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Messages - Blaint

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Guides / How to set up a c-RPG-Server [+cRPG-server 0.271 ]
« on: May 17, 2011, 11:23:11 am »
Quote from: Meow
Maybe someone feels like writing a complete guide on setting up a server on our guides forum.

So here is a guide to set up a c-RPG-Server
if things are incorrect notice me about it.

- a server/vserver, that can host a warband server with players >= 20.
- some knowledge of ftp/telnet
- knowlege of unrar/unzip
- knowlege of .bat files

If you have a linux server:
- general knowlege of linux (navigating for example)
- knowlege of .sh files
- knowlege about "screen/s"

I uploaded a "default" cRPG dedicated server.
If you have problems with the orginal dedi. server or are just too lazy, use it and skip Chapter 1-2.
(you only have to add the latest cRPG module folder (cRPG -> %/Default cRPG dedicated-server\Modules))
Download (cRPG 0.271 - outdated) :mbrepository   M&B-Nexus     uppit

Chapter 1: Download

The first thing you need are the offical dedicated server-files.
You can get them from the Taleworldswebsite->downloads (or simply here
Now unzip the file where you want (on your server)
You should now have a folder "<your path>\Mount&Blade Warband Dedicated"
In this folder you can see some .bat files.
The .bat (you have to create sh files for linux) run the server with your configs.
if you open "Sample_Battle_start.bat" with a editor you can:
Code: [Select]
mb_warband_dedicated.exe -r Sample_Battle.txt -m NativeBut what is the meaning of these parameter ?

Code: [Select]
-r Sample_Battle.txt This starts the server with the configs from Sample_Battle.txt

Code: [Select]
-m NativeThis loads the module "Native". (See instructions below how to integrate crpg)

Chapter 2: Integrate c-RPG
Now download/upload the last version of c-RPG  to your server and unzip it in the folder "Modules"
After that create a new .txt and name it what you want(where you have your Sample_Battle_start.bat ).
Copy the content of "Sample_Battle.txt" or "Sample_Siege.txt" in this .txt file (and save)
The next steps are different, if you use linux or windows.
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

Chapter 2.1: Warband Script Enhancer Integration
The WSE should come with the crpg module folder.
To integrate the WSE do these 2 steps:

1. copy the content of the WSE folder (in the crpg module) to your server's main folder (where your mb_warband_dedicated.exe is)
2. edit your startfile (.bat or .sh) like can see below:

Code: [Select]
mb_warband_dedicated.exe -r <your config file>.txt -m cRPG
to (for ex.)

Code: [Select]
WSELoader.exe -r <your config file>.txt -m cRPG

Chapter 3: Configuration
You now have to edit your config file , after you wishes.
The most of them are self-explanatory but here are some important(you should change them before start):
Code: [Select]
set_pass_adminsets the server-admin-password to ones of your choice (check Chapter: Administration for more infos)

Code: [Select]
set_server_name sets the servername to ones of your choice (e.x "set_server_name EU_cRPG_42)

Code: [Select]
set_welcome_messageset the welcome message   to ones of your choice

Code: [Select]
set_enable_valve_anti_cheat enable(1) or disable(0) VAC (not realy supported by M&B, so you can set it to 0)

Code: [Select]
set_map <map_id/map_name>Sets the start map to the one of your choice (maybe i will add a Chapter: How to add maps)

Code: [Select]
set_mission set the start Gamemode of you server.
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Code: [Select]
set_control_block_direction 1 set the block typ to auto(0) or manual (1)
Use manual !!!

Code: [Select]
set_friendly_fire_damage_friend_ratio 50half  damage to friends

Code: [Select]
set_melee_friendly_fire 1melee FF (1 = on; 0 = off)
Use 1 !!!

Code: [Select]
set_friendly_fire_damage_self_ratio 0no damage to yourself on teamhit

Code: [Select]
start  starts the server

List of  all options : here

Some hints for configuration:
* you can not change the value of money/exp granted this way
* some functions are locked (by crpg/gamemode)
* use a cfg like the offical server ( and/or nothing which gives advantage)
* you can find all these configuration options in a readme comming with the serverfiles, too

Chapter 4: Start-Server

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(click to show/hide)

Chapter 5: Maps & Mapcycle
In this Chapter, i will try to explain wehere you can find maps and how to add them to the Mapcycle.
There are different ways how to add maps, i will try to explain the methode we are using on our server atm.

Chapter 5.1: Where you can find maps

Way One:
Search for maps at the Scene-editing forum
Just download the map and read Chapter 5.2

Way Two:
Get the maps, you have downloaded from other servers.
You can find them at:
C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\SceneObj.

Chapter 5.2: Add Maps
Normaly you should have/see two different files scn.<yourmapname>.txt and scn.<yourmapname>.sco.
Copy the scn.<yourmapname>.sco to your server's scene folder (Mount&Blade Warband Dedicated/Modules/cRPG/SceneObj).
Now navigate to "Mount&Blade Warband Dedicated/Modules/cRPG" and open the file scenes.txt.
Overwrite one of the scn_blank_"x" with the content of  scn.<yourmapname>.txt
(click to show/hide)
If you now choose the map Blank_"x" on the server, your new map will be loaded.
Maybe this is not the easiest way...

Chapter 5.3: Map/Scene - cycle

Open you serverconfig and search for the lines with "add_map ... "
There you can see your map-rotation.
Now you can simply edit/remove/add this lines to add/remove new maps to the scene-cycle
using the format :
add_map <mapname>
Note: You have to restart the server after you have done your changes.

