher

1st rule about kinch klub
dont talk about kinch klub

thats all i hope you join kinch klub bye

Historical Discussion / Roman gear and weaponry
« on: December 28, 2011, 05:45:00 am »
Wouldn't a Roman clan be great? In my mind's eye I see Roman shield walls with spears behind them and horse-hair helmet centurions commanding the squads.

Roman shields are a lot like Rhodok board shields, only they a have more inward curve at the edges.

They would each carry a gladius double sided pointed shortsword. The 'Broad Shortsword' would suffice, pretty much.

They had a woolen tunic covered by a breastplate and significant,  characteristic shoulder plates. The "Red Corrazina" armor is pretty close excluding the shoulder plates and the lack of breastplate. Close enough, anyway.

Roman soldiers would wear leather sandals. Those don't exist at the moment.

The Roman helmet had a characteristic shape, being completely solid metal coming over the sides of the head to a rounded top and then a visor coming off the back. The bascinet, open sallet, barbutte, spiked helmet, morion, and most other non-face covering, un-coiffed solid metal helmets would work. Centurions and other ranks used barbuttes with horse hair plumes on them.

Romans used crossbows, so that's checked out.

I understand that there is a formerly popular module full of Roman models. Heres the link:

I really hope this is considered. I want to be a Roman! :D

cRPG Technical problems / Re: cRPGLauncher.exe trouble? post here!
« on: December 26, 2011, 02:44:35 am »
Merry Christmas/Kwanza/Hanakuahorhoweveryouspellit!

O.K. -- I think others have had this problem, but I've been crying over my keyboard about it. CRPG's launcher pretty much pauses and refuses to continue at random points in the installation. The only way to get passed this point is to cancel the installation and try again, but then you get the same problem at a different point. I've downloaded the direct files and put them in my Modules folder, but of an outdated version which just froze my computer when I tried to use it.
Before I got Windows 7 I had Windows XP, and I had no trouble at all with the launcher, having only to restart the installation twice. If I'm having trouble installing it with a Windows XP computer, and a bran new Windows 7 computer, something is up, and I can't be the only one. Is anyone else experiencing this or knows what to do if this is happening? Maybe someone could link me to a CRPG folder download that I can just throw in my Modules section? I've been told that updating Warband will help, but I have Warband via Steam. This problem has been going on for a good eight hours.

So, someone help me out.
I'm sad.

General Discussion / Having trouble installing C-RPG
« on: December 25, 2011, 09:37:56 pm »
My friend told me about C-RPG, so I downloaded it a few days ago. I recently reinstalled my OS and now I have trouble installing it.

I was browsing the web while it was installing the first time, and when I looked at it, it was stopped at something. I thought it was just loading it for a while so I went back to browsing. When I came back, it was still on that something. I told my friend and he said to cancel and start it again. I did so, and it happened again, so I did so again - eventually it worked and I got it fully installed.

Now I am in a situation - it stops much more often and restarting it seems to do nothing. I'm worried I won't be able to install it at all . . . Does anyone have help?

(I've been trying to do this for about two hours, I have reinstalled the launcher altogether, as well)

Thank you for reading.

( PS: I have Windows 7, this is a bran new computer )

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