Chapter 5.4: Scene Strings/ingame scene names

After you have added the scenes to your server/-cycle you still have the problem that they were shown ingame as Blank X or the name of the map, which got overwritten with the another/new scene.
To let the right names shop up IG you have to edit the strings.txt (<yourserver/modules/cRPG)
When you open the strings.txt you can see the lines are in the format:
Code: [Select]
str_<string> <Displayname>You can now simply add/replace the blanks with your new maps using the format:
Code: [Select]
str_<mapname> <displayedmapnameHere an example:
-you want to add the Heisenberg map (scn_Heisenberg.sco)
Code: [Select]
str_Heisenberg Heisenbergthe map would be shown ingame as Heisenberg.
After you have edited the file save it.
You may have to restart the server before the changes take effect.

note: Since patch 2.32 many  scene_strings were already added

Chapter 6: Administration
Before you connect to your server, enter your choosen Admin password in the Server-Password field.
After that connect to your server.
When you press ESC you can see that you now have a button "Administrator Panel".
If you click it, you can see several changeable options.
Here you can edit the most of the options of the config file.
But attention: They won't get saved (after restart).
You also have now the ability to kick/ban players without a vote

(click to show/hide)

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

These questions were not frequently asked in this threat, why have they been added to the list ?
- In the FAQ you can find answeres to some Questions/problems you still may have.

Isn't there a easier way to add new maps ?
- yes, i think look here  (but for me this methode is easier).

I don't get any XP/Money on the server?
- Take a look at :  here .

What mean the part with "<>" (ex. <yourconfig>.txt)
- That means that you can choose you own name for this file (it's like a variable)

How can you set the number of slots > 64 ?
- old:  Take a look here
  new: with the WSE implented you should be able to set the slotlimit >64 i think

Iam the server owner but i cannot find the button for admin-ranks/permission ?
- Your server is probably not connected to the Database.
  First take a look at that, before you contact a admin/dev

Why aren't there more FAQs ?
- dunno, ask! :D


 The D-O-N-K-E-Y crew/devs :arrow: for this awsome mod and the chance for everyone to create a server
 Inquisitor_Renegade :arrow:  who  published the linux start script.
 cmpxchg8b  :arrow: for the WSE(Warband Script Enhancer).

I hope this is a guide was useful for you to create a crpg server or just for informativ reading

good luck

Suggestions Corner / Re: Blaint's Suggestions Thread(WIP)
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:20:54 pm »
What is the opinion about the commander or the donkey  :P ?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add exp gain on the duel server
« on: May 15, 2011, 02:16:26 pm »
for me a permanent  X0.5 would be ok

but i think they won't integrate this idea ...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Blaint's Suggestions Thread(WIP)
« on: May 15, 2011, 02:00:40 pm »
Or the attackers spawn at the flag and the defenders have to run ;)
The spawns seem a little but "fail" at these maps

Suggestions Corner / Re: Blaint's Suggestions Thread
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:24:31 am »

Suggestions Corner / Re: Blaint's Suggestions Thread
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:52:36 pm »
+1 for the idea of this thread.

Taleworlds had a stickied suggestions thread that tried to collect and analyze the general populaces ideas, suggestions and opinions. Its a very nice thread, but i don't know if you're planning to do this? Heres the thread:,77696.0.html

Also, good ideas except for DTV, I believe it should be hard.

the idea of the tread was to make a collection of my ideas (more are comming^^),
not a collection of all suggestion ( i'm too lazy to do that)

// Update (new ideas + edited the old)
 hint: i will remove ideas if they   are not liked :)

Suggestions Corner / Blaint's Suggestions Thread(WIP)
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:56:12 pm »
a summary of my suggestions
I will update it, as soon as i have new^^

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to be continued


Announcements / Re: 0.223
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:34:22 pm »
The Update seems to be good :)

not so many whines than the last update  :lol:

* Blaint gives some cookies to the devs

Announcements / Re: 0.223
« on: May 12, 2011, 05:23:18 pm »
the double weapon length of arrows did not got fixed yet  :?

Suggestions Corner / Re: NA DTV plz..
« on: May 08, 2011, 01:50:33 am »
There is a NA DTV-Server:

c-RPG_NA_Defend  or sth. like this

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make ASP.NET/Silverlight
« on: March 22, 2011, 07:35:01 pm »
a new Web-Interface would be very nice

Scene Editing / Re: Siege Map: Khirin Castle
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:32:47 pm »
+nice map for archers, xbows
+good to defend
-to hard to capture
-only one way to flag

i played it, but the map seems to be not balanced enough.

For the attackers it is to hard to capture the castle, beacause they have to run a long way to the flag, and the defenders spawn arround it.
There should be an other way to the flag as the strong wood gate.

but all in all the map is good.
we need more maps for siege!!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Regarding Repair After the Fix
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:36:32 pm »
i think the chance that items will  NOT break is 4% or 5%.
Nearly after every round i have to pay repair poll.

but it's good that the repair price is now only 5%.

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:23:31 am »
i think 2.00 was a little bit fail  :mrgreen:

but 2.01 is a good patch.
-the repair poll is bether  :o
-more unique chars  8-)
-more fun  :)

for the next patches you only have to fix bugs , balance some weapons  "and may add some new items  :D"

thanks chadz and we all hope you don't give up :D

General Discussion / Re: Repair poll
« on: January 06, 2011, 08:55:26 pm »
i think, if the repair poll don't get edited, many users will stop playing c-rpg (or don't start to play)

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